Car rides

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I woke to the inability to breath, I opened my eyes to see Imhotep, mostly regenerated and kissing me! I tried to pull him off but he only brought me closer as I screamed my voice muffled. That was when Rick came in with Claire the white cat from before, throwing it at Imhotep who stopped kissing me to scream and the. Turn to his sand leaving quickly.

The thing is...I sorta liked the kiss but not the whole dead thing.

I spat out as much as I could of the gross deadness that was in my mouth. Evie came over as I coughed, patting my back softly.

"You two alright?" Rick asked us.

"Well, I'm not sure." John said, making us give him a look.


I was back in my boots and pants, tank top as well with the open guy shirt, some of my ancient daggers in my belt, ready to be pulled out and kill something.

As much as my past life yearns to have Imhotep hold me, it also knows he needs to be stopped and see reason. And from what I can tell, he can be an alright guy if he just let his damn grudges go.

We were back at the museum, do to Evies request.

"Yes, according to legend the black book found in Humunaptra is supped to raise people from the dead. Until now I hadn't believed." Evie says behind ahead of me with Rick.

"Believe it, it's what brought our friend back from the dead." Rick says sounding ready for war.

Evie countinues on. "In thinking if the black book brought people back to life. Then-" Rick interrupts, continuing her thought.

"Then the gold one would kill him."

I smiled at the exchange even if it wasn't the time.

"Exactly, now we just haft to find where the gold book is hidden." Evie says.

As we finished our trek up the stairs, the faint sound of people came to our ears and we all went the opposite way towards the sound of chanting. The chanting of the name Imhotep.

"Last, and my least favorite plague, boils and sores." John says

Ardeth nods. "They have become his slaves, so it has begun....the beginning if the end."

"Not yet has it begun." Evie says looks at us. "Come on." She led us away.

I stayed where I was spotting Imhotep who said something g to the slaves, he looked up at me and smirked.

I frowned and calmly walked towards the sound of my friends talking just as they got in.

"Come on Evie faster." Johnathan said as I arrived in quick steps.

"Patience is a virtue." Evie sing songed as I rolled my eyes scanning the stone myself to help out.

Rick looked down then at her. "Not right now it isn't."

"I've got it, instead of it being in the bottom of Anubis, it is at the feet of Horus!" She proclaims as John runs off to get the car ready. "Take that Benbrigde scholar's!" She said in happiness.

I just gave her a look as we started our way back to the car.

We got there as Jonathan got the car facing our way, Henderson ran like his life depended on it, and it did. We all climbed in as Beni started screaming for Imhotep about us leaving.

I looked up as Rick yelled at Beni, not caring what he said as I stared at Imhotep who was looking angrier by the second.

He screamed as we zoomed off into a wild car ride.

But as Rick and Beni were screaming, and we finally made it out of the museum I groaned as we stopped, more enslaved Egyptians were in our way. Just great.

Rick stepped hard onto Jonathan's foot making the car go forward and towards the people.

"Hang on!!" Rick yelled as Henderson held onto me and the seats, me hearing a faint yell from behind by Imhotep himself.

As we ran into the throng of people, the grabbed onto our car holding on for dear life to get at us.

We all started fighting them off, me with kicking them off, Rick by standing and smashing their faces into the hood before getting them off to the side into a stand. Ardeth punched a guy in the face making him roll off and into more people knocking them over as well. The Professor was literally fighting like some girl.

Jon was doing exceptionally well at driving with all the madness that was going on at the moment.

Then Henderson was out of the car, me staring back in shock as he got tinier. But I couldn't stress out more as I punched another guy that was gabbing for me.

You know when I said Jon was driving good? Well scratch that he crashed the car!!

I fell out and Ardeth and Terrence helped me up as we scrambled back still fighting. Until they stayed away and started saying the damned name of Imhotep.

Then the man himself came, parting the people to let him through to us.

"The creature...." Terrence says wide eyed. "He's fully regenerated.

"No shit..." I said daggers out and at the ready.

"Come with me my flower, for eternity." Imhotep said staring straight at me, only taking a glance at Evie who's beside me.

"He says, come with me my flower." Beni says. "Be mine forever."

"For eternity, you idiot." Me and Evie said glaring at Beni.

"Take my hand and I will spare your friends." Imhotep said, while Beni translated.

"Oh dear...." Evie said as he looked at her too, motioning for her to come forwards as well.

"Any ideas?" I asked Rick as me and Evie gave a nod to each other.

"I'm thinking." He said totally oblivious.

"Well you better think of one fast, cause if he turns me into a mummy your the first one I'm coming after." Evie said and we walked forward.

She was behind Imhotep when Rick pointed his gun at Imhotep. "No!" He has yelled.

"Dont!" Me and her said as Imhotep pulled me to his warm chest which made my heart pound a little, not gonna lie.

"We still have to go to Humanptra to do the ritual."

Ardeth already having an arm on Ricks agreed. "She is right, Live today fight tomorrow."

I nodded at Rick when he looked at me. He then Looked at Evie and put his gone down as he did so. "I'll be seeing you again." He said to Imhotep as he dipped his torch at him.

Imhotep then turned us to leave, my heart racing in another emotion, one called fear.

Rick went to go after but Ardeth stopped him once again. "No, wait!"

"Hey that's mine!" I heard Jonathan say, I looked over to see him glaring at Beni.

"Thank you." Was all Beni said before following Imhotep who's grip hardened on me and Evie.

"Kill them!" He yelled out and me and Evie screamed at him as his slaves went after our friends.

Forgotten Flower (Editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن