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I groaned as I Rose a hand to my head to stop the pounding headache happening there, did I hit my head? Where am I anyway?

I blinked trying to get the bluriness out of my vision when a very skinny like figure came closer to me. With another figure behind it. That's when it hit me, literally as a pebble from the ceiling fell and hit my head, I remembered a whoosh and boom mummy, and alive!!

I stood up quickly but my knees buckled and I was caught in bony arms. I looked up and tried my best to scream but my throat was clamped up in fear. Never in my life have I seen a mummy up and moving.

Well except in those cheap adventure movies.

"My Lotus....." Said the familiar voice, but my mind couldn't get from where at the moment.

I tried to get away. But damn,  he was strong for one with no muscles.

"Um, sire, may I ask what your doing with her?" Said, um, Buddy? I'm not entirely sure, but I didn't care one bit at the moment.

"She is what I waited for, the one thing I'll always come back from the dead for." The mummy said as he tightened his hold and never stopped looking at me.

I stopped to look at him confused at his words, calming slightly I realized just exactly who he was. "Imhotep...." I said as my eyes went wide and I just looked at him.

The mummy smiled at me. "It is indeed me, my sweet Lotus."

I tried to get away again. "Let go!" I said as I tried to get out of his grip over and over again as he started walking.

"Never again." He said still dragging me.

"No, no, no! RIIIICCCKK!!" I yelled hoping he may be around. As we came outside but everyone seemed to be gone.

"Rick left, they all ran. You will see him again soon as we get to Henderson." Buddy said nervously.

"Who is Rick?" Imhotep asked as we stopped just outside the Humanaputra, well the tunnels anyway. He was looking at me.

"He is a old friend, someone I trust more then you at the moment." I said in ancient Egyptian just like he was, just cause I could.

Imhotep growled as we came to a tent and he threw my, gently but forcefully onto a bed roll where he then ripped up parts of a large thin blanket and then proceeded to tie me with it. He then started to find something for himself to wear at the moment.

I growled myself as I struggled against my binding that were bruising my wrists. I then did a small shriek as I was again picked up and thrown over the side of a camel, Imhotep getting on behind me, helping me sit up, legs to one side, back against his chest.

"Great." Is all I said.


Rick's POV

"Did anyone see Lotus?" I asked around the remaining men, as we were at the hotel. I never saw her the night Evie read from the book. I think she went off on her own again.

She does that way to often.

"Not since last night." John said as we sat at the bar.

I rubbed my forehead. "Great. I left my little sis at the cite of the dead. Hopefully shes not dead." I said to no one in particular as a glass was set in front of me.

"You think of her as your little sister?" John asked, as he held his shot glass.

I nodded. "Always have, we became friends in the orphanage. Since age 13. We were the ultimate pair for pranks and trouble."

John nodded and held his glass up to me and so did Henderson and Daniels. We quickly drank, but soon spat it out and the disgusting taste of, blood? I looked at my glass to see the tequila had indeed turned to blood. I looked around and the fountain where Whiton had been stepping in was also red and running.

My eyes widen as I realized what this meant, the mummy was here....

I ran off to find Evie, quickly finding her, giving me attitude of course. Especially since earlier. But then came the astroids hitting the earth around us.

I dragged her away, just as I saw Beni and gave him a quick scare, before hearing a scream of something upstairs and ran towards it.

Probably not the greatest idea.

Evie followed as we came into the the room with Daniels and Henderson.

But the sight wasn't pretty. Burns was a dried up mummy. While the real mumny stood before us as he grew muscles and skin but parts still were missing.

The main thing I saw was Lotus on the floor tied up and looking horrified.

I shot at the mummy and it screamed at me as I shot it. But it then paid attention to Evie who was trying to get to Lotus. He came up to her and looked at her weirdly leaning in to do something. But a white fluffy cat came out of nowhere and the mummy looked at it afraid as it played on the piano.

He was then gone in whirl wind of sand.

"Oh by the gods....who woke him up!?" Lotus yelled getting us out of our stupor.

I sighed in relief as I went up to her. "Lo, thank God your okay." I said as I quickly untied her, seeing slight bruises underneath.

"We're in very serious trouble." She said as she looked deep into my own Blue eyes.

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