City of the Dead

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We finally pass the large dune to see Beni and the Americans and we all stopped, and waited were we were on our rides, either camel's or horses.

"Good morning my friend!!" Beni said as he came up to Rick.

"Well what the hell we doin'?" Daniels, a guy with the Americans asked.

"Patience my good Sahib, patience." Beni said to the man as I watched the sun, well not directly, cause that would be bad, but towards the direction I knew that our destination was.

"First one to the city O'Connell gets 500 bucks cash!" Another American said, Henderson.

I smirked as Rick said the next two words. "Get ready."

"For what?" Evie asked as she looked at me and Rick for an answer.

"We're about to be shown the way." I told her getting ready to get my Camel into action.

We all watched as a large structure came up from the sun the Rose with it, and there, we see the city of the dead!

"Heya!" Some people said as they trotted off, while me, Beni and Rick with Evie, the Warden and Jon close by looking curious.

"SEE YA THERE O'CONNELL!!!" Daniel yells as he rides of.

I just smirked to myself as I watched him and his group.

"Ah, begging your pardon, but shouldn't we be going?" Jon asked as he watched us confused.

"After all you rode us night and day to win that bet." Evie said, just as confused as her older brother.

I cringed as Beni spit into the sand, spitting the word. "Fools..." Out as we watched the Americans get all riled up at the changing of the mirage.

I laugh at the Americans as they all get confused and frustrated at the image moving, that is until I noticed the right timing.

Just as the two beside me shared a look I was already off and going towards the ruins in a fast trek, the others coming behind me as I raced forwards, to far away to hear anything and made it into camp, and soon so did Evie while laughing.

I looked back to see Beni getting back on his horse, and I laughed realizing what might have happened.

I watched as Evelyn went even further until we tried to warn her but she fell off her camel and landed on sand luckily not to hard. I heard her laughing as I slowed to a stop beside her. Soon, I was laughing as well at her craziness.


Rick was tying rope around a large pillar so we could go down a crevice we had claimed and, Evie and Jon were doing something with the mirrors, myself helping as I knew this trick well. The Warden being a lazy ass stood a bit away to what I'm sure he was eating something.

"That thing gives me the creeps." I hear Jon say, and I turn to see a statue of Anubis, how come I never saw that? It was clearly staring me down some and I turned to look at a bit more clearer.


"Be nice, that thing saved my life." Rick said as he slapped the Warden over and over with the rope on 'accident'.

"That 'thing' is a Anubis." I told him as I finally went up to Him to get the damn mirror in place as he wasn't doin much.

"According to Bembridge Scholars, inside the statue of Anubis is a secret apartment, perhaps containing the book of the living." Evie said still messing with her mirror.

I snorted at that. "Suuuuurrreee they did." I said.

We finished preparing, and I went down first, as Rick went and gave something, I'm sure he 'borrowed' from some of the Americans.

I looked around in awe, as I soon heard them coming in after me.

"Do you realize, we are standing inside a room that no one has entered in over 4,000 years??" Evie gives out as I wonder the room with a flashlight, waiting for Evie to do the mirror trick, it was her idea anyway.

The Warden huffs. "Who cares? I don't see any treasure...." He said disappointedly.

"Your welcome to my share of cobwebs." Rick's said smirking, as I stifled a laugh.

"And it stinks to high heaven in here....." Jonathan complained as he then sniffs around till he pinpoints the stink....coming from the Warden.

I snickered as he made a grossed out face and turned away.


I heard many voices whisper as I came up to a slight picture, not hieroglyphics, but a picture, a carving of a beautiful woman who seemed to hold alot of power over lots of people, more then a Pharaoh....huh....

"And then there was....light." Evie whispered as she moved the mirrors, as I heard the small creak of the metal as it turned and soon the room was lit, showing me the picture even more then I could before...

Above the woman was the Anubis God, who seemed to watch over her as she watched over the....dead....

Huh....this place is full of mysteries.

I see the rest of the group start down a  narrow way, and I decided to follow quickly, but skimmed through the writing in the walls, they always have some sort of story to help price together the whole city.

I quickly caught up to Rick, Evie and Jon as they come up to the base of the Anubis statue.

"The legs of Anubis..." Evie whispered to herself as she touched the statue slightly.

"The secret compartment should be held in there." I said as I stood beside her reading the writing.

That is, until we heard lots of noise beyond the corner of the statues feet and we all pull out our weapons except Evie and the three you did, me, Rick and Jon, turned quickly and held our weapons, pointing them at the Americans who had their own pointed at us.

"You scared the besus out of us O'Connell!" Henderson said as he lowered his weapons and so did the rest of us.

"Likewise." Rick replied.

I looked around as we just stayed in an awkward like silence.

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