Chapter Six

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"Are you sure I look okay?" Madison stood in front of the floor length mirror and glanced over her shoulder at Brooklyn.

"Positively sexy" Brooklyn said without looking up. She was spread out on the bed as if she was lying on a cloud. This was her first time visiting and she seemed to be enjoying herself.

"You didn't even look" Madison pouted. She faced the mirror again and fixed the strap of her lilac dress with yellow sunflowers on it. She signed and ran her hands through her hair for the tenth time. She had been on dates before but it hadn't been with a man that she was this close with – not that this was a real date or anything. But in the past if a date went wrong she was just able to avoid the guy. Now if she screwed up she still had to face Brandon every day.

Brooklyn signed and climbed off the bed "look Madison" she said walking up behind her "you are one considerate, intelligent and sexy woman. You shouldn't be thinking or looking down on yourself".

"Its just hard" Madison said softly. She was still damaged from her past. Her confidence had taken a big hit when Alexander cheated on her. She couldn't understand that if she really was as attractive, smart and caring as her friend said she was the why would her fiancé need to go somewhere else for pleasure. Wouldn't she have been enough?

"I know baby girl, I know" Brooklyn said giving her friend a small squeeze of a hug. "But you have nothing to worry about today okay? You look fabulous and your babes will be well taken care of by yours truly. Now all you have to do is relax and enjoy yourself".

"Easier said then done" Madison grumbled. She sighed a little and glanced over at the door. Now was as good a time as any to gather the courage to leave. With one last deep breath she left her room and headed downstairs.

Brandon was standing by the front door waiting and ready. He had on a sky blue polo shirt and a kaki pants. His hair was brushed back into place unlike when Madison first saw him. "Ready sweetness?" he asked holding his arm out for her.

"Yes sir" she said glancing at her children whom were all lined up. She felt as though she was a child again going on her first date, but instead of her dad giving warning glares it was her son. "We will be home before bedtime alright?" she promised.

Both parents gave each of their kids a kiss on the head and then together they stepped out to freedom.

"So where are we going?" Madison asked as Brandon opened her door for her. He had nearly begged her to let him drive because he wanted to surprise her. Against her better judgment she allowed him. She didn't want to spoil his surprise.

"Well now where would be the fun in that?" he said climbing into his seat and starting the car.

"It would be fun for me" Madison said giving him a cheeky smile.

Brandon just laughed a little and shook his head. He turned the car onto high 401 east bound towards Scarborough. Madison wasn't sure what she had expected, maybe a lunch at some fancy restaurant downtown, but she hadn't been prepared for them to leave the city.

"How do you feel today?" Madison asked glancing over at him.

He glanced back at her and shook his head "nope, none of that today honey. Today you and I are going to focus on each other. Not on the accident" he insisted.

"Technically asking how you are is focusing on you" Madison answer playfully.

"You are one cheeky little monkey today aren't you?" Brandon teased. He smiled over at her and removed one hand from the wheel. He clasped onto her warm hand and held it in his lap. Softly and slowly his thumb moved in small soothing circles.

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