Chapter Twenty-Six

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"What do you think of this one?" Brooklyn asked stepping out in a lavender colour dress. It was simple enough – floor length, snug around the waist and had a collar cut straight across with just a little off the shoulders.

"Oh I adore it" Rebecca cheer as she clapped her hands delicately together. "It is very simple and understated. It is fit for a Haywood," she said. The wheels inside her head started to turn. "It'll be great with different accents. We can do a touch of red and silver. Take a step away from the classic gold".

"Just imagine the lavender table cloth you can have, with small lilac and little red flowers within them" Rebecca continued "I think that'll look very classic and fresh".

"I don't like it" Ava said as she walked into the bridal boutique. She hadn't been invited but seemed she had found out about the date and decided to crash it. "Purple has never been Madison's colour. It washed her out far too much".

"Well Madison wont be wearing it" Rebecca answered back seeming insulted by the comment going against her.

"I know she won't be wearing it but it'll be in photos with her and it won't compliment her" Ava insisted.

Madison sighed a little and looked to Brooklyn for help. She was her maid of honour after all. Maybe she would have something to bring the conversation back around. "Well this is the first dress after all" Brooklyn said, "Isabelle and Kennedy are each trying on a different dress".

The two mothers glared at each other but finally backed down. They both settled on seeing more options. Ava came over and settled on the other side of Madison.

Isabelle came out next wearing a deep royal blue. She spun around once and then posed by the mirrors.

"Oh now that is a dress" Ava said "eye catching, a hard firm color and really makes her pop".

"I hate it" Rebecca gasped in disgust and made a face at it. "That dress is far to harsh. It simply does not go. The colour will never be able to blend well with anything other then equally dark tones".

"And what is wrong with using dark tones?" Ava asked crossing her arms over her chest as a challenge.

"Everything" Rebecca said "they are much too bold for a classy Haywood wedding. We need to stay at least a little close to the image that we have built. We need to stay warmer and classier. Its what the guests will expect from a Haywood celebration".

"Well not everyone is a Haywood" Ava snapped at the other woman.

"I am well aware but at least all but one of us acts like it".

Ava looked as though she was ready to jump across Madison's lap and smack Rebecca across her face.

"Okay next dress!" Madison called out for Kennedy to make her appearance.

Kennedy stepped out in a green dress that fell as a high low style. It joined in tightly at the waist and has off the shoulder sleeves.

"I love the high low style," Ava said.

At the same time Rebecca said, "The style is horrible".

Madison sighed a little and hung her head low. Here we go again.

"Of course you think it's a good choice" Rebecca mumbled and rolled her eyes. Madison had never seen Rebecca come across without proper decorum. She always had perfect posture and never mumbled under her breath.

"Why must you be so disagreeable" Ava snickered to her "do you always walk around like you have a stick up your-"?

"Mother!" Madison gasped and glared at her. She flashed a look towards her twin girls that we sitting on the ground starting to look bored.

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