Chapter One

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Hey guys, I'm not gonna go on and on in the intro but please don't steal my story. I work hard on it and yeah. Comment and rate please and thats about it from me.


Chapter One:

I sat in the back of the four wheeled drive, the window down and my brown, curly hair whoosed aroung me. Mum, Dad, My Brother and I sat in silence most of the way until someone was brave enough to speak.

"Think of this as an adventure. Face it kids, we can't stay on the farm forever." Dad tried to make me and my brother Daniel think of moving from the country to the city a 'fun adventure' but he had no idea how much I've lost, and we haven't even left the drive-way yet.

"Yeah, an adventure to see how long it'll take Taylor to adjust to not wearing overalls." Daniel laughed away at his own joke. I hit him on the arm and he let out a massive cry. He is such a girl.

"Daniel. Taylor can dress however she likes. Can't you dear?" Mum looked through the revison mirror at me and I nodded my head.

As Mum pulled up outside our brand new house I felt as if I just got shot by a gun in the stomache. My new house was nice. It was double storey, brick and bascially looked like every other house in the street. I opened the car door and I felt some wet, cold raindrops fall on me. I pulled my hoodie over my head and collected my suitcases and bags from the back of the car.

My room was last on the left of the hallway. It was big, and already had my furniture in it. I thanked god I didn't have to move any heavy furniture around and i threw my bags of clothes, make-up and all my other junk onto the pure white bed and went downstairs.

Night time and the gut feeling I had earlier just got worse and worse. I knew what was coming tomorrow. I didn't want to have to do it. For all my luck I'd probably have to get up infront of 3,000 people and introduce myself and then do it again in every class I would have. I just wish I could bring the farm, my friends, my school to London and keep everything how it was back home. The home I'd been at since I was 4 months old.

I woke up to not the sound I was used to. This time it was cars roaring past my house, thr children playing outside before school. School. School. School. Today was the day. I took a deep and long breathe and grabbed my towel ready to get into the shower.

The shower was warm, which was what I needed to wake me up. I finally got out and mum yelled out breakfast was ready, I quickly got dressed into a black and white jumper and some jeans and ran downstairs for breakfast.

Dad had left for his new job as a check out guy in a local shop down the road and Mum was just starting to get ready to drop me and Daniel off at our new school.

"Have fun today guys, Don't miss me too much" Mum joked and drove off. I sighed and Daniel and I walked over to office in silence. Ever pair of eyes that pasted us stared. It was awkward as awkward could be.

"How may I help you two today?" I blonde woman from behind the counter asked. "Hi, I'm Taylor and this is Daniel. Its our first day." The ladies eyes glissened and her facital expression changed. She obviously was expecting us. "Of course" She went back to her desk to grab four pieces of paper. "Now, here's your scheldual and a map. Enjoy your day guys." She smiled and turned back to her desk. Daniel nodded his head in approval, he had Manual Arts first up and I had.. English.

I made my way over to Block 6. It wasn't to hard to find, even without the map. It was the building right next the office so instead of going to class 10 minutes early, I walked around trying find the art block for the class after English.

English was okay. I didn't get the whole introduction thing so I was happy. I got sat next a friendly red-head girl. Her name was May or something.. I can't remember. She had Maths next so she asked me to meet her outside the art block so she can show me to around during break.

I finally figured out the girls name was infact May and she became my newest best friend. She showed me around to all my classes and we had Sport, English and Music together. It was nice to have a friendly face around.

I had forgeten to pack lunch this morning so May offered to buy me a sandwhich. I was so hungry so I didn't argue.

"So, Taylor.. What's the weather like in the country?" May sounded so interested in the weather. "Oh you know, sunny.. not raining as much as it does here. I've only been here a day and its probably rained more than it did in a year in the country." May laughed and continued to eat her sandwhich.

I looked down at the ground a lot of the time, I hated all those eyes staring at me. Suddenly I felt a body slam into me, their drink splash all over my body and a million eyes turn my way. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I looked up to meet the brown eyes of a guy. He laughed and May giggled. I wondered if May liked this guy or something. "No, no its fine." I repiled brushing the drink off me. Not that it helped at all. "Here." The guy handed me a napkin and I tried my hardest to get what I think was energy juice off me. "Sorry again. I'm Harry by the way." His smile was white and perfect. He was really cute and his brown curly hair was so hard to not touch. "Thanks. I'm Taylor." May interuppted. "She's new. Its her first day." Yep, I think May lies this guy. Although, who wouldn't. "Oh, I'm sorry love, nothing like a bit of first day embrassment aye?" Harry was the only on to laugh. Excpet for May who laughed at everything Harry said. "Here, what class so you have next? Maybe I could walk you to it." May cleared her throat. "Sorry, she has sport with me next. Don't you Taylor?" She pulled my arm and left. What happened? Two seconds ago everything the perfect guy said was funny to her, now she's storming off from him. Werid.

Sport was fun. It ended up Harry was in the class with me and we got put onto the same team and poor May got put onto the other team. We played soccor and all I could think about was how many times I'd rolled my ankle playing soccor.

The day finally came to an end and Harry, May and I walked out the school ground together. Mum had texted me to walk home because Daniel threw up at school so she had to take him to the doctors. I probably preffered to walk home and not be one of those people who's parents do everything for them. Harry lived in the same street as me, a couple houses down so it was nice to have someone with me t show me the way home since I'd forgoten already. He told me a bit about himself. Things like he likes girls and stuff. The usual boy stuff. But I could tell he was hiding something. I just couldn't put my finger on what.

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