Chapter Nine.

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Taylor's recovery was fast and once all the doctors appointments were over Taylor had moved in the Harry and the lads. Taylor and the boys got on quite well. Always joking, pranking and having a laugh. Taylor however was the only girl in the house - unless the boys Mums had come for a visit for sometimes things got a little annoying but everyone in the crowded household sorted it out and got back to their joking around.

Harry and Taylor's one year aniversary was today and Harry wanted to make it special. Like, maybe.. Propose? Harry had orginised a dinner for them both - just like the one Harry had planned a year ago. The thought of that dinner made Harry cringe so of course he had taken Taylor to a new resturant.

"Taylor." The voice was deep and meaningful - like Harry was going to giev a nice long explaination.

"Yes Harry."

Harry stood up from his chair slowly and gracfully. He steedly walked over to hi girlfriend and got down on one knee.

"I love you Taylor. I love the way you make everyone laugh without even trying. I love the way you smile. I love you way you bring out the best in people - espically me. Without you I'd be.. Nothing. Just a casual sucessful 20 year old who has girls screming at his face every single day." Harry looked up into the gorgous blue/green eyes. "I love the way you laugh at every joke I tell - even if they're all pretty lame. I never regret the day we met, how you ran into me and went as red as.. Well, a tomato." Taylor giggled remembering the day they both fell in love. "But most of all, I loev you for just being you." Harry kept his gaze locked onto Taylor. Most of the people in the resturant had turned and faces the cute couple and 'awed' at almost everything Harry said. "Taylor Jane Bates. Will you do that honor of marrying me?" Harry pulled out a silver ring and Taylor went silent for a moment. Harry started to hestiate. Maybe it was to early. Maybe he should have aited a year. Maybe-

"Yes!" Taylor yelled and everyone in the room clapped for the newly engaged couple. Harry stood up, carefully placing the silver ring onto Taylors finger and stared down into her eyes. "You're gonna get lucky tonight." He laughed.

10 Months Later.

Taylor pulled out her diary. She's been keeping one since the day she got out of hospital. Instead of writing in it though, she just read through everything.


Dear Diary,

Harry is the sweetest guy I've ever met. Seriously. Today he brought me home from the hospital and explained why I was in there in the first place. He teared up more and more ever sentence and I couldn't help but cry when he finished. I felt so.. So guilty. Harry may seem to be quite the strong person but he takes a lot to heart. He suddenly wanted me to move in with him. I said yes of course - just after I'm well and recovered propley. I don't want him worring to much if say my chest starts to play up and hurt to much. LIke he did yesterday.

Anyways, goodnight. xxx


Dear Diary,

Today was Harry and I'd special day. Harry had asked me out excatly a year ago. He took me out for dinner, delibretly not taking me to where I had collapsed last time he took me out alone and propesed. How sweet? He then told me that I was gonna get 'lucky' tonight but that didn't work out. Simon had rung Harry just before we were going to start and said he had to do a phone interview. I suppose I would rather wait until we're married to go all the way I guess.


Dear Diary,

Today was the biggest day of my life. Harry and I got mairried. Niall and Liam were ring men, Mum, My Auntie Kassie and Harrys sister Gemma were bridesmaids and Louis was best man. Zayn was a little upset he didn't get a job but he understood. Zayn brought along his 2 children -Max and Mazzy. He had been married about 3 months now and had twins last month. Max and Mazzy loved Harry so they had sleepovers quite often. Harry would make the most perfect dad. He was energetic, loving and always looking out for the ones he loved.

Back to the wedding though, Harry started to cry during the vowels and that made me choke from laughing and crying. Everyone laughed and waited for Harry to wipe away his tears and say his vowels. He said it like he truely did mean it. In his perfect, loving, caring, teary voice. I loved this guy so damn much and I've seen him with his dark side. Even though it may had scared me a little. I still loved him for who he is, not who the world sees him.

I just cannot believe I'm going to spend the rest of my life with such a perfect guy. How did I ever get so lucky?

I felt a stroke run through my hair. I knew it was Harry, his long fingers told me all. "What are you doing?" Harry leant down for a kiss. His soft, sweet, warm lips touched mine and his tounge suddenly touched mine.

"Mmmm.." I tried to reply but Harry wouldn't let go. He just kept his lips pressed hard against mine and tounge stuck into my mouth. "Shh..." He pulled away putting his index finger against my lips. Suddnely, he pushed me down onto the bed and fell on top of me. I laughed and Harry pressed his lips against mine yet again. They felt warm and ready. Like he's been wanting this for years. Not that I would blame him. We haven't had much alone time for a while so making-out wasn't quite an option.

He started to move his hips around and every now and then trusting. I knew what he wanted. I hadn't done it before though so I felt a little uncomfortable doing it. But Taylor was married to Harry -she trusted him. Through sickness and through health.

"Take them off." I looked down at Harrys pants and Harry was kissing down my neck. "You sure you're ready?" I said between kisses. I groaned. It felt so good. "Just do it." I mumbled and Harry did as he was told - still kissing the bottom of my neck making me feel.. Special.

Harry undid his belt and slowly took off my jeans. His lips made their way back onto Taylors lips and Taylor didn't hestitate to groan in joy. slid of both their underwear and made his way inside Taylor. Taylor groaned and Harry enjoyed it everytime she did. Harry knew it wouldn't last long seeing its Taylor's first time. But it was amazing while it lasted.

"Harry, Taylor? You guys awake?" Niall banged on the door. I felt Taylor moan and saw her head against my neck. I smiled and told Niall he could come in.

"Whats up?" I heard him open the door and step inside the small room. "I just needed to use the bathroom but my shower isn't working so do you mind if I use yours?" Niall walked over to the door knowing I would respond with yes.

" I suppose so." I sighed. "By the way, use your own shampoo."

I looked down to Taylors head. She was mumbling something in her sleep and I just laughed stroking my fingers through her hair.

"Good morning sleepy head." Louis joked as Taylor and I wondered into the loungeroom, hands locked together.

"Nawh. So cute." Liam laughed staring at our hands. Taylor yawned and let go of the locked hands. She wondered into the kitchen and said goodmorning to Zayn, Max and Mazzy.

"Aren't they the cutest?" Taylor said watching Zayn give a spoon food of Apple flavoured baby food. "Duh, they look like me." Zayn joked and I hit him in the arm. "Mr Big head you are."

One Month Later:

Taylor sighed. She knew it would happen. This was the reason she had never got physical before. Now she had to break the news to Harry. Even though she loved him and he loved her, she had no idea how he would take it.

"Harry." She said softly, taking her time.

"Whats up love?" He held his hands on Taylor's cheeks holding her close.

"I've got something to tell you." Harry could tell Taylor was worried.

"I'm...I'm..." Taylor stuttered. "I'm pregnet."

Harry smiled. This is all he could have dreamed of. Getting married to the most perfect girl then starting a family with her. How did he ever get so lucky?

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