Chapter Ten.

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7 Years Later:

"Come on kids. Out we get." Harry pulled open the car door and let out our 3 beautiful children. Maya our first born. Sarah our middle child and Greyson the brand new edition to the Styles family. "Don't forget to get the presents out of the car Mum." Maya said walking over to where I had opened the boot of the car. "I won't." I replied.

Every Christmas for the last 7 years we would go over to Liam and his wife's house. We would have a massive lunch cooked by Liam's wife Kara and then we'd open the presents. After that we would all talk and usually play a game or something.

Knock Knock

Maya knocked on the door and Zayn answered. "Hi Maya." Zayn picked the 7 year old up and hugged her. Maya always had a thing for Zayn.

"Hey Zayn." Harry had Greyson in his arms and half hugged Zayn. "Hey Hazza. How are you?" Zayn played with Greyson's hair and smiled at the way Greyson laughed. "I'm good thanks, Niall here yet?" Harry walked inside while Zayn walked over to the car to help Taylor and Sarah with carring the presents.

"Hey Tay." Zayn kissed Taylor on the cheek and said hello to Sarah. Sarah went red in the cheeks - she was so shy sometimes.

"Hey guys." Liam done up the last button on his shirt and walked into the lounge-room. "Thanks for getting the door Zayn. You may as well live here." Liam joked.

"Well, with our kids being best friends and all." Kara walked in from the kitchen bringing in some food. All eyes were locked onto the cheese and biscuits as Kara put them down onto the coffee table. "How have we all been these days?" All the children crowded around the goodies of food and nibbled away.

"Well, with 3 children things get hectic." Harry continued. "But, I usually leave all that stuff to Taylor." Niall laughed and picked up a biscuit.

"I know how you feel - Max and Mazzy have a new thing of not getting off their Wii. Its quite annoying." Zayn tapped Harry on the sholer and walked into the kitchen to grab a drink.

Knock Knock

Max and Mazzy jumped up quickly and ran to the door. "UNCLE LOUIS!" they screamed.

Max opened the large double doors and there was Louis and his wife Eleanor. "Hey guys." As he spoke their only child wondered through the door. Tommy was a lot like Louis. Playful, energtic and loved to joke around. Tommy and Sarah were like bestfriends even though they didn't have much in commen.

"Sarah!" Tommy yelled and pushed his way through the door and next to Sarah who was nibbling away on her biscuit. "Tommy!" They hugged and everyone awed.

"Thats just too cute." Kara remarked in an aw.

"Present time?" Liam asked looking around at all 10 adults. "I think so." Louis replied as he stood up and grabbed the first present. Louis was always in charge of giving out the presents. "Erm.." Louis tried to find the name tag. "Thsi is for Max, from Harry, Taylor, Maya, Sarah and Greyson." Max's eyes lit up as he grabbed the box from Louis' hands. The 9 year old ripped open the blue and red wrapping paper and scremed when he opened it. Harry laughed. "Taylor picked it so thank her." Harry looked at me and smiled. "Well, she picked all the presents." Harry leant in and kissed Taylor.

"I love it, thank you."

"Okay, next up is.." Louis picked up another present. "This is for Taylor.. From Harry and the kids." Taylor got up and picked up the present from Louis' hands. It was small and looked breakable.

"Enjoy." Harry smiled and Maya and Sarah looked up and Greyson started babbling on.

I ripped open the small, fragile present. "Oh my god Harry.. You didn't!" He smiled weakly - he had just given me a dimond necklace. The one I picked out a gew months before out wedding.

"I love you." Everyone awed and Harry leant in for a kiss. As he pulled away he replied with. "I love you too."

After the present were opened the children all went outside to play with their new toys. All of the remaining people stayed inside for some drinks.

"Do you guys remember the time Mazzy walked into the door and chipped is front tooth?" Zayn laughed. "Oh yeah and you took him to the hospital because you had no idea what to do." Zayn went red as we all laughed. "Hey, do you blame me. He never stopped crying." Taylor looked over to Harry who was obviously thinking the same thing I was.

"Remember when Niall got so drunk he slept in a bin?" Everyone laughed and Niall went as red as a tomato. "I actually don't remember that." He lied. "Mate, it happened" Louis laughed slapping Niall on the back. "I was the one who put you in there."

"Oh.. Do you guys remember when Niall was ordering something from KFC and Louis ran up behind him and pulled his pants down?" Taylor laughed and Niall went even brighter in the cheeks. "Oh god that was a classic." Louis laughed.

"Remeber when Maya was playing hangman with us and she was the one making up the word and when we got all the letters it wasn't even a word and we asked her what it said and she replied with ' don't know - I can't read?" Everyone burst out into tears of laughter. That comment Maya made had made it into the funny moments album. "Only Maya would do that." Taylor laughed.

"Come on guys, who's up for a bedtime story?" Harry said pulling up a seat next to where all 6 children lay - tucked into their blankets. Taylor stood in the doorway and Harry had no idea she was there. "What one tonight?" Louis asked. "The Dark Scary Night" Greyson screamed. "No.. No Not that one! Too scary!" Louis laughed. "Okay then. What about The Superhero Boyband then?" All the children cheered. Harry and Louis laughed and Louis started off the story. "Once apon a time their lived a boyband who knew everything that happened in the city of London...."

I stared at Harry who put on his silly voice everytime someone spoke in the story - I laughed and sat next to Harry who sat closlyto Louis as they told the story. After about 10 minutes of story telling all the children were aslepp.

"Night love birds." Louis got up and smiled at Harry and I. He left the room and Harry smiled. "Aren't they just adoreable?" Harry giggled and stared at Maya, Sarah and Greyson as they slept helplessy. "I would do anything for them." Harry smiled and kissed my temple as he stood up. "You coming?" He asked. "Just give me 2 minutes" I replied and watched Harry leave the room. "Goodnight kids. LOve you." I kissed all 3 of the beautiful children I was blessed with a followed Harry into the loungeroom where our matress lay. 

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