Chapter Four.

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"HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME?" I scremed threw the phone. Harry probably was about to do deaf but he had kept a secret so huge from me.. Do you blame me yelling?

"I'm sorry, I wanted you to treat me for me. Not Harry Styles in band One Direction." His almost-perfect voice drifted threw my side of the phone line, I was so caught up in my own little world, I had no idea what Harry was trying to say.

"When I first say you I fell in love." I paused. Did he just say that? "I wanted you to get to know me. Not know me for all the rumors about me." I didn't think of it like that. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe it was good he kept it a secret and let me figure it out myself. I had a hit of gulit in my stomache. Harry kept talking while I thought about it. I would've loved him for him even if he had of told me before. But, maybe I would not have. Maybe he was right.

I told Harry I had to go. I hung up the phone and stared out the window. I felt the salty tears swell up in my eyes, I should've stayed out of it. I sighed, layed down on my bed and I felt myself slowly falling asleep.

Harry's POV:

I tried to explain to Taylor she had to wrong idea of the whole situation, but she wouldn't listen. "HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME?" She yelled. I hated her feeling like this and to know I made her feel like this.. Argh.

"When I first saw you I fell in love." I continued. "I wanted you to get to know me. Not know me for all the rumors about me." Taylor must have been hit with the fact, I did it for her. Not for me.

Taylor had to go, I sighed and hung up. I walked into the loungeroom and noticed the boys maing a video for our fans. I laughed, Louis was dancing around like an idiot with Niall. They laughed and smiled and asked me to join but I refused. I needed some advice.

"Hey Zayn..." Zayn looked up from his Notebook. He was drawing an apple or something. "Whats up?" He replied. His voice sounded annoyed. One does not interupt Zayn while he is drawing.

"I was wondering if I could have some advice on... well... a girl." I sat in the chair behind Zayn and he turned around. He looked like some sort of evil guy or something. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Okay well.. Go on." He finally sounded normal. "Well, theres a girl I met while were we on holidays. Her name is Taylor."


"Anyways, I never told her about.." I threw my hands around. "All this. I thought either she knew about us or she didn't."

Zayn must have got the idea of what I was talking about.

"Well just.. Maybe..." He obviously had no advice for me. Typical.

"You could always bring her on tour.. I mean, you'll have to ask Paul, the boys and management." Zayn didn't really like the idea but said it anyway. "Nah, I mean I'd love to see her again.. But, maybe not now." Zayn nodded his head and brang the chsir closer to me. He moved the hair from my ear and whispered. "Pretend to be sick, take a week or so from the tour, go home and see her. Simple." ZAYN YOU GENIUS. "But what if I get caught?" Zayn moved away from my ear and I fixeed my hair back up. It was a werid idea. But it just might work.

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