Chapter 3

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Taylor's POV:

Harry wasn't at school for the next week. I hated him not being there. I wondered if I was the reason he wasn't there. But what did I do? I'm sure I haven't done anything. And the last time I saw Harry he was happy and his normal charming self. I needed to know what was going on.

Saturday came and I made a promise to spend the whole day trying to figure out what he was hiding.

Knock, knock. I sighed, maybe he doesn't wanna see me, maybe I was the reason he hasn't been at school may--

"Oh hello Taylor." I looked up, Anne was standing right infront of me.

"Hey Anne, I was kinda wondering if Harry was home.?"

"Oh, he hasn't told you yet?" Anne's face looked puzzled.

"Hasn't told me what?" I was so damn confused, I knew there was something he never told me. I knew it.

"Oh don't worry love, maybe you should call him."

I nodded my head and Anne invited me in for a drink, I love this girl, she's so nice. I refused though, I had to call Harry. Right. Away.


"HARRY STYLES, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" I completely yelled threw the phone. "Woah, woah, hun... Slow down. Take a breathe." I laughed, this guy, it's so hard to stay mad at him.

"Where are you? You haven't been at school for a week, your Mum won't even tell me. Come on, I thought we were best buddies..." There was an awkward silence and I could hear a group of guys in the background.

"Oh, erm, I'm visiting my grandma over in.. eh, Chesire." He had that lying sort of tone about him. "Oh okay, I'll let you get back to that then. Come back soon." His voice sounded hesitent as he said goodbye. That was it. I threw my phone onto my bed and logged onto the laptop. I had to get to the bottom of this.

Harry Styles I typed into Google Images. I waited for the webpage to load, for some reason it took forever, then.. There he was. About a million pictures of the guy I'd met at school two weeks ago. There was pictures of him when he was young, there were pictures of him with some guys and another picture of Harry with a microphone.. SInging.

I clicked on that one picture and read through the arcticle.

Harry Styles, memeber of One Direction has given up some time to take an interview with us.

"I'm not dating at the moment but there is maybe someone I like." I read the date the webpage had been published. Only yesterday.

I quickly shut down the computer. I was so furious. How could he not tell me he was in a band. One Direction? Cool name but.. He never told me. The fact he liked someone also.. Obviously not me. I mean look at me. And all the people he could date... Seriously, it wasn't me.

I thought I better call Harry. But something told me I shouldn't. I wanted to. I needed to but that one voice in my head told me not to. But I did anyway.

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