Chapter 5.

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Taylor's POV:

I ran around my room trying to find my hairbrush. Argh, I hated Mondays. I had one of those lightbulb moments and remembered I'd left it in the bathroom. I quickly bolted out of the door and into the batroom to find my pink and white hairbrush lying on th bench. Score.

"Bye Mum, love you." I waved bye to Mum and headed out the door and walked to the end of my street. I'd been here about a 3 weeks now and I'm pretty sure I've got the hang of everything. Except Harry.

"TAAYYLOOORRR" I heard a familer voice from behind me. I turned around and saw Harry running up to me. I felt a kick in the gut. This wasn't the best time.

"Aren't you meant to be with your band or something?" I asked. I could feel the anger burning up inside me.

"Yeah but I'm taking some time off. You know, to get to know you better." I froze. Harry smiled away and I could feel the anger start to leave. He took time off tour for me? He dissapointed fans, for me? This guy... How could you ever stay mad at him.

"Woah. You did that.. For me?" I questioned his statement. "Yep. Something like that. I can understand if you don't wanna see me but I wanna see you." He sheepishly smiled. I saw his fist clench up. He told me he does that when he's nervous.

"Oh.. um.." I blushed. I felt my face burn up with well... embressment. "You're cute when you blush." Harry joked. I'm never cute.

Harry walked me to school but he explained how he's ment to be sick so he can't go to school. I noticed he would do the little flirt thing every now and then but I just laughed or giggled. I didn't want my feelings to show up to much.

After school I decieded I should rush into seeing Harry. I missed him while he was gone but there was something about him before. He wasn't as.. I dunno.. He just wasn't himself. I thought maybe if I give him some space he might be better tomorrow. If he's still here tomorrow.

I sat in my room with the music turned up as loud as it would go. I had to block out the thought of Harry being big and famous. It still hadn't hit me and I don't think it will any time soon.

I felt a vibration from my pocket, it was obviously my phone ringing. I read the screen 'Harry'. I knew I shouldn't answer but that little voice in the back of my head told me too.

"Hello?" I answered. I kinda wish I hadn't now.

"I thought you said you'd visit me after school? Its 4:30 and no ones here yet.." I could hear a different laugh. Not Harry's. Someone elses.

"I know.. we got.. er.." I had to make up an excuse to not see the guy of my dreams. "We had lots of maths homework" i said in a rush.

"That funny, I dont think you've got maths on Fridays..." Shit.

"Oh.. did i say maths? I meant.. er.. English homework. Yeah." I heard both Harry and the strange voice laughing. Who was it?

"I'm sure it can wait aye? You've got all weekend to do it." This guy knows how to convince me. I swear.

"Fine, I'll be over in five minutes." I answered.

I hung up the phone and put it safely into my pocket. It felt kinda awkward running downstairs with it in there but I delt with it. I had other things to sort out.

For some reason Harry's house seemed more far away than usual. Like the street had suddnely gotten longer. Either, I was going insane or time just went really slowly.

When I had finally gotten to the front door of Harry's house I gulped. There was a note on the door. I took it off the door and read it.

Tay, meet me out the back of my house kay? I've got a surprise for you. Love, Harry. xxxx

I shook my head. Harry was the first guy to ever make me feel this way. I'd never actually felt love before. Well, not like this anyway. I slowly walked around the back of his house. Every step closer to the gate I felt a little more nervous. I don't know why I feel like this. Was it the vide he gave me. The way he haden't been at school for 2 weeks then surprises me? Or was it the fact I was falling head over heels for this guy. I couldn't choose which opition but what I did know was. I loved Harry.

Opening the gate was harder than actually walking to it. I could see Harry standing there watching me fail. I laughed and asked him to help. Of course Harry got the gate open first go. Its a guy thing I think.

"Well hi love." Harry had a sweet, soft vide about him. The one you'd kinda get after just looking at the cutest little puppy in the world. Harry was like my own little puppy. Iristible.

"What is it you're surprising me with excatly?" I replied. "Oh you'll see." Harry could feel my nerves. He put his arm around my waist and we walked around the corner of the house. It was a little dark and a tad scary. Harry knows I have a fear of the dark.

"3.....2.....1.. COMMMEE OUTT!" Harry yelled. I suddenly saw a guy. He was about the same height as me. He had brown, kind of short hair and a massive smile. I frowned. "SO this is the girl Harry's been talking non-stop about." The strange man walked into the light and I could see him a little more clearer. "I don't talk that much about her Lou!" Harry replied. He sounded half joking and half mad. At least I figured out the guys name. "Anyways. Taylor this is Louis. He's a member of the band and we're really close. I thought if maybe.. we're gonna.. do all.. this.." A silence came above us. He was planning on... Wait.. What?

"Gonna do what?" I asked. My frown got deeper and deeper with every sentence someone spoke. "Well, I thought maybe... you know.. we could.. go out?" Harry blushed. I just wanted to yell and scream. Harry was asking me out. I mean come on. I love this guy. I just smiled and nodded my head trying to hold in my excitement.

"Of course we can Haz!" I remarked. Harry stopped blushing and he grabbed my hand, holding it perfectly with his. "So, back to the point." Louis continued. "Harry told me that if you and him are gonna go official you're gonna get asked some personal questions about him. And well.. lets face it, you havent quite spent a lot of time with him." Louis was right.

"So I brang Louis to stay with me while in 'sick' and he can let you in on all the goss. Sounds good aye?" I nodded my head. Harrys hand seemed to get a tad sweaty. I held it there though. I heard a car pull up in the driveway. Harry told me to hide but I had no idea where to actaually hide. Louis grabbed my hand just as Harry had let go and pulled me into the darkness. "I hope you're not affraid of the dark." Louis joked. "I am actaully.." whispering so no one would hear me but Louis. "Well, its gonna be a long time for you in here." Louis grabbed hold of me. It felt.. awkward.. But he's gotta what he's gotta do right.?

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