Chapter Seven.

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Harrys POV:

I sat in the waiting room watching all the sick people, vomit, cough, sneeze and blow their noses. It was gross but I wasn't allowed into the ward where Tay was until she was stable.

"Harry?" The voice was soft and sweet. Like Louis'. I turned around and as a matter of fact - it was Louis.

"What?" I wasn't in the mood for a chat. I folded my arms and looked away from him, letting him know I wasn't in the mood.

"I heard about Taylor on the news. You okay?" Harry found a seat next to me. "Meh." I replied.

"Mr Styles." A lady in a red and blue vest walked up to me. "Taylor is stable. However, she's still in a coma. Would you like to come in and see her?" I felt the guilt run away from my stomache. She was stable?

"Um... Sure." I grabbed Louis by the arm - I needed someone there to hold. Louis mumbled something but I didn't understand it.

"The last room on the left." The nurse in the red and blue vest gestured the room Taylor was in. Walking down the hallway I noticed all the signs. I didn't bother reading them - just focused on getting to Taylor without the salty, wet tears starting.

I reached the last room on the left. I tried with all my might to lift up my arm and open the fairly normal door but I had no strength. I just turned to Louis who was atanding right beside me let him pull open the door.

"Tay?" My voice croaked, Louis and I had walked down the hallway in complete silence which was so unsual for us - we're usually talking or joking around.

Taylor didn't reply. Instead her heart monitor started to.... Beep?

"Thats... Not normal is it?" Louis sounded frightened. A sudden rush of people ran into the large room and asked Louis and I to wait outside. I frefused. I couldn't leave Tay lying in the hospital bed, tubes from all places, heart monitor beeping louder every minute. Then it suddenly hit me. Like Louis suddenly hitting me in balls. Taylor had gone again.

"Harry?" Louis croaked. "Did she just?" Louis caught on to what was happening too. I didn't reply. I just kwpt my eyes locked on the rush of doctors in the large -yet kinda small- room. "Sir. We need you to leave." The same nurse who told me I could come in told me. I still stood there, eyes still locked on Taylor.

"3.....2....1" a nurse yelled out and the doctors around Tay shoocked her heart to revive her. "Retry" the same nurse said. "3....2....1" all the noices from the last shook came through my ears. Taylors back arched up but her heart monitor kept beeping.


"No. Taylor. Do not do this. I'm not loosing you. Never." I fell down onto my knees. "Taylor? Oh dear god, answer me. Or.. or just stay alive. Oh my god, Taylor." My head fell between the floor and my knees and the nurses tried one last time.

"3....2....1 CLEAR." The nurse yelled. Taylor's back arched up and I couldn't watch.

"Oh dear god. She... Shes.. Alive!" The nurses rejoiced. I lifted my weak, wet face up and in fact the beeping stopped. "Thank, ohh thank you!" I yelled, running up to each and every nurse - hugging them and kissing thier forheads. They all laughed. The room filled with happiness and I pulled up my seat next to where Taylor had just became alive again. "But of course, thank you." I held her hand - being cautious of the drip tube running through her hand. I never noticed how soft her hands really were. They felt like she'd used hand cream on it everyday since she was like 10. Her face was light, a little to light. Like a ghost.. Again. Her eyes were purple but I knew under them lay her perfect, bright blue/green eyes. Her mouth slightly open at the side and her curly, brown -excatly like mine, except longer- hair lay around her face, a few strands lay on the side of her face. I laugh, let her hand go and brushed the strands covering the side of face behing her ears. I never noticed the crown ear-rings she had in. Why haven't I noticed these things?

The happiness of the room left and it suddenly hit me. Taylor had actually just died before my eyes. Right there. Infront of me. My eyes felt like a waterfall and all I could do was sniff the waterfall back. I leant in closer. I felt her twitch a little, like she was going to wake up but she's being doing that since we got in here.

Knock, knock. No one ever knocks. Well, Taylords family usually just walk in, Louis had gone back on tour with the lads and not even the nurses of doctors knocked. This visitior wasn't a regular. I started to worry, maybe the person was one of Taylors exes. Maybe this person hated Taylor. I was helpless right now - I had no strength so I hopped I hadn't had to protect her to much. Even though that sounded bad.

"Come in?" I replied axiously. "Harry?" The voice was soft, sweet and familuar. I turned my head, I almost broke my neck I turned that fast. "Niall? Wha.. What are you doing here?" Niall turned around signially someone behind him. "Harry.. The tours over. We can come home." He sounded soft and cute.. Like the little Irish Cupcake he was.

"Already? Geeze, how long have I had off?" Suddenly three other boys appered next to Niall. It was Louis, Liam and Zayn. "Two weeks man." Zayn replied. "But.. She hasn't been in here that long  - has she?" I turned my head back to Taylor - She was still lying helpless.

"Harry." The voice was sweet and sudden. Like Louis when he wasn't being bouncy, funny or random. He put his hand on my head, playing my curls. "She's been in here eight days and from what your mother has told me - everytime she calls you, you're in here. We thought maybe you could use a visit by.. By an actually living person." Niall and Zayn clapped their hands. An actual living person. Was he saying Taylor was dead? She wouldn't make it? There's no point waiting here for her to wake up?

"Whats that meant to mean?" I reached up and took his hands away from my curls. He didn't let go so the more I pulled his hands away the more my hair pulled. "Nothing.. Nothing." Lou stuttered. "Just, maybe you might need someone to talk to.. You know?"

"I've been talking to Tay's family." I teased.

"Harry, Harry, Harry. Come home will you. You can't stay here forever." I gave up, his hands wouldn't pull away from the curls in my hair. "I can'--"

"Harry." The voice was serious and deep. I looked up at Zayn who had pulled out a chair next to me and Niall pulled one up next to Zayn. "You can't stay here forever love. Yeah you may love her but you've got to take care of yourself too. If you were in Taylor's shoes, would you rather her sitting here, crying and not taking care of herself or would you rather her outside, looking after herself?"

Zayn did have a point. "I would want her take care of herself and not worry to much." I knew he was right.

"Excatly, now come home will you." Louis tugged my curls so I would agree and not argue.

"Fiiine" I whined. "I'll come home. But could I just have a moment?"

"Of course." The boys exited the room and told me they'll wait for me in the waiting room. I stared at Tay, not knowing what to do. What if she woke up while I wasn't there. What if she died while I wasn't there. I'd never forgive myself.

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