Old Friends and Preparations Ch. 2

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Ash's POV

Ash saw  the lab in the distance. He ran up the stairs and stopped at the door.  Ash started knocking at the door, but nobody answered. He turned the door knob and the door opened. As Ash stepped inside, Pikachu jumped off his shoulder to explore.

"Hello?" Ash called. "Professor Oak? Are you here?" There was still no reply. Ash was about to call again but a sudden pain coursed through his body, causing him to fall. He fainted for a few seconds, but when he gained conciseness, he recognized the cause of the pain. Electricity.

"Pikachu! Why did you do that?" Ash turned around to confront his pokémon, but was greeted with a different mischievous face.

"Ro! Ro!" Rotom laughed.

"Rotom! There you are! Good to see you again!" Ash said, totally forgetting about the trick the little pokémon played. "Do you know where Professor Oak is?" 

"Ro! Rotom!" Rotom flew out of the back door and into a huge field. Ash followed it. Rotom turned to Ash and pointed at a group of pokémon. Professor Oak was probably around there.

"Thanks Rotom!" Ash said. Rotom flew back inside the lab. Ash walked down the field and then stopped to call out to Professor Oak.

"Professor Oak! I'm here!" Ash yelled. Suddenly, all of the pokémon in the group turned around and raced over to Ash. As they got closer, Ash recognized the pokémon. Ash was about to turn around and run for it, but was tackled by some very happy pokémon.

"H-hey T-tauros..." Ash gasped.

"Hey! You forgot all about the food!" A voice yelled. The Tauros all turned around and ran towards the voice. Ash stood up and brushed himself off. He turned around and found Professor Oak walking up to him.

"Hello Ash. It's good to see you back. I'm guessing that you're here to see all of your pokémon." Professor Oak said to him.

"Hey Professor! Do you know where all of them are?" Ash asked.

"Well, they're probably all over the sanctuary, so not really. But anyways, can I study your Kalos pokémon?" The Professor asked.

"Sure." Ash let out all of his pokémon from their pokeballs. Talonflame, Hawlucha, and Noivern came out. "Alright everyone. This is Professor Oak. He's going to study you all for a little bit. Have fun!" Ash gave him the three pokeballs and walked away before Professor Oak started to explode smart people words. As he walked away, he noticed two pokémon running around some bushes. When he got closer, the two pokémon jumped on him.

"Bulba!" Bulbasaur said happily.

"Squirtle!" Squirtle said.

"Haha! It's great to see you guys too!" Ash laughed. "Wait a minute, Squirtle? Aren't you supposed to be with the police and Officer Jenny?"

"Squirt." Squirtle answered.

"Well, anyways, could you guys show me where everyone else is? I'm back from the Kalos region and I really wanted to see them." Ash told them.

Both pokémon nodded and showed him around. Ash hugged all of his old friends when he found them. He told them all about his adventures in Kalos and all his new friends. When Professor Oak was finally done studying his pokémon, Ash showed them his other pokémon. All of them became good friends. Some even had battles against each other. Ash and Pikachu stayed around for a few more hours, but left when it was around four in the afternoon. Ash kept his Kalos pokémon in the sanctuary with the others. When they got back to the house, Ash went straight to his room. They both plopped onto the bed, and as soon as they hit the pillows, they fell into a deep sleep.

Serena's POV

After about two hours of research, Serena finally had all the information that she needed to know after watching videos and reading articles. She sorted all of the information in her head: 

Those who participate in contests are known as "coordinators." Coordinators can only use one pokémon. The first round of a Pokémon Contest is called the "Performance Stage." The trainer's pokémon has to perform moves that show off it's skill and beauty. They will be judged by Mr Contesta, Mr Sukizo, and the resident Nurse Joy. The second stage was known as the "Battle Stage." Coordinators have to compete against another coordinator. A meter is used to measure the points of a coordinator and their pokémon. The meter will go down if the pokémon is hit by an attack, the opponent dodges the attack or the attack fails, or the opponent uses the pokémon's attack to their advantage. When you win a contest, you are awarded a ribbon. You need five ribbons to participate in a Grand Festival. When you win the Grand Festival, you become a top coordinator and are given a trophy called the Ribbon Cup.

Even though Serena's head was spinning with all of this new information, she was super excited about her first contest. As she soon as she got up out of her seat, Nurse Joy came up to her.

"Good news Serena! The next location for the Pokémon Contest is going to be here in Slateport City next week!" Nurse Joy said excitedly.

"Really? Thank you so much!" Serena said. "I better go and start training!" Serena walked out onto the battlefield in the back of the Pokémon Center. She took out her pokeballs and opened them. Braixen, Pancham, and Sylveon came out, all in a line facing Serena.

"Alright guys, it's time to start practicing for the contest. Nurse Joy told me that the next Pokémon Contest will be here next week,  so we have to get as much practice down as possible. But, here's the thing. Only one pokémon can perform for each contest, so..." Serena looked at Braixen. "I want to do my first contest with you Braixen! What do you think?" 

Braixen's eyes shined with excitement. "Brai! Braixen!" Braixen yelped in agreement. 

"Great!" Serena turned to Pancham and Sylveon. "Could you guys cheer us on?" 

Pancham gave a thumbs up. "Pan cham." 

"Sylve! Yon!" Sylveon agreed.

"Thanks guys! You're all the best!" Serena pulled them all into a tight, grateful hug. When she let go, she was smiling brightly. "Alright!" Serena ran to the middle of the battlefield, Braixen following behind. "Let's get started!" She said determined. 

Thank you guys for reading! I hope you all are enjoying this so far, because I am too! See you all soon! Thanks again!! <3

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