Almost to the Spotlight Ch. 21

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Serena's POV

"That goes over there, this goes there, move it a little over to the right... Oh, oh! Watch it! You're gonna drop that! Yes, put it down here. Yup, over there," I kept saying as I held my clipboard tightly in hand.

Dawn walked over to me, her eyes twinkling in awe.

"I seriously can't believe that we've got this whole place to ourselves. Your Palermo really is a huge help," She said giddily.

I nodded. "Palermo really is a big help. I'm glad that she agreed to help."

Palermo was the Kalos Queen a few years before Aria. She was the one who had suggested me to go to Hoenn and participate in Contests. I'm glad she did so, too, because if she hadn't, I never would've met May, Dawn, and Drew. She had originally asked me to let her teach me the ways of a Performer, but I declined because I didn't want to leave my friends.

After asking the professors to help us, I had asked Palermo for her assistance as well. After telling her of my plan, she immediately agreed, saying something about spreading both performing acts to Alola and the rest of the pokemon world. Palermo sent in her most trusted people over to Alola to help us plan. In under a month, we already had everything set up. And in under two months, the first Alolan Showcase Hall was made on Melemele Island. We wouldn't have been able to build the forty foot building so quickly without the help of Lillie's mother's business. We had asked her to help and she happily obliged. Her mother as well.

The Showcase Hall was made near the ocean, but far enough from the towns and cities to not alert the media. This was a secret after all. Trees surrounded the building and kept it hidden. The Hall was ten feet above sea level, and a staircase led towards the shore. The top was tome shaped and made of glass, so that you could see the Alolan sun, Alolan dusk, and Alolan stars. Hundreds of rows filled with hundreds of seats filled most of the place, while at the front was the lobby. The desk was made of tile and the floor was layer out with plush, cerulean carpet. Windows were plentiful in the lobby while the only one in the stage room was the one on the ceiling. But that wasn't the most amazing part. The stage itself was truly beautiful. It was made of polished and smooth wood. The curtains were bright red and huge. But the stage space was bigger. It was probably as big as a Wailord, which was saying a lot. After Theme and Performance stages were done, that stage would split and bring up a dirt, rocky, grassy field or even a large pool of water for the Battle stage. It was my favorite part of the whole thing.

I saw Crystal and Hannah walk over to us.

"We've done everything off our lists," Hannah said.

"This place is so cool!" Crystal exclaimed with stars in her eyes.

I nodded. "Thanks. And thanks for helping out, too, girls!"

"Of course!" They both said in unison.

"This is a hhhuuugggeee project! I'm glad you asked us to help!" Crystal said happily.

"Yeah! This was fun!" Hannah agreed.

I smiled at both of the two. We needed all the help that we could get, so who better than Coordinators themselves to help?

"Well, I'm glad that you all think so. Tomorrow, this place will be all over Alola. Alolan Showcases will be all over Alola," I answered, somewhat absentmindedly.

"Welp, we'll support you all the way," Hannah smiled while Crystal nodded happily in agreement.

"Thanks guys," I smiled too.

Ash's POV

"Serena and the others aren't here again?" I asked as everyone else shook their heads.

I pouted and sat in my seat. Serena, Drew, May, and Dawn haven't shown up to school in a week, and I was getting worried. For all I know, they could've left back to Hoenn!

Lillie's been acting strange too. Ever since the group's absence, she's been staring off into space a lot and leaving during lunch whenever we ask her to eat with us. Professor Kukui and Burnet, too. He's almost never home and is always calling someone over the phone.

As I was walking back to the cabin, a sign caught my eye. It read,

"Alolan Showcase preview tomorrow!"

I sighed. I was planning on showing Serena, but I haven't seen her lately. Even when I went to her cabin, she or the others weren't there. And she never picks up her PokeNav when I call her.

"Hey buddy," I directed the question towards Pikachu, who was sitting comfortably on my shoulder, "Do you wanna see it?"

"Pika!" Was his immediate response.

I chuckled. "Well, even if Serena doesn't come, doesn't mean that we can't watch it!"

Serena's POV

"Hold it! There! It's perfect!" I exclaimed as everyone stopped and looked around.

I smiled proudly. Everything was set. Everything was clean. Everything was perfect.

Dawn, May, and Drew walked up to me.

"It's done," Drew said with a sigh of admiration.

I nodded as did May and Dawn.

"Thanks for the help guys," I smiled genuinely.

"Of course!" Dawn said.

"It was fun!" May exclaimed.

Drew nodded in agreement.

I turned away from the group and looked at everyone else who had helped. I was so grateful that they helped turn my fantasy into a reality. Without them, Alolan Showcases would still be in my idea box. I smiled determinedly.

"I think we're ready for tomorrow!" I yelled proudly.

And they all cheered.

This fanfic is soon coming to a close! I know that there aren't much Amourshipping moments, almost none, but the next one will be the one that will count. There might be at least 5 to 10 more chapters, or more. I haven't decided yet. Thanks for sticking with me though, guys! And thanks for 3k reads! For a first fanfiction, this isn't bad at all! Please vote, comment, and share! Thanks for reading again! Ciao!!

P.S. It's my dad's birthday! He's 45 now!!


Word Count: 1040


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