An Alolan Performance Ch. 16

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GUYS IM ALIVE!!! I HAVEN'T DIED YET!!! Ok I'm fine. But I'm also SUPER FREAKIN HAPPY!!! In all of my other updates I forgot to mention this. 1.1K READS GUYS!! IM SO HAPPPPPPYYYYYY!!!! Ok I'm fine again. I'm glad that so many people are reading this fanfiction! It warms my heart! I'm still confused about where to go with this, but I'm posting this one anyways. Thanks again and I'll see y'all in the next author's note!

Serena's POV

It's been a week that me, Dawn, May, and Drew have been here in Alola. We've become friends with everyone in our class at the Pokemon School. Lillie, Mallow, Lana, Kiawe, and Sophocles. They were really nice. I'm glad that Ash was able to make some new friends here. Speaking of which, I'm glad that they decided to keep our presence a secret. Me and the gang (the gang is Dawn, May, and Drew) bought a cabin that was near the Pokemon School and the Professor's house where Ash currently was staying. It was near the ocean and had a lovely view of the water and beach. The cabin itself had four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a porch, and a nice backyard. Drew used one bathroom while us girls used the other. We often let our pokemon play outside in the backyard since it was big, and we would leave the door unlocked so that they could come in whenever. We also let them out of their pokeballs everyday when it was just us alone in our cabin.

I got out of bed earlier than the others as usual. Once upon a time, I would've be sleeping in until around noon unless a pesky little Fletchling pecked me awake, but now that I was so used to traveling, I grew into a habit of waking up early. It was around 6:00 in the morning and Drew usually woke up around 6:30, Dawn at 7:00, and May at noon (unless you shook her violently to wake her up since she's a heavy sleeper). I took a quick shower and slipped into my regular yellow flower patterned shirt and green shorts. Drew was already up because I could hear his shower running. I decided to make some breakfast for everyone while I waited for them to wake up.

Just as I finished with the pancakes I glanced at the clock and it said 6:59. I sighed as I grabbed some random earplugs out of nowhere and shoved them into my ears. I quietly counted down.





I heard the small penguin pokemon's attack go off with a splash. I took out the earplugs and sighed. Dawn's early routine. Me and Drew had gotten used to Dawn's screaming in the morning because of her bed head. We had her room placed the farthest from us two but right next to May. Her screaming in the morning was one of the the only things that would wake her up.

About forty-five minutes later, both Dawn and May came into the living room. Me and Drew were already there. Drew was reading a book while I was playing with some of the pokemon. They both were wearing their regular clothes and looked fresh from the shower.

"Morning guys!" I greeted.

"Hey Serena! Hey Drew!" Dawn said happily.

Drew stood up and walked over to May. He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Morning."

May blushed slightly but kissed his cheek as well. "Good Morning."

"Alright, now that you two have given each other your daily lovey-pidovey morning kisses, let's eat!" Dawn said cheerfully.

I giggled and glanced over at May and Drew. Both were bright red.

We sat at the table and started eating breakfast. I put out three pancakes for me, the same for Dawn and Drew, and six for May. Did I mention that she has a huge appetite too?

We left for school a little while later and stopped by the Professor's house. We had gotten into a routine of waking up, walking to the Professor's house to pick up Ash, and walk with Ash to school. We walked up to their porch while I knocked. A few seconds later the door flung open to reveal a perfectly ready Ash and Pikachu on his head. Ash called a goodbye to Professor Burnet, Professor Kukui's wife, and we started walking in the direction of the school.

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