What a Coincidence... Ch. 6

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Ash's POV

Ash yawned. When he got up, his body felt really stiff. He realized that he hadn't slept on the floor for a while. Ash looked over at the bed and found Brock sleeping away peacefully. Ash quickly changed his clothes and as he walked out of his room, he heard Brock mutter, "Nurse Joy..." Ash sweat dropped at his love struck friend (who practically swoons over every Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny that he sees) and walked out the door.

Ash pretty much flew in the direction of the breathtaking waffles he smelled as he came down the stairs. He saw Misty and Pikachu playing with each other and his mom and Mr Mime making breakfast.  Ash patted Pikachu on the head, greeted Mr Mime, his mom, and Misty, and plopped himself on the couch.  He grabbed the remote and switched on the TV. He skimmed through each channel, trying to find something to watch. News about Kanto, Unova, Jhoto, Sinnoh, and Kalos showed up on the screen, but as he was flipping through channels, he found news on Hoenn. Ash stayed on the channel to find any news about Serena's Pokemon Contest. Ash suddenly heard a voice coming from the TV. 

"To all of you Pokemon Contest fans or Coordinators out there, the next Pokemon Contest location has just been released! We will be holding it in the Slateport City Contest hall, next Friday at 10 am, so be sure to check it out!" The announcer said.

'Well, sounds like what Serena said.' Ash thought to himself. 

"And one more thing! We will be having a guest Coordinator come and perform before the Contest starts, so we hope to see you there!" The voice said. 

'A guest Coordinator? Who could that be?' Ash wondered. Suddenly, a knock on his head woke him up from his daydream.

"Hey Ash! Didn't you hear us? Breakfast's ready."

Ash turned around to find Misty in his face. Her hand was still balled into a fist and Ash flinched, thinking she would hit him again.

"Okay! Okay! Just don't hit me again!" Ash said to her. Misty gave a satisfied sigh and walked over to the table. As Ash got up to do the same, he saw Brock walking down the stairs.

"Morning Brock." Ash said.

*Yawn* "Morning Ash. Is it time for breakfast?" Brock asked.

"Yeah, come on!" Ash rushed over to the table and began eating away at everything on his plate.

As everyone ate they talked a little about small things, then Misty asked, "Hey Ash, the next time you call Serena or something, could we meet her with you?" 

Ash swallowed his food. "Sure! I was actually thinking of calling her today." Ash finished his plate before everyone else and put it in the sink. Ash rushed up into his room to get his backpack and went back downstairs.

"You guys better hurry up!" Ash shouted at them.

"Where are you going?" His mom asked.

"To the Pokemon Center to call Serena!" Ash answered, putting his shoes on.

"You don't need to! We already have a phone in the house." His mom said to him.

"What?" Ash asked. "Since when?"

"I bought it before you came back to Kanto." His mom answered.

"Where is it?" Ash asked her.

Delia stood up and walked over to Ash. "Right there." Ash looked in the direction where his mom was pointing. A small box with a screen and keyboard was sitting on a small table next to the TV. Ash got up and walked slowly towards the phone. He stared dumbfounded at the phone.

'Has that always been there?' Ash thought.

"Well, looks like we won't have to go anywhere." Ash heard Misty say.

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