New Faces Ch. 5

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Serena's POV

Earlier The Same Day~

"Oh, that was really good!" Serena exclaimed. "That was probably the most that I've eaten in a while!" Her pokémon nodded in agreement. As Serena and her pokémon walked out of the restaurant, a little shop caught the corner of her eye. She walked towards it, her pokémon following behind. Serena looked up at the sign in front of the shop.

"Stickers." Serena read aloud. Stickers? A shop for stickers? Serena's curiosity got the best of her and she decided to walk inside. When she entered the shop, she saw shelves and shelves of clear spheres that had little symbols on them. When she went to get a closer look, she found that there were different types of symbols. Stars, hearts, diamonds, sparkles, flowers, and others. They were all pretty, but they weren't stickers at all.

"These aren't stickers." Serena said aloud. Serena heard chuckling behind her and turned around. She saw a small old lady sitting at a small desk with a cash register.

"No, they're not the peel-of-paper-and-stick-somewhere kind of stickers you're thinkin' about I bet." The old lady said.

"Are there any other types of stickers?" Serena asked.

"These ones of course! You open em' up and put your pokeball inside of em' . Then, when you call out your pokémon, the symbol that's on the sticker will sparkle around em' for a few seconds. It gives off a little flair when callin' out a pokémon." The old lady told her.

"Really?" Serena asked. "That sounds really cool! I wonder if I could use them in a Pokémon Contest... How much is one?"

"One sticker would be five dollars." The old lady answered.

"That much? Hmm..." Serena decided to pick three. One for each of her pokemon. She would buy more if she caught any other pokemon. Serena decided to let her pokemon chose their stickers. Out of all of the stickers, they chose dark sparkles for Pancham's pokeball, small flames for Braixen, and some pink ribbons for Sylveon. When she got everything they wanted, she walked over to the old lady's desk and payed.

"Thank you! Come again soon!" The old lady said.

"I will!" Serena said, walking out the door and into the open streets.

Serena walked down the road, looking at little shops and pastries with her pokemon but stopped when she saw a crowd of people. Serena squeezed through the crowd so that she could see better. Her pokemon followed her. They sometimes got left behind, but when they saw Serena again, she was at the front of the crowd and had a perfect view of what was going on.

Two girls and their pokemon were putting on a show. One girl had her hair wrapped in a red bandana that had the image of a pokeball on it. She wore a red sleeveless shirt that connected to her skirt. She had black shorts and a yellow bag across her waist. Her pokemon was a Glaceon. The other girl wore a short black and pink dress and a white hat with a pokeball image on it as well. She had yellow clips in her hair and her pokemon was a Piplup.

One girl told her Glaceon to use Ice Shard. Glaceon jumped into the air and used the attack. At that same moment, the other girl told her Piplup to use Bubble Beam. The Ice Shard made contact with the Bubble Beam and froze the Bubble Beam. Before the frozen Bubble Beam hit the ground, it exploded in the sky and sparkles showered down on the crowd. Everyone stared up in amazement and "Oohh"-ed and "Aahhh"-ed. Serena was amazed as well, but only one thought ran through her mind. 'They must be Coordinators!'

After a few minutes, the crowd cleared up, some people went to the two girls' to get their autograph. 

'Are they famous?' Serena wondered. Serena waited a little longer for the rest of the people to go and once they were all gone she took the opportunity to talk to them and walked up to them.

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