Just the Beginning! Ch. 29

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Because I wanna get this chapter moving, I'm skipping over the first few performances. Also, thanks for 12k reads!!

No One's POV (I like how I've never exactly done one of these before in this story [excluding the beginning *cough*])

Crystal sulked over to everyone in the crowd and slumped in a free seat between Ash and Hannah. She had been one of the three that lost the Theme Stage. Hannah reached over and patted the blue haired girl's back.

"Cheer up. I got out before you anyways. I should have more of a right to sulk than you," The brunette pointed out.

Crystal slumped further in her chair. "You're making me feel worse, you know...?"

Ash chuckled and nudged her with his elbow. "Come on, Crystal, here's always next time! You can use the things you learned from this experience to improve your performance, next time! Don't give up just yet!"

Crystal looked up at him and pouted. "I bet you weren't even paying attention! You were probably just staring at you judge of a girlfriend up there!"

Ash blushed. She wasn't wrong. "It wasn't the whole time, okay?"

The ones left for the final Theme Stage was Miette, Hawk, and Sasuke. The three who lost, but still received a good amount of praise, were Crystal, Dylan, and the Izuku.

Kim started explaining how the final round for the Theme Stage would go. To summarize it and keep it short, the performers would be on the same stage and perform as best as they could for three minutes before stopping and the next coordinator would start immediately. Points will be gathered by gaining the audience's favor and the first Alolan Prince/Princess would be chosen by the majority. They would perform from right to left, so Miette would perform first, then Hawk, and then Sasuke.

(The points will also be taken like in Kalos during the Theme Stage cuz I've got no original ideas lolol also prepare for horribly described performances)

Miette's pokemon were still Slurpuff and Meowstic. The crowd watched as they coordinated well together; their experience throughout the years shining through. Purple and pink sparkles flew around the hall and everyone felt light. Miette used an older move from back during Serena's time in Kalos (Which was about 2 years ago so not really 'old' I guess). Slurpuff used Cotten Spore as they all jumped in the air and landed on the fluffed material. The sparkles continued to dance around, as did the Trainer and her pokemon in the Cotten Spore. For some reason, Ash felt like laughing, as did his companions behind him.

The Cotten Spore exploded into green sparkles and Miette and her pokemon bowed as their quick performance finished. The crowd gave their applause before the next performance, Hawk's, started. Beside him stood a Greninja and a Jolteon, both looking ready to start.

Hawk raised a hand as Greninja and Jolteon nodded and shot their attacks into the air. A (slightly) weak Hydro Pump and Thunderbolt met in the middle and covered the crowd in bright yellow stars and blue sparkles. The crowd cheered.

Both pokemon started doing backflips and somersaults in the air while adding in some moves for flare. Jolteon jumped onto Hawk's arm and the Trainer brought up quickly to boost the pokemon's jump. It surrounded itself in a flurry of stars from Swift as Greninja hit the attack with a few Water Shuriken. More sparkles coaxed the stage as Jolteon landed on Greninja's head and the performers bowed, followed by cheers from the crowd.

Finally, it was Sasuke's turn. Beside him was his Lucario and Absol. All looking ready to (-get this over with) start.

Sasuke nodded solemnly at the two pokemon as they nodded back. Lucario made two (chidori-) Aura Spheres in its paws and threw them up into the air. Behind the pokemon, Absol jumped above it and used Night Slash to cut at the move. It was fast and cut through the Aura Spheres easily and the move exploded into blue shards around the stage. Absol landed on Lucario's arms and the Aura Pokemon pushed it back up into the air, much like Hawk's last performance, only higher up.

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