Launch of Our Dreams Ch. 22

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Serena's POV

Five minutes. I've got this. Breathe... In, out. In, out.

I sat in my seat as I watched people starting to form in the square through the window. I was currently in a small cafe that showed a perfect view of the square. They were all waiting for the demo performance. The one that I would be giving.

I sighed out loud. May and Dawn came up to me.

"Hey, you alright?" Dawn asked as she and May sat on the seats across from me.

"Yeah. Just... nervous," I replied sheepishly.

"Don't worry. You've got lots of experience! This will be easy!" May encouraged.

I smiled at her. "So where's Drew?" I asked as I looked around for him.

"Oh, he's back at the Showcase Hall heaping our with some finishing touches," May answered.

"Alright," I turned my attention back to the window, waiting for the moment that I'd have to step out.

Ash's POV

"Oh gosh, oh gosh! We're gonna miss it! We're gonna be late! We've got to hurry!" I shouted as I ran towards the square with Pikachu on my shoulder.

As I got closer to the square, I saw a group of people at the center. I slowed down and pushed my way to the middle.

"Alright! Thanks for showing up everyone! I honestly wasn't expecting that many people here!" A female voice shouted over the crowd.

Yes! I'm not late! But... why does that voice sound familiar?

I finally made it through the crowd and to the front to see someone standing in the middle of a cleared out circle dressed in a red trench coat and sunglasses.

"Now, I won't hold you guys to your curiosity any longer, so without further ado, please enjoy my performance!"

And with that, the person grabbed their trench coat and sunglasses and threw them off of them to reveal a familiar, beautiful honey blonde. (He's not denying it XD)

"Is that Serena?!" A voice shouted.

"Who's that?" Someone asked.

"No way! Serena Yvonne! The Top Coordinator and Kalos Showcase finalist! What's she doing here in Alola?!" Someone else added.

There were more comments like that, but I just kept staring at Serena in awe. So this is why she was never around...

Serena's eyes drifted around the crowd until they landed on me. Her eyes widened until she smiled and winked at me. I felt my face explode with heat.

Did she just wink at me?!

"Alright, come on out guys!" Serena shouted as she released her Milotic and Pancham.

"Milotic, use Dragon Breath, and Pancham, use Low Sweep!" She called.

Milotic's Dragon Breath was light and elegant as it surrounded Pancham. Then, Pancham used Low Sweep, which turned into a breakdance.


Pancham spun on his hands in a circle with his leg that had the Low Sweep move stick out. The Low Sweep hit the Dragon Breath that surrounded him and exploded into sparkles.

The crowd gasped in awe as the sparkles rained down on the whole square.

"Rock Tomb!" Serena said.

Pancham punched the ground and columns of blue translucent rocks shot out of the ground and around the rim of the small circle that the crowd made for the performers.

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