Getting Ready Ch. 23

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Serena's POV

I swear, something in my brain just exploded right now.

The feeling in my legs went weak, and the next thing that I knew, I was on the floor, my hand holding my head.

"Serena?!" Ash yelped, surprised, as he jumped up and rand beside me.

"S-Sorry. I just lost my strength," I muttered as Ash helped me up and patted my down.

I brushed some sand off of my skirt and froze when ash spoke.

"So... I'm guessing that's a no..." Ash said, sighing deeply, as he turned around to walk away.

"No! Wait!" I shouted after him.

I jumped up and grabbed his arm, pulling him towards me. I looked up at him to see amber eyes meet mine with blazing affection.

"I will. I do! I want to go on a date with you!" I exclaimed happily, a big smile on my face.

Ash's eyes brightened with hope. "Really?"

"Yes! How about tomorrow?" I asked.

Ash nodded. "I'll pick you up," He said, smiling back.

I nodded as well. "Great! 1:00pm. I'll see you there!" I said as I hugged him real quick and ran off towards the cabin.


"Let's put on some makeup!" Dawn squealed.

"No makeup!" I said firmly.

Dawn pouted. "Aww, but why not?"

"Because I don't like it."

"That's not a good excuse," Dawn said, but she turned around and packed up her makeup anyways.

"You know, I always knew that you two would be a great couple, but I never expected Ash to be the one to ask you out. Heck, he's the definition of dense!" May said as she twirled a hairbrush in her hand.

"One of the definitions," Crystal said through a mouthful of cookies.

"Crystal, watch the crumbs," Hannah scolded.

Crystal swallowed and sprung up. "I always shipped you guys! Who knew that the day would finally come!"

Dawn jumped beside her. "I know right?! They're perfect for each other! I've shipped them for so long, that I might as well be their biggest fan!"

"No, it's me!" Crystal argued.

"No, me!" Dawn said back.

They started spewing nonsense about shipping between me and Ash, and the whole time, my face was as red as Ash's hat.

"Alright, Serena, don't listen to them," Hannah said with a sigh.

"Yup. They're being complete idiots," May nodded.

"Hey!" Both Dawn and Crystal shouted.

"Oh shut up. Can't you see what Serena's going through?" Hannah said.

"And what would that be?" Dawn asked.

"Obviously, she's anxious. You can practically see her sweating in nervousness and excitement," May said matter-of-factly.

"W-What? No, I'm not nervous," I said sheepishly, waving my hands in front of my face.

"Oh yeah? What's that in front of you?" May said, pointing to the two sets of clothing on my bed.

I gave up and crashed into my bed, my head covered in pillows.

"I don't know what to wear!" I screamed, muffled by the pillows.

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