Chapter 13

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A/N: Just to be clear, in my country, drinking age is 18 not 21 like the states, so I might've mixed things up and made Frank underage drink when I didn't mean to? Sorry about that. The reason I'm mentioning this, though, is this kinda happens later in the story too, so, sorry for the inconvenience.

Let's just pretend they lowered the drinking age to 18 in the states like the rest of the universe, okay? Great :D


Frank was sure someone was holding a hammer and was just banging it on the wall next to his head.

Something was bounding and if the house wasn't on fire, he was not leaving this bed for whatever was happeneing.

He took his pillow and covered his head with it.

"Frankie!" He could hear Diana's voice calling him and he vaguely realized she was the thing jumping on his bed.

"Frankie! Get up!"

Frank groaned and thought how he really didn't want to open his eyes yet and how it he couldn't have cared less if he slept through morning because he would actually die if he got up that second. He vaguely remembered how it was a Saturday and just wished the jumping to just stop.

All Frank managed to do, however, was cover his head with his blankets over his pillow as Diana kept calling him over and over again. He didn't have the mental capacity to think how weird it was that Diana, whom he had to drag from her bed every morning for school, was now fully awake and jumping practically on his head, on a weekend. He didn't even have the strength to tell her to stop.

"Just five more minutes," Frank managed, mumbling, when Diana kept on calling him.

"Frankie! It's your birthday! Get up!" Diana called again.

Frank tried to gather enough energy to think how impossible that was. It certainly wasn't Halloween yet, was it? It was still early October, right?

He raised his head up and sat in bed, giving up on getting any more sleep.

Diana, seeing her bother finally sat up, jumped on him and was hugging him fiercely before Frank could even think what she was doing.

"Happy birthday, Frankie!" She shouted and kissed him on his cheek. Frank giggled and hugged her back, his morning grumpiness disappearing upon seeing her excitement.

How did he even manage to miss that? Halloween. His own fucking birthday. He had no idea how that happened (he had a desk job for goodness sake, he should know what date it was). He blamed it on the lack of festivities around. Before, when he had multiple jobs he had to be at every day, he couldn't possibly miss it because the whole city would be covered in Halloween decorations. Now, and since he was stuck behind a desk for most of the day, he hadn't been paying attention to anything.

Diana however hadn't forgotten apparently. He was just thankful he hadn't forgotten her costume. He had bought it weeks ago. She had been saying she wanted to be Hermione Granger that year since they had gotten to the it's Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa moment while reading the first book. So Frank made sure to buy her the custom the minute he got his first paycheck so he wouldn't forget. So technically he had nothing to worry about. Still, his own fucking twentieth birthday? Man.

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