Part 15

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I stared at the alcohol cabinet in the kitchen. It was the day after Christmas and I was feeling depressed for some reason. I rolled my eyes at myself as dad called me upstairs so we could work on my room.
(A/N this is her bed except the stairs go farther out and line up with the wall thing)

 (A/N this is her bed except the stairs go farther out and line up with the wall thing)

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I was working on setting up my desk. I pushed it so that it was next to my bed, to the right of the stairs. I was gonna have a lot of floor space in my room since all of my stuff was in one space. I looked at the plain white desk, on one side I put a globe and a mug. The mug had a gray lipstick mark on it it was pretty cute. But on the other side I put the fake flowers and a candle. I found an outlet on the wall and plugged in my laptop, I set the laptop on my desk, reminding myself to find stickers for it later. I realized I didn't have a desk chair, I had to tell Alex to get me one.
I made my way over to Alex, who was setting up the little lounge area that would be under the actual bed.
"How's it going?" I asked him, as he was trying to hang up the TV. The TV was going to go on the little wall to the left of the stairs. So if I was sitting under the loft I️ could see the tv.
The plan was that my cork board and fairy lights would go on the longer wall underneath the loft, the tv would go on the wall thing, the bookshelf would go under the tv, since it was short, and the bean bags could just hang wherever under the bed. It was pretty cool.
"It's going." He answered, raising his eyebrows. "Hey can you go tell Jack that I'm going to need his help putting the mattress up." Since I️ had a twin bed before and my new bed was queen, I had to get a new mattress. I️ nodded and ran out of the room, telling Jack exactly what Alex told me.
When we got back up, the tv was successfully hung up, and Alex looked really proud.
"Ok Jack help me with this, then I'll do your cork board, and lights or whatever, then the tapestry on the wall over there," He pointed to the wall opposite of where my bed and everything was, "then we can go to the store for any last minute things you would need for your room, then I have one more present for you." Jack and I nodded as Alex spoke.
They managed to lift up the mattress with only the two of them, I was pretty impressed. But Alex hung up the cork board, and I actually hung up the fairy lights, while Alex did the tapestry, then we were ready to go to the store.
"What else do you think you need for your room." I shrugged at Alex's question as I stepped into the car.
"I think I'm gonna get more fairy lights, since I don't have like a ceiling light or anything, and probably a mirror." I thought for another second. "I need some desk supplies and stuff."
"Ok, so maybe we can get pens and pencils or whatever for that mug, then we can get one of those little cart things with a bunch of drawers for you to put paper and whatever in. And a desk chair." Alex rambled, almost to himself.
"Yeah," I said, turning up the radio that was on some pop station.
After about 10 minutes of off key singing and loud laughs, we pulled up at a Target.
We walked in and Alex made a bolt for the $1-$3 section. I grabbed a cart and followed him as he picked up a few packages of cute pencils, and 2 packages of pens.
"I want this." Alex laughed, picking up a container of slime and tossing it at me.
"Get it away from me," I tossed it back to him, "that stuff is annoying." I groaned, but laughed.
"Can we go to the office section now?" Alex asked and I nodded, pushing the cart which now held pencils. "Actually," He changed his mind, "you go get paper and colored pencils, and whatever stuff like that, I'll go find a desk chair, and a cart thing. Oh! And actually you can look for a desk lamp too." He rambled and I nodded, wandering off to where I needed to go.
I ended up at the office supplies section. I grabbed a few packages of notebook paper, the biggest pack of colored pencils I could find, markers, a bunch of post it notes, scissors, a stapler, tape, glue, and index cards. I ended up at the note book area. I grabbed a moleskin notebook, and a few hard cover notebooks with different designs. I threw everything in the cart, and made my way over to lamps. I found a table lamp that had a white base with small lavender circles hanging down. My room was all white gray and lavender. And technically there was only one other lavender thing and that was my tapestry.
I put that in the cart and went to find Alex, who was struggling to carry a white cart in a box.
"Jesus, Alex. Put it in the cart." I instructed, and he did.
"I need to go get the office chair. Come with me." He said laughing at himself. I rolled my eyes a little, pushing the cart behind him.
He pointed at a white spinny chair and asked if I liked it, I nodded and put it in the cart.
"How are you gonna fill up the drawers?" Alex questioned, as he put a large mirror in the cart.
"So I'm gonna put my camera and camera stuff in one drawer. Colored pencils and markers in one, notebook paper in one. Scissors, stapler, tape and glue in one. Index cards and post its in one, notebooks in one. Then- the thing has 7 right?" Alex nodded, "I guess one can be like more like I don't know."
Alex nodded and walked to check out, quickly paying.
"I have to meet someone for something so we can wait here for a minute." I nodded and flipped through radio stations, until someone pulled up beside us.
"Cover your eyes." Alex instructed as he walked out of the car.
"Are you selling me?" I questioned, "Buying drugs."
"What the fuck are you talking about El." He laughed, opening the car door and I heard some talking and soon enough, he was back in the car.
"Can I open my eyes?" I asked, and I heard him say yeah.
I opened my eyes, and looked over at Alex, sitting in his lap, was a small German Shepard puppy.
"Did you get a dog?" My eyes lit up as I reached for the dog. I noticed Alex had his phone out was taking pictures.
"I didn't get a dog, you got a dog!" He said, still taking pictures.
"What's it's name?" I asked, pulling out my phone to take a picture of it.
"That's for you to figure out. He's a boy. And figure it out soon because we're going to the pet store!"
  "Thank you so much, Dad!" I threw my arms around him, "I love you!"
"You're welcome, and I love you too."
I pulled up the internet and and googled boy dog names. The dog licked my face, and I kissed the top of his head.
"I like Gizmo." I told Alex. "Yeah?" I whispered to the dog. "You like Gizmo?"
"I like that." Alex said. "Gizmo. Giz. Gizzy. Gizmaster." He laughed at himself as we pulled up to the pet store. "Merry Christmas, princess."

ok so those are all the fairy lights she has, except the black part is white, they're around the mirror, the cork board, and the tapestry

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ok so those are all the fairy lights she has, except the black part is white, they're around the mirror, the cork board, and the tapestry.

 Ok so that's the general layout of the room, let me know if you want a more detailed thing of like under the loft and the top of the bed

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Ok so that's the general layout of the room, let me know if you want a more detailed thing of like under the loft and the top of the bed.

Promise? (Adopted by All Time Low) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu