Part 16

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  •Trigger Warning - Rape•

His hands ran down my body, despite my tears and screams.
"Please stop." I cried.
"Come on, baby, it's just fun." He roughly tore my shirt off and roughly sucked on my neck.
"I'm not your baby." I told him, as he continued to peel off all my clothes.
He places his hands on my hips, pulling on my hair, I blanked myself out but I could feel everything.
"Stop!" I continued to scream.
"Make it stop!" I cried, sitting up in my bed. Gizmo climbed up on my bed, cuddling into me. "Dirty." I whispered to myself. "So dirty." I pulled at my own skin.
I climbed down the stairs and grabbed some new clothes. I stepped into the hallway and walked to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. But soon enough there was a knock.
"Ella?" It was Alex. "El. It's 3 in the morning what are you doing."
I opened the door with tears in my eyes. "Hey, hey. Princess what happened?" He hugged me tightly. "Ok, ok. It's okay. Take a shower, I'll make you a snack, you can come sleep in my room and we can talk either tomorrow or when you're done showering." I nodded and he kissed my forehead.
I took of my clothes and stepped into the shower. I couldn't even bring myself to stand. I sat in the shower for probably 10 minutes before I could bring myself to stand up. I scrubbed at my skin, almost burning most of it off.
"Ella." Alex knocked on the door again. "You've been in there for almost 45 minutes. Can you come out?"
"I - I guess." I said turning off the water and attempting to dry off. But not drying off all the way.
I put on a t shirt that was too big and loose sweatpants.
"Come on, El." Alex picked me up and carried me to his room. "Here." He handed me a plate of cheese and crackers, which I silently ate. "Want me to turn on a show?" I nodded as he grabbed his tv remote.  He turned on Netflix and selected Friends.
"Do you have a  water bottle in here?" I mumbked and he nodded, handing me a fresh bottle. "Can you go get Gizmo.
"He's already in here. Giz! Gizmo c'mere." The dog jumped onto my bed and onto me.
"Thanks." I gave Alex the empty plate, and laid down.
"Wanna talk now or later?" Alex asked and I shrugged.
"Now?" I replied and he nodded, telling me to go ahead. "I had a nightmare. It was re living when I got ya know." He nodded again and laid next to me.
"It's okay now, I promise." He wrapped his arms around me protectively. "I'll kill the person that did that to you. I would do anything to make it so that you didn't get hurt."

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