Part 18

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Trigger Warning : bullying, mentions of self harm
TIME SKIP ONE YEAR (no this isn't the end)
"Ella Faith!" Dad yelled to wake me up. "School."
I groaned and stood up, putting on the clothes I put out the night before. Jeans, an All Time Low hoodie, and black uggs. I brushed my teeth, and put my hair into a pony tail. I put my phone, headphones, and student id in my pocket.
"Dad, I have a question." I said, walking down the stairs.
"No, you are not old enough to have sex."
"What the heck, Dad no." I rolled my eyes, and grabbed an apple out of the fridge. "Can a friend come over after school?"
"Is it Mia?" He asked, handing me a water bottle.
"No it's not. New friend. Maddie." He shrugged, saying he doesn't care. "I have another question. Is Nightmares about me?"
"Who told you that." He tensed.
"Just people from school, it's not that big a deal, Dad."
"Ella are these the same people who were making fun of you."
"Bye dad, gotta go, bus is here." I grabbed my book bag and ran into the bus.
I plugged in my head phones, and pulled out the book we were supposed to be reading for school.
I hated the book. I also hated school but that's beyond the point. But I read it on the way to my run down school, underlining and book marking things to use in discussion later. I turned on Panic! At The Disco, and listened to that until my best friend came onto the bus.
"Hey, Sam." I smiled, as he sat next to me.
"Hey. Still reading that dumbass book for Ms. Palmer?" I nodded. "You know you're the only one who's still reading it, everyone else has been bull shitting their way through questions."
"It's an easy book." I shrugged, "I don't see the point of not trying when it's easy."
We stayed quiet for the rest of the ride. Until we pulled up to the school everything was so much louder there.
"Look, it's Ella." I heard someone say.
"Your daddy write another song about your issues?" I rolled my eyes, and pushed my way to class, but I was unable to tune out some of the words thrown at me.
"She's just a fake. I hear she's adopted and her dad is actually her sugar daddy." Someone laughed in reply, saying it was likely since I was a slut.
"I heard he adopted her because he felt bad for her because of her mental issues." They laughed but the words built up in my head.
Suddenly all the words were repeating, each one louder than the last. Each insult somehow worse than the other. I couldn't escape it. I wanted to put my hands over my ears and yell for it all to stop, like I could at home, but the bell had already rung.
"Can-Can I use the bathroom?" I finally asked, and the teacher nodded. I practically ran out of the room with my phone in my hand, calling dad.
"Hello?" He answered the phone.
"Dad, can you come pick me up?" I heard keys and movement.
"Yeah, princess of course what happened?" The car door slammed shut.
"Well, people said some stuff that we don't need to talk about right now, and then they just kept repeating in my head and it all got really loud and I couldn't make it stop and every little sound was bothering me because all of those other things were happening and I couldn't focus in class." I rambled on.
"Ok, Princess Ella. I'm gonna need to you go back to class, I'm literally looking at your school right now, I'm practically here. Go back to class for one minute. Okay? Then we can go do something okay."
"Ok, I'll see you in a minute. I love you."
"Love you too, Dad." I answered, walking out of the bathroom. But just my luck Someone was there to hear it. 
"Have to call your daddy because you don't know how to handle yourself?" The person pushed. "Do your mental problems make it too hard?"
I ignored them, and walked into the class room, but I did notice them still standing by the door. But luckily, the office was just down the hall. A few doors away.
"Ella Gaskarth?" Ms. Palmer said and I looked up. "Dismissal."
There was a murmur, since it was literally 25 minutes into 1st period.
I thanked the teacher and put my headphones back in. But this time I turned on All Time Low. Just a few feet.
The person was still standing there when I walked out, but Alex was sitting in the hallway on a bench waiting. So it couldn't be that bad.
"Where are you going now?" They asked, "Gotta go to the nurse to take your special people medicine?"
"Hey, El." Alex stood up, as soon as he heard the other person talk. "Is this your friend?" I quickly shook my head no, trying to signal to him through eye contact that she was a bad person.
"Can we just go now?" I asked and he nodded, but the person stopped up.
"Excuse me." Alex and I turned around, "Can I get your number?"
"1. No. 2. I literally have a daughter." Alex replied, rolling his eyes. "Is that one of the people?" He asked once we left the building.
"I heard what she said to you." He rose his eye brows as we buckled our seatbelts
"It's fine, Dad, I'm fine."
"Ella." He said, a warning tone in his voice. "You aren't okay, I can't remember the last time I heard you sing, and you're locking yourself in your room all the time."
  "Dad I'm fine, can we go through a drive through and go home? I want McDonalds or something."
"Ella, wrist."
"Dad! No!" I rose my voice a little. "I said I'm fine. Can we not do this now."
"Ok, but know I know. You think Jack doesn't tell me the times you go into his room crying because you don't wanna bother me. And you don't want me to freak out. And I know Jack knew you were cutting. And you can thank him for that, because he never told me. I went to go get something out of your room, and I saw blades. El. We have to talk about this at some point." I was crying at this point.
"Can we just go?"
Finally, he nodded.
Okie give me some ideas for the ending, I have a few ideas but want some more. Also how many more chapters should this have? Anywhere between 2 and 6ish

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