Chapter One: Tessa

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The day was stormy, wet, and gloomy, but I was euphoric. I grinned as I remembered gulping down sodas, smiling so much my cheeks hurt, and dancing to slow songs with my boyfriend. This year's End-Of-The-Year Dance had been the best yet. And now, after all those goodbyes, I sat waiting in the cool rain for my best friend to meet me.

It had been a month since we'd seen each other. Ever since Tessa had moved away to a smaller town in Washington, we'd been drifting apart. Talking on the phone and texting just wasn't the same. So, over a dozen phone calls, we'd planned for her to stay at my house for at least a week. I couldn't wait. But... I had to. It would be another five minutes before Tessa and her mom would come meet me. So... I waited.

5 minutes passed... then 10... and then 20... I started to wonder. And then I started to worry.

I found myself dialing Tessa's number. When she answered, I was relieved. 

She knew what I was going to ask even before I did. I could almost picture her laughing as she told me not to worry. Tessa told me they were at the corner, stopped at a red light, and when I looked up, that's where they were. Even from here, I could see my best friend, Tessa Marie Cooper. I could have picked her out in a crowd. She was so pretty, with her full lips, gorgeous hazel eyes with long lashes, and long, wavy, strawberry-blonde hair. Ever since I'd met her in the 2nd grade, I had been jealous of her looks. 

I'd always thought of myself as pretty, but simple. My brown hair was long and was parted in the middle. I was always tan, which Tessa didn't get, and I wasn't tall, but I wasn't short either. I guess my best feature would be my eyes. They're crystal blue and Tessa says they sparkle when I smile. 

But my eyes weren't sparkling just then. She had worried me, and I was little mad. I guess somehow Tessa could sense that, because she started to apologize. 

"Look, Amy I'm sorry. I should've called you. We stopped and grabbed some popcorn and a movie for tonight. I figured you'd just get some hot chocolate from the Cafe and wait for us there. I didn't think it'd be that big of a deal."

Tessa and her mom were still at the stoplight, waiting in their MINI Cooper. I sighed as I remembered the last time we'd fought, which was, in a way, the reason we'd started drifting apart in the first place. I knew that the littlest thing, the smallest argument, could ruin this whole week. So, I held back the sarcastic remark I'd had planned and gave in. 

"I know. I'm sorry for being so impatient. I just can't wait! It's been forever, and now we have a full week to ourselves." I paused, and then admitted that I had missed her.

Down the street I could see Tessa's face light up with one of her warming smiles. She opened her mouth to reply... and then stopped. Tessa had seen something. As I watched, her expression changed from confusion, to fear, to pure terror. I turned to see what she was staring at and my reaction was immediate. I couldn't think straight. All I could feel, was panic. All I could see, was the truck.

It was red and silver. The black rubber tires were screeching from the effort of trying to stop. I could hear the man driving the truck. He was yelling, cursing, warning. I knew he was pushing on the brakes as hard as he could. And I knew it wouldn't be enough. My panic tripled when the thought hit me. The truck was going to hit Tessa and her mom.

When the truck swerved off the road and onto the concrete, I started running. It came closer and closer, aiming for Tessa's side and moving faster than I could've thought possible. Tessa's mom had thrown open her car door and climbed out. Now she was screaming at Tessa to get out too.

The rain was coming down fast. It made it hard to see. My chest was burning; I was still tired from the dance. I gasped for air as I screamed Tessa's name, over and over again. The truck was so close. Five more seconds... just enough time to scream her name one last time, and to see her beautiful face as she turned to look at me.

Shock. Shock and fear were all I could see in her eyes. A sudden chill went down my spine. I could barely see because of the rain, and my tears. But I knew she wasn't moving. Why wasn't she moving? She had to move before...

...It was too late. The truck hit. I was amazed at how easily the car was crushed. 

I smelled the gas, the burnt rubber. I tried to move, but I realized I had fallen to my knees in the middle of the road. The rain was still pouring. Tessa's name, the name I'd been about to scream, was stuck in my throat. I couldn't breathe, couldn't think, couldn't feel. It was just too much. It was all too much...


- Alyssa <3

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