Chapter Eight: Two Weeks

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Two weeks.

I stayed at the Johnstone's house for two weeks. After three days, my mom called to check up on me and ask if I wanted to go to my aunt's house with her and my dad, or stay where I was. And I amazed my mom, and myself, by asking if I could just stay where I was. I was curious about Jake, for one thing. And for another, I felt... comfortable, at their house. I could say what I wanted and it made it easier to hold back the pain. And I also knew that if I did break down, Jake would be there. When I was at Alise's house, I wasn't alone.

In those two weeks, a lot happened. A lot changed. ...I changed.

I grew closer to Cassie. She went from being the annoying kid that always followed me around and asked too many questions, to what I imagined a little sister would be for me. She still annoyed me, but I was kind of protective of her now, and she could always make me smile. She was the closest thing I had to a best girl friend now. Looking back now... I see how much the times changed.

Alise became like my mom. My relationship with my real mom was never good. At all. In fact, I'd always had to sneak out to see Erec. And the only friend of mine she'd ever liked was Tessa. So for the longest time, I'd hated her. And maybe I still did. I really want sure. But I knew that I could tell Alise anything and she would love me anyways. She was never scared to tell me how it was. Alise was never one to hold back when it came to speaking her mind. She always told me to express myself, even if it meant splatter painting the whole back fence red. She listened to me, and almost always knew when to say something, and what to say. She was like my best friend, my older sister, and the loving mom I'd never felt I had. Of course, she could be strict, but I really didn't mind, because she was always reasonable. And I grew to love and trust her. It was nice.

And then there was Jake. He changed a lot in those two weeks. At first, he was a complete jerk. Girls were a game for him, and the only time he seemed to care what I thought was when I broke down. But eventually, he became a better person. He listened to what I had to say and gave me advice. He was always there when I needed someone to talk to and I didn't think Alise would be able to help. I got used to his touch. He was always there when I needed a hug, and he always had a hand on my arm, as if he was making sure I knew he was there. Slowly, but surely, I came to trust him. And he became my best friend. But as the days went by, I started to question my feelings for him. Was he really just my best friend anymore? I wasn't so sure. There were times when I'd look in his eyes or he'd grab my hand as we walked, and I'd feel something, something I couldn't quite explain to myself. It was a feeling I felt in my heart, almost like an ache, or a heart attack maybe. It would leave my heart pounding, my stomach flipping, and my body temperature a few degrees higher. I couldn't figure out what it meant, or maybe I just didn't want to admit it to myself. Several time, I tried to ask Jake about it, maybe ask him if he'd felt it too, but something always got in the way. Whether it was my own mind, or someone else telling us we had something to do, I never did get the chance to bring it up. And I wasn't sure I wanted to anyways what if he thought I was crazy, or laughed in my face? What would I do then? For some reason, Jake's opinion mattered to me. So I debated with myself for those two weeks... Until I had to go home.

Once I got back home and settled in, I decided to check my Facebook. I hadn't looked at it since 'The Crash.' But I was curious to see how many messages and notifications I had.

...200. 200 notifications, and 132 messages. Once I got over my shock, I looked at my messages. The most recent was sent the day before yesterday, and it was from.... Erec? What could he possibly have to say to me? Surely he was over me now. Because I was... 90% sure I was over him. Nothing could change that now... right?

After a few minutes of hesitating, I clicked the button and read Erec's message to me. It went something like this...

Hey Amy.

Look, I'm really sorry it took me this long to realize how I feel about you. I never treated to right when I had you, and you can't possibly know how much I'm regretting that now that you're gone.

Maybe it's pointless, sending you this message. Maybe you'd only give me a second chance in my sweetest dreams. But I have to try. Because you're worth the effort. And I think about you all the time. And I miss you like crazy. And I can't stand every hour I spent away from you, thinking about how horrible I was to you.

You have to believe that I've changed. I'm a better person now, and I really want you to give me another chance. I'm practically down on my knees, just asking you to forgive me and let me try again. Give me another chance. Give us another chance. Please Amy. I need you. I love you. And I'm scared that you don't love me anymore.

Can you answer me, please? Even if you say you hate me, please answer me. I can't stand us not talking. It's killing me. Please don't make me wait too long...


"Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."

-Dr. Suess

So, how'd you like the cliff hanger?(; Sorry about that! But this is definitely an interesting twist, don't you think?

-Alyssa <3

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