Chapter Six: Amy... ?

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Jake's P.O.V

I wasn't sure what was happening. Usually, I was a jerk. I knew I was. For me, dating girls was a game. That's just how it had always been. And I'd never questioned it before. No girl had ever made me want to change. No one had ever effected me like... well, like Amy did.

There was something about her that grabbed my attention. Something... different. She was stubborn, for one. She'd stood up to me when I'd been teasing her. Most girls wouldn't do that. They usually melted at my feet.

And then for another thing, Amy treated me like dirt. There was a look in her eyes that said she didn't care what I said, and that it wasn't important anyways. And as much as it irritated me, it was kind of hot too. Mostly because that had never happened to me either.

She wasn't bad when it came to looks either. In fact, Amy was kind of the opposite of 'bad.' Her eyes caught my attention. They were crystal blue, a color I'd never seen in eyes before. They drew me in.

Amy was thin, like she'd lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time. And she was really pale. She just looked unhealthy. And that made me wonder. What was wrong with Amy Letann?

So whenever Amy's mom got a call and had to leave in a hurry, I brought up the idea that she could stay with us. And then, once it was agreed on, and Mrs. Letann left, I brought my chair over to where Amy was. Once my dad saw what I was doing, he made everyone go inside. And then it was just me and Amy, alone.

I sat there for a while, not quite sure what to do. And then I decided I'd be mean and give her a scare. I was curious to see how she'd react.

And when I put my face up to hers (she smelled like vanilla, mixed with some flower...) and she opened her eyes, I couldn't help but grin. She was so darn touchy! But I didn't know why... and for some odd reason, I wanted to. I wanted to know why.

So I offered her some of my food, just to see what she'd say. And then she'd blown up. First at me, and then at her best friend. Had her best friend really died? I hadn't known that...

But it still scared me, her reaction. It made me realize just how sensitive and scared she was. That's why she'd been so defensive... and quiet. I'd thought that maybe she was shy, but she'd really just wanted for people to leave her alone.

She was so angry and bitter. But Amy was in pain too. It was obvious in the way she stayed away from everyone, and now it was obvious in her words.

So when she was done screaming, and I was mostly (but not really) over my shock, and she fell onto the ground, I moved to help her. For some reason I wanted to help her, in any way I could. I didn't want to see the raw pain etched in her eyes. And I definitely didn't want to see her like this.

She was sobbing so hard, her whole body shook as I tried to pull her into my arms. Amy was squeezing her eyes shut, like she didn't want to see what she was seeing. Tears streamed down her cheeks and her bottom lip was trembling. She looked so... so helpless. I couldn't stand it.

Amy went limp in my arms when I picked her up. Had she passed out? I wasn't sure. All I knew was I needed to lay her down somewhere. She needed rest. And she needed time away from everyone. But I wasn't sure I wanted to leave her alone just yet... whatever that meant...

I laid Amy down on the couch and covered her in a blanket. She silently curled up in a ball and shivered, mumbling under her breath. Tears were still dripping down her cheeks and her face was paler than before.

I sat there for a while, just watching her breathe. There were so many thoughts going through my head, so many questions I didn't have answers to. And I wanted to know the answers.

It hit me then, what I was doing. And suddenly I wasn't sure I wanted to keep it up. What had I gotten myself into? I could feel this girl grabbing my attention, reeling me in. If I spent too much time thinking about her, I wouldn't be able to let go. And that was a scary thought. That went against my nature. It broke all my rules. It shattered the wall I'd built to keep my emotions from showing or affecting what I did. And I wasn't ready for that. I didn't want this girl to come into my life and turn me upside down! I barely knew who she was! Wouldn't it be better to just distance myself, and leave her alone?

But there was still something there. Something that made me want to... help her maybe? Or at least be near her. I wasn't even exactly sure what it was about her that dragged me in, or what it was that made me want to stay. Maybe it was those eyes... those gorgeous crystal blue eyes...

Wait. What was I doing? This wasn't what I usually did! I couldn't let myself get caught up in my emotions like this! And I'd just met Amy... There was absolutely no guarantee she felt the same way. Not that I cared... right?

Who was this girl anyways? Just who was Amy Letann? I still wasn't sure why, but I wanted to know. And I planned to find out. I planned to find out just who Amy was, one way or another. ...whatever that meant...

'Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.'

Hope you liked Jake's opinion on this whole situation(: He's obviously pretty confused! ...for now. Love you all(:

-Alyssa <3

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