Chapter Fourteen: Sick?

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Amy's P.O.V.

School, as it turned out, was easy. Easier than I had thought it would be. The first month flew by fast. By that time, basketball had started and I had flying colors when it came to my performance and hard work. The classes were easy, and I was considering switching to a more advanced math class. Marching band gave me plenty to do, and even though we didn't really go by chairs during marching season, I was second chair, and close to being first. Elizabeth, or Liz, a girl I now considered to be my best friend (aside from Jake, of course), said my clarinet skills improved every week. I fit in nicely with everyone, had a good amount of friends, and only really hated a few people. So my life was as simple as a high school girl's life could be.

Jake and I had managed to overcome the gossip and rumors easily. We fought occasionally, like any couple does, but we always made it though. He was still always there for me, amazing as always.

So, for me, life seemed perfect. I was so happy. But busy. It felt like I always had something to do. And I felt bad because I wasn't hanging out with Jake as much as we were used to. I got off the bus at his house every afternoon and did homework. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we had band practice at six. Every other morning I had to catch an early bus for basketball practice. On those days, I wouldn't see Jake until 2nd period. And then I was also Student Council Representative for our class, so that sometimes required extra hours after school too.

We still texted all the time and told each other all about our day. He was good about being open with me. And every night he'd call me to tell me goodnight, even if that was all we said. I just didn't see him alone as much as I would've wanted to.

So I guess that's why I didn't notice at first when he started acting a little different. I only started paying attention when he didn't call one night. I was so exhausted I barely noticed that night, but the next morning on the way to basketball it hit me. Jake hadn't called me. Sure, it wasn't that big of a deal, but the thing was... he always called. Always.

Basketball put the issue out of my mind for a while though. I was sweating and focusing too hard to think about anything else for too long. But once I walked into my 2nd period class and saw Jake sitting with his head in his hands, it hit me again. Something was up. First, Jake hadn't called. Now, he was sitting with his head in his hands?

I went and sat in the desk next to him like I always do. He didn't look up.

There were barely any people in the room. Not even the teacher was there. I put my bag down and turned in my seat so I could rub his back. He turned his head and rested it on his arm so he could see me. "I'm sorry." he whispered.

It scared me, the way his voice was hoarse like he hadn't talked in ages. Was I imagining things, or did he look upset? Something was bothering him... I just knew it. But what? What was wrong?

"Jake? What's wrong? You didn't call... is something wrong?"

I waited. He sighed and then turned in his seat. He took one of my hands in his and played with it while he talked. "I'm sorry I didn't call. My mom wasn't feeling very good and I was busy with Cassie. I didn't make you upset, did I?" He really did look sorry. So I let it go.

"No, it's okay. Really. I was just worried. Are you sure everything's okay?" I whispered. People were starting to file into the room by now. Liz threw me a questioning glance. I was thankful she didn't sit behind me just yet.

He smiled reassuringly."I'm fine Amy. It's just... my mom... Amy, my mom's not doing so great...Haven't you noticed?"

People were watching and whispering now, but I didn't care. I barely noticed anyone but Jake.

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