Chapter 2: The beat to his!

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Philip Harrington vs. Troy 'Travis' Stanton

Pix: Troy 'Travis' Stanton, acted by the absolutely gorgeous Cody Christian

Video: Always Be My Baby by Mariah Carey



"You must be kidding me." Troy couldn't keep the shock out of his voice as he stared at the guns pointing at his and Paul's heads. "I thought we had an agreement."

"Well, consider it canceled." Blaze grinned as he relaxed in his seat and lit a joint. He already looked high. And from the traces of white power on the table and the rolled up dollar bill beside the substance, Troy could hazard a good guess what the gang leader was high on. He'd watched enough TV. "This is a lot of cash." Blaze pointed his joint at the sacks of cash as he watched the two boys from beneath his lashes. "I don't want any of this getting out so we have to shut you up...permanently."

"But we helped you get..."

"What did you do?" The leader of the gang scoffed as he took a long drag. "Your work was to stop the police if they showed up. They didn't."

"That was because I changed their course." Troy was literally shaking with disbelief and anger. He was, however, more concerned about Paul who was trembling and pleading pitifully beside him.

They'd arrived at Blaze's hideout...a warehouse of sorts, as had been agreed, only for two of his goons to point their guns at them. Blaze had shouted at the goons to take them outside to avoid blood getting on the floor of the warehouse. Not only did the crook want to cheat them out of their share of the money, he clearly wanted to take their lives as well? Well, not if he took theirs first, Troy thought as he started to chant silently. Some dark magic would do. They just needed to stall the murders until he was able to complete his chanting. What he wouldn't give to be a real warlock like the others, Troy thought exasperatedly.

"You are being very unreasonable and wicked." Troy's voice raised.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah give me a break." Blaze snorted. "It's called tying loose ends, buddy. No offense." He said with a wave of his hand. "Bye."

"Move." One of the goons growled.

"Please..." Paul sobbed in fear. "You don't have to give us any of the money. Just keep it." Neither Paul nor Troy moved. Paul because he was busy pleading, and Troy because he wanted to stall their executioners. "We won't tell anyone."

As Paul pleaded for their lives, Troy concentrated on the fireball he was conjuring with his mind. Unlike the other warlocks he'd grown up around...who could conjure a fireball just by wishing for one, he had to concentrate and chant for some minutes just to make one since he wasn't a warlock. He'd never been told what he was by his family. But they'd made him know that he was special and had magic within himself. He'd been taught how to make his own dark spells by harnessing that magic. It took some time but he was eventually able to get things done if he put his mind to it. Troy lacked the needed concentration but he hoped that the magic within wouldn't fail him. His and Paul's lives depended on what he was trying to conjure.

Angry at the fact their prisoners were not moving as they'd been instructed to, one of the goons raised his gun with a clear intention of hitting Paul. But before his hand could come down, four people...two men and two women, appeared out of nowhere.

"The fuck!" Blaze gasped as he shot to his feet and quickly pulled out a gun. "What is this? Who are you people? And how did you get here? Start talking." He shouted frantically as he took in the four people standing inside his crib.

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