Chapter 12: The beat to his heart...1+1=3!

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Philip Harrington vs. Troy 'Travis' Stanton

Pix: Dr. Sanders holding...

Video: Stand By Me performed by Karen Gibson and The Kingdom Choir (I couldn't resist)



Philip opened his eyes and glanced around the room, wondering what had woken him up. It didn't take him long to figure out that it was the buzzing sound coming from his phone. He would have reached for the phone but his mate chose that moment to snuggle closer against him. Philip's arms instinctively tightened around Troy, his phone, completely forgotten. From the sunlight spilling into the room from under the door of the chalet, Philip could tell it was almost noon. Although he thought it was absurd that he'd actually slept in till that late, he wasn't surprised at all. After fucking Troy throughout the night, they'd both needed their energy and sleep. Philip couldn't stop the grin that split his lip as he looked down at his wanton mate. He'd thought Troy's constant lust was due to being suppressed when he was a teen. But if the sexual demands Troy had made throughout the night was anything to go by, the younger man simply had a really high sex drive. Troy had been insatiable. Troy would sleep for some minutes and then get back on Philip's 'always-ready-to-go' dick. Philip had definitely gotten more than he'd bargained for. At a point, Philip had feared for his mate's hole and had tried to hold back but Troy wouldn't allow him. It was almost as if Troy was having too much pleasure to feel sore.

"You're going to be extremely sore come morning." Philip had muttered as he pulled out of Troy's spasming channel around dawn.

"I don't care." Troy had breathed shakily as he sought his mate's mouth. "Totally worth it."

Philip chuckled as he pressed a kiss to Troy's forehead and got out of bed. He would take a shower first and then wake Troy up to take one too...because he knew he would only end up impaling his mate on his already pulsing wood should they decide to take the shower together. After Troy was done with his, Philip intended to pay his mate's well-used hole a much-needed attention before they left for their home.

Before Philip could move away from the bed, however, he heard his cell phone vibrating again. It was Jeremy.

"Yeah?" Philip rasped as he made his way towards the bathroom.

"I need you, Lip." Jeremy sounded so desperate, Philip stopped moving. "I called earlier but..."

"What is it, Jeremy?" Philip cut his friend off, willing his own heart to stop pounding.

"It's Ryan." Jeremy croaked. "I think...fuck. I just need you here with me, Lip."

"Is it the baby?" Philip couldn't wipe the look of surprise off his face.


"But it not yet time." Philip resumed his walk towards the bathroom. A bit relieved that it wasn't anything disastrous.

"Tell that to the kid." Jeremy growled. "I'm scared, Lip."

"I'll set off immediately." Philip said as he closed the bathroom door behind him. "I don't know why you're panicking though. You knew that baby was going to come out at a point." Philip couldn't mask his amusement. "Don't be a wuss..."

"Shut up and get your arse here, Lip." Jeremy snapped and then hung up, leaving Philip laughing softly.

After taking a quick shower, Philip went to wake Troy up. The alpha wished he could get back into that warm bed with his mate but...

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