Chapter 5: The beat to his heart...wild thoughts!

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Philip Harrington vs. Troy 'Travis' Stanton

Pix: Troy's golden wolf

Video: Wild Thoughts by DJ Khaled ft. Rihanna



Troy opened his eyes, blinking his vision clear as he stretched. He groaned at the slight pain he felt as his joints cracked and popped. It felt as if he'd gone through some strenuous exercises or carried tons of bricks up and down a flight of stairs. He wondered what exactly he'd done the day before to...

"Oh, my god..." Troy gasped as he shot up into a sitting position. "I'm a wolf!" He sounded both surprised and awed. He could feel his beast inside him. And it felt surprisingly good. "Oh my god, I'm really a werewolf." He gasped, looking down at himself. His eyes widened in surprise when he lifted the covers and realized he was naked underneath. "What the hell..."

Troy finally shifted his gaze around the room and groaned. He remembered the room he was in. It belonged to Philip. Where was he anyway, Troy wondered. Was Philip the one who'd stripped him or he'd done it himself, he frowned. He did remember turning into a wolf but the rest was a bit hazy. He actually recalled feeling so angry he'd fought with Philip. He groaned when he remembered how Philip had thwarted all his efforts to get in a good bite.

"Twerp." Troy muttered but found himself smiling despite himself.

He moaned when he remembered how at some point, he'd begun to enjoy whatever it was Philip was making them do. It had almost felt as if the bigger wolf was playing with him. But of course, the bully had managed to pin him down at a point. Then he'd... Troy gasped as his hand shot up to his neck.

"The hell..." He could feel the mark on his neck.

Troy scrambled out of bed, drawing the covers with him, and went to stand in front of the mirror on one side of the wall. He growled when he saw the mark. Philip had bitten him. The mark, though not a fresh wound, looked red. Why the fuck had Philip bitten him, Troy wondered as he rubbed his hand over the mark.

"Oh, my god..." He shuddered as the most delicious feeling rocked through him, straight into his balls. He doubled over and panted. He'd never felt anything like that. Or had he?

Troy straightened up as his mind went back to when he'd felt Philip biting him. He couldn't stop the full-body blush that assailed him when he remembered what had happened to him during that bite. What he'd felt when Philip's long canines had sunk deep into his neck was definitely nothing like what he'd felt when he rubbed on the mark. Even though he'd been in his wolf form then, Troy knew exactly what was happening when he felt himself spilling onto the carpet. He'd read enough to know that that kind of intense, earth-shatteringly sweet feeling accompanied by all that had gushed out of his wolf-dick was none other than an orgasm. And what an orgasm it had been...

"Holy hell..." Troy shuddered when he recalled that sweet, painless hold and the heat, pleasure, and projection of ownership and dominance that had overtaken his senses.

At that moment when he was being bitten, he had no idea why Philip was doing that but it had felt so right he hadn't wanted Philip to stop. He'd never felt anything so exquisitely good. Just thinking about it was... Troy dropped the covers and stared at this pulsing erection.

"Wow..." Troy looked awed as he stared. He'd never had one that hard before. And even that only happened when he needed to pee in the mornings. He'd read about how hard it could get when a person got sexually excited. He'd just never felt excited enough to get one.

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