Chapter 6: The beat to his heart...uncontrollable need!

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Philip Harrington vs. Troy 'Travis' Stanton

Pix: an alpha and his mate... A&P (#ValsDayEyeCandy)

Video: Poison by EBONY (R.I.P chica)

Happy Valentine's Day to you, guys.



"All set?" Philip asked as he got to the group of men waiting at the edge of the woods.

"All's set, Alpha." Stan responded as he pulled off his t-shirt. "The pup-watchers are with the pups in the recreational room."

The pup-watchers were the sitters of the pack who kept watch over the pups whenever the others had to go for runs, hunts or battles. Anyone who had not attained the age of fifteen and therefore hadn't had their first shift yet was classified as a pup. One would be a fool to think that pup-watchers were weak and soft. On the contrary, they could be the most vicious members of the pack if anyone messed with the pups.

"Great. All sentinels at post?" Philip asked.


"Give the signal for the hunters to..." Philip paused, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. Sweet, he thought as he opened his eyes and focused on the person giving off that delicious scent. His mate. "Give them the signal to start moving out." Philip completed giving the instructions with his eyes on Troy who was walking towards him with Gloria. "Pete, you take the west. George, you have the east."

"Yes, Alpha." Pete and George responded in unison. "Troy, you good?" Pete asked Troy as the other men took turns greeting Gloria.

"I'm good Pete, thanks. Hey, George."

"Hiya, T. Sup?"

"I'm good." Troy grinned. A grin that disappeared to be replaced with sheer desire as soon as his eyes met Philip's.

Troy had to stifle his groan of frustration as he began to move towards Philip. He knew the guy was his mate and all but...did he really have to feel for that kind of sexual closeness anytime he was around Philip? His body clamored for Philip's touch, yearned and ached for things that he'd never felt for in his life before seeing Philip. It scared the shit out of him. The night before, he hadn't gone soft even once during Philip's visit. It had been hell. And he was even more surprised that in spite of the fact that they were in the midst of people at that very moment, he was actually getting a boner. He blamed that sexy swag that Philip had...always oozing so much confidence, pizzazz and sexual magnetism which never failed to make him lightheaded with lust. And that special look Philip gave him whenever he thought he wasn't watching...with eyes filled with such possessiveness, hunger, and warmth... It always left him weak. To think he'd been brought up to see same-sex relations as unacceptable, Troy thought. He wondered what the warlocks would say if they saw him now, with no control over his body whenever Philip was around... Well, he was never going to find out, thanks to his massacring pack.

"Hey." Philip said in his low sexy voice, drawing a tiny moan out of Troy.

"Hi." Troy said softly, blushing a brilliant red. "Stop staring." He muttered, breaking eye contact with Philip.

"You look good." Philip husked, taking in Troy's sexy pullover hoodie, Capri jogger pants that looked so good on him, and ankle-high trainers.

"I'm in ordinary joggers and hoodie." Troy mumbled as he shuffled a foot in the sand. "When you look at me like that..." He stopped talking but Philip had a good idea how his mate was feeling that very moment.

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