Chapter 10: The beat to his's on!

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Philip Harrington vs. Troy 'Travis' Stanton

Pix: The sexy, sassy, Stan

Video: I Love You by Celine Dion



"Hey, I need to be in the conference room. The others are waiting." Philip told Troy who was lying on his back with his eyes wide open but he didn't acknowledge his words.

The alpha had asked his betas and heads of units to assemble in the conference room that dawn, to wait for Ryan and Agyemang who according to Jeremy, had insisted on going with Ryan. But although Philip knew that his crew was already waiting in the conference room, he was finding it very difficult to leave his disturbed mate.

"Troy?" Philip reached out to cup his mate's cheeks. "Ryan will bring him home. Have faith."

"What if they've already done something to...for all you know he's not even alive anymore."

"He's alive, Troy." Philip said firmly. "A.G. would have felt it if he wasn't."

"You sure about that?" There was so much hope in Troy's eyes. "Because I don't know what I'll do if something happens to him, Philip." He clearly wanted so much to believe what his mate was telling him.

"Come here." Philip sat on the bed and pulled Troy into his lap. "Remember when I first saw you during that battle?" At Troy's affirmative nod, Philip went on... "I wanted so much to leave everything I was doing and claim you as mine. Right on the battlefield. But I knew I had to get my priorities straight. Lives were at stake. So I concentrated on the battle at hand and let you go. I didn't even know your name and definitely didn't know where you were. But I knew...right here," he placed Troy's hand on his chest, "that you were alive."

"Really?" Troy whispered.

"Yes." Philip rubbed soothing circles on Troy's back. "Hell, even my wolf wouldn't allow me to fuck anyone because I'd found my mate and to him, I was supposed to be with only you."

"I didn't know that." Troy pulled his head back to look at Philip with shocked eyes.

"Well, I never told you." Philip brushed a strand of Troy's hair off his forehead. "You see, the wolf knew that his mate was alive so I knew I'd find you eventually. The plan was to wait for Jeremy and Ryan to come back from their trip, to help me search for you."

"Then they came with something even better." Troy smiled.

"Yep. Name, age, lineage, and exact location of my mate." Philip laughed softly.

"Lucky me." Troy breathed.

"No, lucky me." Philip chuckled. "My point is, Agyemang knows that Paul is alive. Besides, I'm pretty sure he's being held as bait. The warlocks are too smart to kill him now. Stay positive."

"They had better not touch a hair on his head." Troy growled low in his throat. "Till I see him, I..." His words were stopped with Philip's finger on his lips. Philip looked like he was communicating with someone telepathically so Troy waited.

"They found him." The relief in Philip's voice was palpable.

"Are they here..." Troy started to get off Philip's lap but the alpha stopped him.

"They're not yet here. Jeremy says Ryan told him that they were going to get in touch later. But they have Paul."

"The real Paul?" Troy asked though he couldn't stop his happy grin.

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