Chapter 6 - Behind Enemy Lines

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Tyler’s POV

The door slammed behind him with a loud thud leaving me in the room with nothing but my thoughts. I paced back and forth debating on going after him or not. If it wasn’t for him, I’d probably be dead right now, but I wasn’t going to accompany him on some suicide mission. There’s a thin line between bravery and stupidity and he was teetering over the edge between the two.

When I arrived home later on that evening, my mother was already preparing dinner. She was making lasagna, one of my favorites. I ran up to my room and flopped down on my bed after kicking off my shoes. Today had been eventful to say the least and I was exhausted. I had nearly been killed three times in just one day. But on the other hand, for once in my life I finally felt alive. Being able to use my powers without any restrictions felt absolutely amazing and I couldn’t help but feel proud of myself for standing up to Scorpio. My somewhat celebration was short live when my mind drifted back to the men inside the car I flipped. I wonder how many, if any survived. I couldn’t help but hope they lived. I didn’t want to be a murderer. To know that my powers were the cause of someone losing their life made me sick. It was just the kind of thing Scorpio preached about, saying that Evolutionaries were inherently evil and dangerous. The thought made me shiver so I tried to push the thought out of my mind and go to sleep.

I had just begun to doze off when I thought I heard the sound of footsteps approaching my bed. The floorboards creaked slightly with each step they took, making their way towards me. I lay there, waiting for them to get closer before I sprang up sending a ball of energy exploding at them. The momentum of the blast sent the attacker flying into the wall, splashing water all over their face. It was Wyatt.

“Dude what the heck?!” Wyatt grumbled.

“My bad... You scared me.” I said trying to help him up. If I would have pushed at him any harder he would have went through the wall. “What were you doing sneaking around my room anyways?” I asked defensively. "You could've knocked at least."

“Mom told me to come and get you for dinner and when I came in here you were asleep so I figured I’d get you back for this morning.”

That explains the water” I think.

“Why are you so jumpy?” He finished, irritated.

“I  umm, was having a bad dream. No biggie.” I lied. I couldn’t afford to let my parents know what was happening. If I did, they’d kill me. Since they discovered my powers they had always warned me never to use them outside, and to stay to myself in school. If they even knew half the stuff that happened today we’d be on our way to some foreign country. Wyatt studied me for a minute trying to figure out if he believed me or now. When he decided my explanation was acceptable, he left the room muttering a series of insults under his breath.

I felt bad for what I did. What if it had been my mom or something? On the other hand, it could have easily been a real agent from Scorpio coming to off me in my sleep. I couldn’t help but wonder how long it would take for them to figure out who I was and where I lived. When they did, they’d probably kill my family too just to prove a point. I had embarrassed them and maybe even killed a few of their agents, and there is no way that is going to go unnoticed. Eventually, I'd have to tell my family for their own safety.

I washed up really quick and then headed down stairs for diner. The succulent aroma of lasagna filled the air. I sat down to the table, said grace, and then began to eat.

“Where’s Dad?” Wyatt asked through bites of his food.

“He had to work late tonight.” My mom replied, wiping her face with a napkin. She got up from the table and washed out her plate in the sink before sitting in the living room to watch TV.

“We interrupt the following scheduled program for Breaking News. Evolutionary Jeremy Davis was finally captured today in a fight at Scorpio’s Science Facility downtown.” The reporter stated. I jumped from the table and sprinted into the living room.

“Cut it up!” I said. My mother looked at me with a worried expression before turning up the television.

“Earlier today, known evolutionary Jeremy Davis attempted to break in to the Todd Bridges Science Facility. A building that is owned and operated by the National Homo Superioris Containment Agency, otherwise known as Scorpio. After taking out several innocent agents and scientists, the deranged evolutionary was finally captured suffering just a gunshot wound to the shoulder and abdomen. The condition of the evolutionary is unknown but it is believed he is still being held inside the facility as they stabilize his condition. Representatives from Scorpio could not be reached for comment. I’m Jacob Sokolowski reporting for channel five news, goodnight folks. The screen faded to a grey screen before flicking back to the previously scheduled program that was already in progress. I raced up to my room, tossed on my shoes, and then headed back down stairs rushing towards the door.

“Where are you going?” My mother asked as I brushed by.

“To save my friend.” I said slamming the door before she could stop me.

It took me about an hour to get downtown. The street lights were on, illuminating the streets. I had tried to convince myself a thousand times that this was a bad idea, but for some reason I wouldn’t listen. I refused to just stand by and turn my head as Scorpio experimented on another evolutionary. I walked in the shadows, slowly making my way down the street until I reached the far outside of the facility. Two agents guarded the gate that let people in and out of the building. There was no way I was getting in without them a fight unless I was in an authorized vehicle.

I backed into the bushes at the sound of an approaching car. It belonged to Scorpio. Without thinking, I threw myself to the ground and rolled into the street just as it cruised by. Somehow I managed to lodge myself under the car by bracing my arms and legs to the insides. The car came to a very slow creep as it turned into the gate. It came to a quick stop as one of the guards checked the identity of the driver. Upon approval, it was let inside the facility and into the main parking lot. The men inside exited the car after parking close to the front, and went the separate ways. When I was certain I could hear no one around, I lowered myself from underneath the car and rolled from beneath it. I stood up brushing myself off and then looked around quickly taking in my surrounding when I spotted two guards coming down the walkway by the doors. I crouched back down immediately as they passed oblivious to my presence. After taking another quick look to make sure the parking lot was empty of agents I made a beeline to the door letting myself in with a sigh of relief. There was no turning back now, I was inside the facility.

I carefully made my way down the long hall ducking the faintest of sounds. I was crazy for doing this. After a couple of turns inside the hall, I found myself wandering inside a lab. There were several x-rays along the wall showing side by side comparison of the bone structures of two different people. There was a white island table in the center of the room that was littered with files and photographs. I took a quick glance out the door behind me to make sure no one was coming. When I was sure the coast was clear, I headed over to the table to examine the files. Most of the files were irrelevant and boring and I was just about to stop looking at them when something caught my eye. There was a file with Jeremy’s name on it. I flipped it open quickly and scanned through it. I let out a small gasp when I read the very last paper in the file. Jeremy was scheduled for some sort of DNA extraction in a few hours. Shortly following the extraction would be his extermination. According to the paper, they were going to harvest the essence of his powers and then kill him. But why would Scorpio want to store his powers if their purpose was to protect people from them? My thoughts were cut short as a man in a white lab coat entered the door. A quick look over and a realized it wasn’t just some man, it was my dad.

A/N: Things really start to heat up again from here. Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT! 

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