Chapter 20 - The End [Part 2]

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“Tyler! Tyler get up!” I could faintly hear someone yelling my name. My ears were ringing uncontrollably and my head felt like I had been beat with a hammer. “Tyler get up now!!” the voice continued to call. It sounded vaguely familiar but it was hard to think. I struggled to open my eyes and take in the world around me. Standing over me was a person I eventually recognized to be David. He was shaking my violently trying to get me up. I tried to tell him to stop but my words came out in a bunch of slurs.

“Whaa—at happened?” I stammered. My memory was a bit fuzzy and my head was hurting to much to even think about the events that had just transpired.

“You took the serum and passed out. I don’t know really. Can you move?” He asked.

“I—I think so.” I said. I forced myself to sit up and David helped pull me to my feet. I  managed to stand for a few shaky seconds before nearly falling back down the ground.

“Crap. It’s probably going to take a few minutes for it to kick in. David sighed.

“We don’t have a few minutes! We have to do this now.” I yelled in frustration. “Hurry, put me in my wheelchair.” David quickly sat me back down in the wheelchair. “Okay, now wheel me Odaire.”

“What?! You can’t even stand on your own let alone try and fight a mad man!” David argued.

“I don’t cared! This is all my fault anyways! I’m not going to let anyone else die because of me. Now either you can help wheel me there or I will drag myself across the floor if I have to!”

“Fine!” He sighed. He walked around the chair and began to push it down the halls as fast as he could. Around the third or fourth corner we ran into a guard from Scorpio. He was tall, heavy set, and was holding a very large gun that was pointed right at us. I closed my eyes saying a very short prayer before flinging my hand up and willing my mind to work. I felt a surge of pure adrenaline and power rush through my body as the man went flying back, slamming back into the wall behind him before falling to the floor. “Holy shit!” David gawked. Looking at the indented figure of the man that now plagued the wall “How did you do that?”

I looked down at my hands in shock. “I have no idea. I just concentrated like normal!” I explained. The serum must have been kicking in now. Whatever Odaire did when he made probably heightened the effectiveness of my powers. The only bad thing was that Odaire probably tried it out on himself already. If he did, he was going to be hell to stop. There would only be one way to stop him, and that would be to kill him. But someone how in my mind I knew I would be able to do it. He had taken so much away from me and the people around me I wanted nothing more than to see him suffer.

Lauren’s POV

I could do nothing but let out an ear piercing scream. Travis was dead, Odaire had killed him and now I would be next if I didn’t do something. Straining every muscle in my body I managed to prop myself up on my hand and knees as Odaire made his way over towards me. As soon as I stood upright I was lifted up in the air and slammed against a wall. I could feel pressure being applied to my neck as it became harder and harder to breath. Before me stood a smirking Odaire with his hands outstretched as he choked me slowly. He watched as my face turned from pale white to red and from red to purple and his grin only widened with each second of my life he took away. With his free hand he reached down by his waistband and pulled back out the small gun I’m sure he had just used to shoot Travis. He lifted up and pointed at my face, seemingly aiming between my eyes. “Goodbye Lauren.” He winked before pulling the trigger.

Tyler’s POV

We had barely entered the room, and I had just noticed Odaire in the corner preparing to shoot Lauren. I opened my mouth to yell but the sound was drowned out by the loud bang of the gun as time seemingly slowed before me. I looked around at my surroundings confused as to what was going on. No one was moving. It took a minute for me to grasp what was happening. Somehow I managed to stop everything around me. The serum must have really kicked the power of my mind in high effect.

 I stood up from the wheelchair confidently, knowing nothing could stop me now. I lost so many people already I was not losing another.

I walked across the room to Odaire and Lauren. He I could see the small bullet suspended in the air halfway between the two of them. Focusing my mind I turned the bullet back so that it was facing Odaire before letting out a long breath that seemed to put time back in motion. Almost instantly Odaire fell to the ground as the bullet pierced his chest just as Lauren dropped to the ground fighting for air.

“How... how did you do t-t—that.?” Odaire stuttered as he began to cough up blood. I walked up closer to him and squatted down so I was close to his face.

“You can stop a lot of things... but you can’t stop Evolution.” I whispered coldly as he let out his final breath. Scorpio was dead.

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