Chapter 8 - Mission Impossible

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I whipped around thrusting my hands up and knocked  the guard back into the boxes behind him. Whatever was in the boxes must have been heavy because they supported his weight and he didn’t fall. Instead, he pushed off of them and came barreling my way. Out the corner of my eye I saw one of the scientists sneaking up behind, so I through him into the guard approaching guard with my powers. I turned around looking for the other scientists I had saw coming down the stairs seconds, ago but he was gone. Seconds later, the blaring sound of the emergency alarm filled the room. I guess I knew where the other scientist was now.

With the alarm off, I had lost the element of surprise and now it would be nearly impossible to reach Jeremy, but it was too late to turn back now. I ran up the stairs as the scientist and guard struggled to get up off the ground. At the top of the first flight, I was greeted by three more Scorpio guards. I threw a quick punch knocking down one of them, but the other landed a nice right hook that sent me rolling back down the stairs clutching my jaw. I scrambled to get up, but someone grabbed me from behind. I threw my head back hitting them in the face causing them to curse, but they managed to keep the grip on my arms holing them in place.

“Let go of me!” I grunted trying to break free.

“Quit moving!” He yelled back. Ignoring his warnings, I kept squirming although it was pointless. There were too many people now to use my powers on and at this point, even if I tried, they would probably shoot me.

One of the scientist stepped forward and reached into their front pocket. “I have something to calm him down.” He commented with smug look on his face as he pulled out a small syringe filled with a clear blue liquid.

He stepped closer to me and I kicked him right in the groin. He doubled over in pain as one of the surrounding guards stepped forward and grabbed my legs. I began to yell and scream as many slurs as I could think their way, and it wasn’t long before another scientist stepped forward and injected me with the blue liquid. Almost instantaneously, I went unconscious.  

When I came to I was in a poorly lit room that resembled a jail cell. I was laying on a small hard bed, the only one in the room. Surrounding me was a dingy looking toilet that needed to be disposed of, and a door that presumably led to one of the many hallways in the facility. At the top of the very far corner in the room was a small motion sensor camera. They must have been watching me sleep, waiting for me to wake up. Since they hadn’t killed me yet, they were probably going to experiment on me, or ask me a bunch of pointless questions. Probably both. As if on cue, a man in a suit, and a guard entered the room. I sat up clenching my fists, ready to fight. At some point while I was asleep, they strapped these weird armbands onto me. They were black with dull neon blue lights going around them. Whatever they were, I’d have to deal with them once I got out of here. The guard lifted up his gun aiming it at my forehead, waiting for me to move.

“That won’t be necessary.” The man in the suit said motioning for the guard to put the gun down. The guard reluctantly lowered his arm and as he did I threw my hands up and tried pushing him with my mind. The lights on the armband came to life and began to glow brightly, sending painful  shockwaves up my arms and to my brain through me nervous system. The pain was excruciating and I collapsed to the ground, my face turning red. Finally, the lights on the armband faded back to a dull blue and the pain stopped.

“What did you do to me?” I writhed on the ground clutching my arm.

“Do you mind giving young Tyler here and I some privacy?” the man in the suit whispered to the guard. They knew my name. The guard nodded, and then left the room, closing the door behind him.

“Now where were we?” the man asked. I stared up at him with pure hatred in my eyes. He was tall and pale with jet black hair and empty blue eyes. He looked as if he must have been in his mid-forties and had a few wrinkles indented into his forehead. “Ah yes, what did I do to you? Well, I’ll answer that in a few minutes but first let us go over the essentials.” He continued, pacing about the room. I was pretty sure this guy was a nut job. “My name is Doctor Elijah Odaire, and I am the boss here at Scorpio. It is a pleasure to meet you mister Walters.”

“Walters?” I asked irritated.

“Hmm, so I was correct in assuming you didn’t know then.” Dr. Odaire mumbled to himself.

“What are you talking about?” I replied.

“Your name is Tyler Walters, son of Evelyn and James Walters.”

“I don’t even know those people, your computers must be as broken as your brain.” I scoffed. He didn’t even know my real name.

“My brain perfectly normal and functional, as are the computers here at Scorpio. We pride ourselves on using next-gen technology.” He rebutted proudly. "Your mother died during childbirth, and your father could not be found so you were put up for adoption immediately.”

“You’re lying.” I huffed. No way I was adopted, I looked just like my dad. We had the same eyes, and nose, and we even were the same height.

“You were adopted by a young infertile couple in their early twenties looking for a child. They paid a lot of money to have their identities withheld.” He finished in a soft tone, eying me curiously.

“You’re lying!” I yelled again. “My parents wouldn’t keep that from me!” I just knew they wouldn’t have. They rarely kept big secrets from Wyatt and I...except for my dad’s job.

“Correction, your adopted parents. And this wouldn’t be the first they lied to you now would it?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Do not insult my intelligence!” He said sternly. “While you were sleeping,  one of my scientists reported their partner, Dr. Stephenson, had their son here in the facility. I asked her what did their son look like, and she described someone just like you.”

“I swear, if you even think about touching my family I’ll—” I started.

“You’ll what? If you haven’t noticed, you’re not in the position to make threats right now, I am.” He laughed. “Now, here’s what is going to happen. In approximately forty-eight hours, you are going to be dead. Your actions before your death will determine the fate of your precious little family, do you understand?” He finished, going back to the stern tone he had earlier. I shifted uncomfortably on feet before silently sitting back down on the hard bed. I was defeated. “Good.” Dr. Odaire said walking to the door. “Rest up. You’ll need your energy for tomorrow.” He chimed, closing the door behind him. I sat there for about an hour before the first tear escaped my eye. I was going to die.

A/N: Thanks for all the reads and votes so far! Hope you enjoyed it :)

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