Part 1

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I jolted up in bed, as I screamed on the top of my lungs.  I looked around, seeing me on my bed, still in my pajama's. Ritska was still in bed, moaning now as she woke up.  The sunlight shined through the window and into her face, as she covered her face from the light. The furniture was in the same spot as always.  Ritska's stuff was on the wall with the door, and mine was on the opposite, with a closet and window right in the middle of the room. The room was silent, except for our shifting, and Lindo in the kitchen. I moaned again as I sat on my bed, and clenched my knees tightly against my chest, when I recognized that I was still home safe.  I looked at the ground, studying the rug as I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I thought of my dream, and the things that was happening.  "Why would Mr. Kaginuki kidnap me?  Is he really a devil?" I thought to myself as moaning entered in the room.  I continued to stair at the floor, as Ritska's bed motioned against the wall, and she sat up.  She yawned, stretched and rubbed her eye.  She looked back at me as she grew shock, at the sight of me.  "Ella, what's wrong?" Ritska asked as her bed shifted, and light footsteps walked up to me.

She sat on the bed, looking my way as I sobbed. I stared at the floor, trying to ignore the world and forget the dream.  "Ella, are you ok?" Ritska asked, as she placed her hand on my shoulder.  She didn't speak again, just waited as she kept her hand in place, letting it warm up my sholder, trying to calm me down.  "Ella, can you at least look at me?" she asked, as she scooted closer to me on the bed.  I lifted my head up, seeing her light brown eyes, darting me in worry. I took a deep breath I huffed, trying to think of how I could talk about it.  "I'm...fine" I said silently, still sobbing a bit.  I pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapping my fleece covered arms around them and into a hug.   Ritska sat on her knees, as she leaned in closer to me, trying to look more into my silver eyes.  I stayed silent, as I grew scared, wondering what she was doing and why.  She squinted before she spoke.  "Are you ok? You haven't been getting enough sleep lately" she said with a little smile.  She sounded more like our friend Azuna each day.  I smiled before I spoke.  "Yeah. Just a nightmare about devils, that's all."  She instantly dropped her smile, as she darted another glare at me.  "You know there's no such thing about devils, right?" she asked, tilting her head in worry again.  I nodded as I covered my mistake with a yawn.  Ritska smiled, as she waved me out of the room.  "Come on, Lindo has breakfast waiting" she said as she walked out of the room.

I stood up as I took a stretch, hearing the cracking of my sleeping joints in my back, helping me wake up.  When I was done, I put on my uniform and walked up to the mirror, seeing the tiredness in my eyes.  I straitened my scarf  to perfection as I sighed and the door opened.  Lindo now stood there, with our mothers teal apron wrapped around his neck, and the other strings tied behind his back.  He held a spoon that was dripping pancake batter onto the tile floor in the hallway.  "Are you up yet?" he said, waiving the spoon around in the air. The batter swung off the spoon and onto the ceiling as it continued to drip.  Lindo looked up at it in surprise.  "Oh, looks like the ceiling is hungry as well" he said, with a chuckle as he looked down at me.  I stood there blushing with embarrassment.  "Well, are you eating or not?" he asked, keeping his stance.  I nodded as I followed him out, knowing that he was doing his famous pose.  It was something he did to get Ritska and I to laugh.

I walked up to the table, seeing it spread with a breakfast of eggs, toast and bacon.  Cups of orange juice was sitting at each of the plates, full to the top of the bright, orange liquid. A bowl of fruit sat on one of the ends of the table, with a flower as a center piece.  I yawned as I sat down and started to pick at the eggs.  "Someone had another bad dream, I'm guessing?" Lindo asked as he took off the apron and sat down at the table.  I yawned as I nodded, and started eating.  I thought more on my dream, and about Rem kidnapping me in the end.   Lindo ate another bite, as he looked at me in confusion.  "Ella, something wrong?" he asked, as he tried to look into my eyes.  I ignored him as I went back to my plate.  Ritska took a sip from her glass as she looked at me.  "She had a very bad dream last night" she told Lindo.  Lindo nodded, as they continued to eat.  I put my fork down as I looked at Lindo in curiosity.  "Lindo, vampires and devils are real, right?" I asked, making him stair at me in shock.  He looked at Ritska, then back at me.  "I don't want to tell you.  Your still new to the whole exorcist thing, so I'm just going to leave that clueless for you" he said, with a sigh and picked back at his egg.

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