Part 9

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He led me up against a wooden door, that looked like it went down to a basement.  He tugged on the door, but it rattled as it stayed shut.  Roen tried again a few times, but huffed in frustration.  "Shoot, it's locked" he said, with a huff.  He shifted as he lifted his foot.  "Watch out" he said, as he started kicking the door, but nothing happened.  The door still stayed shut, cemented in place as it stood in the doorway.  Roen hufed, as he backed up.  "We have to turn around, can't enter in there" he said, keeping his tone down to a whisper.  It was so low that I could barely hear him, but he turned when he spoke, so I easily could figure it out. I looked back as I stopped.  I was having a feeling that we were being watched, but no one was there.  "Something wrong?" he asked, turning around to face me, keeping his voice down again.  "Shh" was the only thing I said, as I listened for any noise. The hallway stayed silent, as it grew darker and becoming night.  A full day had passed, while we were in there. The sun started going down, letting the moon take it's place.  The stars spread through the sky, scattering all over it, like someone chucked glitter into the air.  The only window in the room was the ones on the ciling, showing the sky.  A cold breeze brushed against my skin, as the hallway sat silent. I looked at Roen as he sat there, lisening to something in the air. "Ok, we'll be all set if we keep going" he said turning around, and continuing walking down the hall.  I followed him as we walked to a door that was cracked.  I was gaining trust for him, like he said. But something inside me still told me not to.

I looked at the door in confusion as he pushed it open.  "It's dark, but I think it's a way out" he said as he entured the room.  I followed, staying quiet and not really answering him.  We walked slowley in the room as the sound of wings, swooped down, and the guy with wings, stood in front of the doorway facing us. His black wings rested against each other, pushed down his back, behind him.  He stood, leaning on one foot, with his hands in his pockets. He shook his head, as he huffed in agrivation.  "Didn't know you would rebel against us, Roen.  I should've made you into slippers when I had the chance" he said, adding a creppy tone to his voice. Roen growled as he stood in front of me, staying in his human form. "Well I wouldn't be, if you stopped hurting the students" he yelled back.   The wingged being shook his head.  "You poor thing, both of you" he said, looking down at the floor.  "Shiki" Roen growled in anger, as he jolted at the being, morphing into a dog.  Shiki grabbed Roen by the scruff of his neck, as he chuckled.  "Oh puppy.  You thought you could protect the human" he said with a evil chuckle.  Roen swipped his paws back and forth, brushing one against Shiki's face.  A couple of red lines formed, starting bleeding down his cheek. The dark red line dripped down his chin, and finally fell onto the floor.

"Dumb rat that hurt" he said, saticfied by the words.  He chucked Roen against the cement wall of the room.  Roen yelped in pain, as he fell to the floor, then morphed back into his human form.  I covered my mouth, as I looked at him in shock. He lied there, blood was dripping down from his cheek, making a tiny puddle on the floor. He looked a little pale, and he didn't move at first.  Finally, he shifted as he blinked and lifted his head up.  "Roen" I yelled, still in shock.  Shiki kept his gaze at Roen as he yelled.  "You traitor. How dare you disobey us" he said sternly as he huffed.  "Now, where were we?" he asked, looking up at me.   I gasped as I backed up, trying to find a way out, but no other entrance was in the room.  Shiki grabbed my wrist as he pulled me out of the room.  We exited and took a left down the hall.  I pulled and pulled, but I didn't get out of his grasp.  He was too strong.  I walked up closer, then pulled back.  When I did, my wrist came out of his hand, letting me turn and run the other way.  But I didn't get far.  He grabbed my wrist, then the other and slammed me against the wall, my head pounded against the brick.  "You can't run from us, human" he said, in anger. I sat there, trying to get free, but it didn't work.

Shiki chuckled as he sighed.  "Did you just think you can run, Human?" he asked, his voice getting creepier within seconds. I didn't reply, just looked at him with hatred in my eye.  "I'm not turning into your pet" I growled at him.   Shiki smiled, as he tightedned his grip, making my wrist start to go numb.  I screamed in pain as I put my hand down.   He freed one of my wrists, as he placed a hand under my chin, making me look him in the eye.  I stared into his eyes, as the red started crystalizing.  I calmed down instantly, not wanting to look away.  Shiki smiled, before he broke the silence. "Good girl. Now we're late, so follow me" he said, letting me go, and walking down the hall. I followed him like a zombi, passing the windows next to us.  "Ella, run quickly" Roen yelled, making me stop. Shiki turned arund as he grabbed my wrist. "I'll carry you if I have to, now come on" he said, dragging me as we walked away. I pulled again as I felt his hand tighened more. My hand was starting turning purple as the feeling fade, and we left.  Roen got up, and extended his claws. He got between Shiki and I, and scratched Shiki across the face.  

Shiki turned around and pushed him against the wall.  Roen landed against a door, as it opened and he fell into what looked like a storage closet. "Roen" I yelled in worry, as I tried to run for him, but once again, Shiki stopped me.  He got in between us, one hand grasped my wrist, the other leaned for the handle, and made sure it was locked.  "Dumb rat. You think you can protect her, don't you?" he yelled at Roen.  Roen got up, looking like he was in pain.  He gave Shiki another angry look. "You won't hurt her" he said as he lunged against the door, but Shiki slammed it shut, clicking it until it locked.  "Now we're late" he said, as he started walking again, pulling me along with him as we left.

 Lindo entured the hall as he huffed, and looked around. "Ella" he yelled in a panic.  He steadied his breath as he continued to look.  He stared at the door, that was pounding from the inside.  He took out his water, getting to attack anything that was there. He opened the door, seeing Roen run out, and looked all over the hall. "Ella" Roen yelled in a panic.  Lindo looked at him with anger.  "Why do you need her? Where you keeping my sister?" he asked, his eyes, turning red with anger.  "Look, I'm not with them.  I was trying to get her away, trying to help her get home. But I was attacked."   "How can I believe you?" Lindo yelled.  Roen huffed as he thought to explain it.  "They locked me in the room with her.  I tried to convince them to stop, but they didn't listen, so I attacked Rem. But it didn't work.  Sorry" he said, as he looked at Lindo with a angry look on his face.

Lindo's face softened, as his eyes grew back to his regular color.  He dropped Roen, watching him gasp for air, as he landed on the floor.  Lindo backed up against the wall, his back slammed into it, as he slid down to sit.  He felt like giving up right there and then, but couldn't.  Roen finished gaining breath, as he looked down the hall.  "I hate devils" he said, under his breath, as he got up.  "Come on, I already have her sent" Roen said, as he looked down to Lindo. Lindo looked up at Roen with anger.  "And what makes me think I can trust you?" he asked, as he slowly got off the ground.  Roen looked at him in frustration.  "Because they locked me in the room with her" he said, as he sniffed the air.  "Come on, before they do something horrible" Roen said, as he started walking with Lindo following him.

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