Part 4

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I was having once again, another weird dream. It was probably one of the most scariest dreams I ever had. The dreams were getting worse every night, even now that I knew that the discipline committee were after me.  Ever since then, everything has been getting worse than better. This dream was a little strange. I was standing in a small metal cage, like what you get when you live in a tiny apartment building.  It was just a closet sized cage, that sat in a pitch black room, except for the little hanging light, directly above me.  The light was a little dim, still making the room pretty dark as it swayed, almost falling out of the ceiling, wanting to kill me.  A wired net sat on the bottom of it, protecting the bulb that screwed in it. The cage was a little on the small side, but it was tall enough that my brother could be standing in it. I was the only one in the room, but I kept having the feeling that I wasn't. Someone was in the room, watching me as time passed. The room was silent, except for the deep breaths I took, as I started to panic. It was cold in the cage, with a icy breeze that drifted through the bars and onto my skin, making me shiver. The breeze almost iced my skin, making me frozen stiff, as it drifted in the wind.  I turned towards the door, not knowing who it was.  Silence stayed in the room as something touched the handle of the door, and it unlocked.  At this point, my heartbeat increased imedantly.

Once the door opened, a bright, white glare of a light entered the room, brighting it up and blinding me, making me cover my eyes with my arm.  Footsteps entered the room as the door closed, but I still kept my eyes covered.  A huff entered the room, as I regained my vision and looked at the door. Rem was outlined barely by the light, watching me with anger. His green eyes, glowed with anger as they darted at me. He walked closer to me, his arms crossed and an evil look, planted on his face.  He stopped in front of the cage, shaking his head in anger. Huffing over and over again, he spoke. "I warned you this would happen, didn't I?" he asked, the question echoed in the room, making my head pound to the point where I couldn't take it.  I started crying as fear took over, and I held my head.  "I'm...sorry" I sobbed, but it didn't do anything or effected him much. "Save you appoligies, it's too late for it now" he said, as he stared at me.  I looked at him, but not in the eyes.  I started to cry in fear, feeling the heat rize in the room.  The crackling of flames entered the room, growing on the outer walls around us. It quickly left the walls and started spreading across the floor.  It was so bright, that I couldn't see Rem at all.  I didn't know where he was, but I knew he was still in the room.

All of a sudden, his body formed in the flames, as he came closer to the cage.  I walked back as I fell up against the back set of bars. I collapsed on my feet, as my shoulder hit the bar, but bounced up quickly.  Rem unlocked the wall in front of me, as he walked into the cage himself. "No, i'm sorry, just leave me alone" I sobbed, but it didn't effect him at all.  I lied on the floor, closed my eyes, and turned my head as I sat there in fear.  My body started shaking even though it was over a hundred degrees in the room itself.  Rem placed a knee on the floor next to me, as he reached down, and grabbed my chin.  He pulled my head towards him, with anger raging within him.  "Look at me" he demanded, as I instantly opened my eyes, tears dripped down my cheek and dried instantly from the flames.  His eyes started crystalizing, locking my gaze right within them.  I couldn't look away, even though we were in a burning room. The cage got hotter, burning my skin as my arm pressed against it.  I didn't flinch, didn't scream. I kept looking at his eyes, feeling locked into his gase.  The smell of my burning flesh filled the room, scaring me even more.  "I told you this would happen" he said in anger, his voice boomed, making a pounding in my head grow.  He smiled, as he threw me on the ground, making my arm bump the flaming hot cage.  Once again, the smell of burning flesh entered the room, and flames started to ignite on my shirt.  I struggled to crawl onto my hands and kneese as I looked up, seeing Rem walking out of the room.  "Rem" I said catching his gase, but his face still stayed serious.  "What is it?" he asked, angry by the tone of his voice. I looked at him, as I opened my mouth. I ended up crashing on the floor before I could speak.

The room started spinning as the heat and flames rose within it. The pounding in my head started and it got worse fast.  It felt like one big heartbeat growing within my brain. I coughed from the smoke entering my lungs, as it filled the room and the flames came closer to me.  The fire started to crawl up onto me, making me burn even more.  Eventually, it burned through my clothes, and started to burn off my skin.  I screamed in pain, as I lied there, seeing nothing but the red flames, and the dark bars of the cage.  I watched as the cage melted in front of me.  The burning metal dripped from above me, onto my body.  I screamed even more, as a chunk hit me against my head.  I blacked out, and didn't wake up. I burned with everything in the room, and didn't even get to say goodbye to Lindo and Ritska.

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