Part 3

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I walked in the house, huffed and dropped my bag onto the floor. I was too exhausted from the meeting, that I didn't know what to do at this point. Ritska and Azuna were sitting at the table, bowls of some type of soup sat in front of them, spoons in hand.  Lindo was scooping out some in a bowl for himself, as he turned around.  I noticed that he didn't have the aprin on at this point.  He looked at me, with a frustrating tone in his voice as he moaned.  "Where have you been? You were suppost to come strait home after school with Ritska" he said, not yelling but close to it.  I huffed in frustration, as I walked to the kitchen.  The room drew silent, except for me opening the fridge and rummaging  through it.  "Ella, listen to me when I'm talking to you" he yelled, which got me more frustrated.  I huffed before speaking. "Ella" he yelled once more.  Quickly, I turned around and looked him in the eye.   "I got in trouble and had to sit in the discipline committee's office for about three hours.  Now can you stop yelling at me?" I asked, not yelling back though. That was one thing that I learned, you never yell at Lindo, especially when he got mad.  One thing that I knew about my brother, that I don't think anyone else knew was he had a little bit of vampire in him, which was why I try to keep him happy.

Lindo huffed as he stood strait up.  He looked still mad at me, but he didn't say a word.  He leaned to one side, crossed his arms and gave me the most evilest looks that he could make.  It almost triggered the vampire in him, which makes his eyes turn red.  "And why were you there for so long?" I huffed as I leaned against the counter and looked at the floor.  I felt Ritska and Azuna starring at me, speechless and worried.  I sat there in thought.  I could risk telling him, but what if the committee found out?  Then who knows what would happen.  I sat there, letting the stress of everything eat at me.  Lindo was now looking at me in anger, still yelling things that now didn't make any sense.  Ritska and Azuna kept looking from Lindo, then me. Worry and fear grew on their faces.  "Lindo, stop yelling at her" Ritska yelled as she stood from her spot.  Lindo stopped, focusing his gaze on her, speechless.  I sat there, ready to just get out of the house.  I didn't think I could take anymore stress right now.  Lindo huffed, as he calmed himself down, the red in his eyes disappeared and went back to his regular blue orbs. He huffed as he opened his arms, and walked closer.  I sat there, my hand was fisted and one covered my mouth. I sat there, almost bursting out in sobs as I my vision got blurry by the tears.  "Ella, I'm sorry" he said, coming closer to hug me.  I backed up, as a tear fell down my cheek.  "Stay away from me" I said to him, as I turned to run down the hall, into my room and slammed the door shut.

I lied on my bed, letting the tears drip down my cheeks, and the memories fill my mind.  I was having a memory on when we first found out that Lindo was part vampire.  He got out of control, scratched Ritska without any thought, and almost killed me.  It was back when I was only five years old. Ritska was three, and Lindo was nine at the time.  We thought he was sick, so my dad separated him from us, until he regained control.  That's when my dad pulled me aside and explained who Lindo was exactly.  Because of that, I have never gotten him angry or anything. His anger got worse the older we become, and now that he was part vampire, it got even more dangerous.  I heard scooping of food in the kitchen, as dishes clashed together.  I heard someone pick up something and walked down the hall, stopping at my door.  Kicking came at the lower end of my door.  "Ella, can I come in?" Lindo's voice asked, muffled by the closed door.  I didn't say anything back, as I tried to regain my thoughts, and try to stop crying.  "I got food" he said, in a chipper attitude, trying to get me to smile, but I didn't.  "It's open" I said, in a depressing tone of voice.

Lindo twisted the door open as he came in, trying to get a hold of a tray in his hand.  He balanced the tray as he grabbed it with the other hand.  "I thought I bring you supper in bed, seeing how you ran in here after I told you it was ready" he said, placing the tray in front of me.  I looked at the soup as I smiled.  It was chicken noodle soup, with the noodles in the words 'I'm sorry' floating on the broth.  I smiled at the sight of it.  "You really had to write an apology in my soup?" I asked him with a chuckle in my voice.  Lindo looked at me as he clapped.  "Hey, if you will accept it, eat.  If not, then don't have supper tonight" he said, a smile grew on his face.  I shook my head as I ate.  "I guess I'll accept it, seeing how I'm starving" I said as I dipped into the bowl.  Lindo smiled as he looked at the floor in silence.  The room grew silent once again, as I ate and he watched.  He huffed as he grew serious, then looked back at me.  "So, why were you late coming home?" he asked, curiosity filled his voice.  I dropped my spoon into my soup, as fear grew on my face.  After what happened in school, I couldn't tell him and it was to save my life.

"I can't say" I said in a low tone, as I continued to eat.  Lindo looked at me, now with worry.  "Ella, I'm your brother. If someone's threatening you, you can tell me.  I'll protect you and you know it" he said as he looked at me,  worry was still spilled on his face.  I sipped off my spoon as I shook my head.  "Sorry, I can't" I said once more.  Lindo placed a hand on the mattress, as he leaned in even more.  "Ok, can you at lest tell me why you can't?" he asked.  I knew he just wanted to help me with this, but he also didn't understand what I was going through.  He didn't know what Rem told me at the meeting. He wouldn't like it anyway, and I didn't want him getting involved. It would just make everything worse, and that wouldn't be good for anyone.  I dropped my spoon in my soup as Rem's voice echoed in my head again.  "Don't tell anyone, even your brother. Or you'll disappear" it said, making me hug myself in fear.  I closed my eyes, dropped my head as I shook it. Tears started filling my eyes, as I tried to stay calm. "I can't tell anyone" I sobbed.  Lindo huffed as he watched me sit there, crying.  Fear took over more, but I tried to hide it, even though it was hard. I felt his eyes on me, even though I didn't look at him.  I didn't want to anyway.

The room fell silent.  Tears fell onto the heart shaped pillow, that sat on my bed, which was now in my arms.  It was squeezed tightly against my body, looking like I was chocking it.  My head draped over it, as I pulled my knees closer to my chest. I was so scared, that I could barley speak.  Rem's voice still haunted in my head, even though I didn't think of it anymore.  I was at the point that being with Lindo, stated to not feel safe anymore.  "What if they were watching everything I did, and heard everything I said?" I thought to myself, as I stared at the ground, trying to clear my mind.  My vision started getting blurry, as the floor started to spin.  A pounding grew within the minutes of silence.  Instantly, I felt like passing out of stress.  I moaned as the sickness grew within my stomach, and the room started to spin.  "Ella" he said, as something shook my shoulder.  His voice sounded faint, and a little funny.  It was like another echo was in my head, haunting me as I thought.  My head still started to pound, as Rem's voice was repeating the threat in my head.  "Ella, speak to me" Lindo said, his voice starting to panic, as both of his arms gripped my shoulders, and started to shake more.  I knew he was getting worried, and I didn't like to worry him at all.

I instantly snapped out of my gaze, Rem's voice disappeared instantly.  Tiredness took over at this point, making me exhausted by the minute. I just needed to sleep at this point, nothing could help me at all anymore. I had so much happen in one day, that I couldn't take it.  "Ella, something wrong?" Lindo asked, calming down now.  "I don't feel good" I moaned, as I started to feel warmer.  Lindo huffed as he placed a hand on my chest, and the other in the same spot as the first, just on my back.  He helped me scoot forward and make myself comfortable on the bed.  "Your probably just tired.  Get some rest and we'll see how you feel in the morning" he said, as he pulled the covers over me.  I nodded as I rested my head against the pillow and fell into a deep sleep.

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