Part 10

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I pulled and pulled against Shiki, trying to loosen his grip, but it didn't work.  He just kept pulling me down the hall, as he opened a dark, iron door, revieling a dim lit room.  I gasped, as my eyes widdened, and I started fighting him again.  I pulled and pulled away, but nothing worked.  I didn't know why we were going in there for, or what they were doing with me, but it didn't seemed too plesent.  I half walked, half dragged behind him, as he led me more in the room. "Let me go" I yelled, but it didn't faze him all. He ignored my yell, as he opened a wooden door, and pulled me into another large room.

The room was  dark, with nothing but lit touches as a light source. It was a round room, with candles lit all over the place.  There was a chain that was attached to the floor, and two cuffs open to the ends of the chain.  The chain was short, but long enough to stand up and rotate around it. The room had no windows, no other doors. It even didn't have a air vent in the room.  My eyes widened as I looked in the room, feeling a fear of the last dream I had.  "They're going to burn me" I thought to myself, as Shiki started dragging me more into the room.  He led me to the middle where the chain was and stopped.  It took us over a minute to get there, seeing how I was constantly fighting him, but it didn't faze him at all.  My eyes widened as I thought of the dream I had, about when Rem killed me in a burning room.  The dream was coming true.  This is it, I'm going to die.  "Was this what Rem meant by disappearing? Strapping me down and burning me alive?" I asked myself.

I looked over at Shiki as he dragged me further, and I yanked back to free myself.  He was caught off guard, as I slipped through his hand, and made a run for it.  I ran towards the door, as I stopped in fear.  A figure of a man stood by the door, wearing a black cloak of some sort.   I didn't see who it was, until he spoke.  He took a sigh, before saying anything.  "Don't try to run, my little butterfly" the man said looking up.  Urie darted a glare at me, his orange eyes, started crystalizing as he stared at me, and smiled with a slight chuckle.  I gasped as I started to back up in fear.  I heard a chain raddling from the floor, as Shiki gripped my wrist again.  I jolted a look at him, as he clasped the shackle against my wrist, then pulled it tight as it just stiffened.  He did the same thing to the other, as he pushed me on my knees.  The whole set up was tight, almost making me loose the circulation in it.  When he was done, he brushed himself off, and walked away, joining Urie up against the wall. I watched them relax, confused about the situation.  "What's going on?" I yelled, as anger and fear rushed through me.  I pulled against the chains, making them raddle loudly, but it was no use.  Nothing happened.

I stopped as I started panting, trying to regain my breath.  Shiki and Urie was looking at the floor during my panic attack, but when I was finished, Shiki looked up.  "Ella, you done yet?" he asked getting annoyed. I looked at him with a evil look as I tried pulling free, but no success was made.  "Why are you doing this?  You can't do this to students" I yelled, making my voice boom against the walls. The echo pounded against my head, making it hurt even more. The torches near me, flickered by the sound of my voice.   The two didn't reply, which got me even more mad.  "SAY SOMETHING!" I yelled, as I pulled on the chains.  A sound of a metal door unlocking and opened up behind me.  "Silence" Rem's voice boomed throughout the room.  The flames of the candle's flickered more, as the wind blew them across the room.  One of the ashes brushed against my face, making me scream in pain. The ash steamed my skin, releasing a burning sent into the air around me.

Rem walked around me, looking down at me with anger in his eyes. "We told you this was going to happen if you didn't listen.  I thought it would work, but you still disobeyed my ordered" he said sternly, as the flames grew, but died down quickly.  The heat of the room rised up when it happened.  One of the ashes, brushed up against my neck, making it burn dramatically.  I screamed in pain, as the tears started forming in my eyes.  I dropped my head in pain as the tear dried instantly.  My dreams of being burned, are coming true.  I was going to die.  I looked at him as I continued crying.  "Rem, why are you doing this?" I yelled, letting the anger and stress that I bottled up for weeks, release at him.  Rem, as well as the rest of the committee, didn't talk, just stared at me in anger.  "I thought we told you to do as we said, to come to school daily, but you decided to ignore it" he said, but I cutted him off. "I was forced.  My brother kept him home" I yelled at him.  I looked up at him, sobbing from the pain.  "Rem, my brother made me do it.  He was just protecting me" I cried.

Rem didn't say anything, as well as the rest of the committee. They just stayed in their spot, staring at me in anger.  I looked up at Rem, as the tears dried in my eyes, but they still formed.  "Rem I'm sorry.  I'll do what I'm told, just don't kill me" I said, in a whisper tone.  Smoke from the fire filled my lungs as I started to cough. The committee didn't say or do anything, they just stared at me in hatred.  I gagged on the smoke as Rem sighed.  Shortly after, Rem snapped his fingers, making the fire disappear and steam filled the room.  I regained my breath, as I coughed, and almost threw up.  I felt sick to the point where I could pass out at any moment.  "We'll give you one last chance.  But you live with us, and do exactly as we say.  Also, don't try to run, or we'll kill you.  Behave, this has been your final warning" he said walking around me towards the door.  "Thank you" I gasped as I looked at the floor.

Rem started walking to the outer door, that went to the building.  Feet ran through the halls as voices and the sound of sniffing broke the silence.  "ELLA! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Lindo yelled as he ran passed the door.  Parts of me wanted to yell for him, try to get him to come in, but I was given a second chance to live.  I didn't want to give it up.  I heard Lindo give deep breaths as he spoke.  "ELLA!  SAY SOMETHING!" Lindo yelled as he stopped down the hall.  I heard a sneer as the long haired, man spoke. "Uh, I hate Exorcists.  Always getting in the way" he gripped, as he cracked his knuckled.  My eyes widened by the sound of it.  I was too scared to do anything, too scared to yell.  Rem stopped before he opened the door.  He turned around to look at the four of us.  "Mage, come with me and help me distract the Exorcist. Urie, Shiki, get Ella out of here, and to the car out back.  Stay with her in the car, and wait for further instructions" he said as he left, with Mage.

I sighed in relief of not dying, as they freed me.  I dropped to the floor weak, as I sat myself up and rubbed my hands. "My little butterfly isn't going to die today" Urie sighed, as I stood up, shaking from everything. Shiki walked around me as he just stared, not saying a word.  "You poor thing. Wonder what Rem's plans for you is" he sighed, as he grabbed the sleeve of my shirt, and followed Urie out of the room.  They led me to the back of the room, to a secret back door.   "Follow me, and be a good little butterfly" Urie said as we walked down this black hallway, but it didn't take long.  Standing in front of us, was a plain wooden door, with a silver handle attached to it.  Urie started to unlock it, as I gulped, not knowing what was beyond that door.

Once the door open, we went into the room, with Shiki shutting the door behind us.  I looked seeing Rem's car sitting in a driveway, waiting to be running.  I looked at it in confusion, as I started crying a bit.  "Their taking me away" I thought to myself, as I felt tears drip down my cheek.  Shiki walked down towards it and Urie stayed on the steps with me.  Shiki walked towards the back, as he opened the door and waved me to get in.  "Human's first" he said, in a friendly tone.  I didn't move, just sat there crying and wanting to run.  Urie sighed, as a thumb whipped my cheek.  "Awe, poor thing. Your really scared at the moment.  It's not going to be as bad as you think" he said, trying to comfort me.  He placed a hand around my shoulders as we walked into the car, and waited for the others before leaving.  I sat there with a few questing in my mind.  Where are they taking me and am I going to die?

Imprissoned By The Devil ( A Dance With Devils Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant