Part 6

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When I got to school, I walked strait to the third library and up the staircase.  I stopped halfway up, seeing the door open and a boy in a blue uniform, walk to the top of the staircase and started walking down.  He didn't see me at first, so I thought he was just a student leaving for his class.  He then, looked up at me, confusion spread across his face.   The boy was dressed in a blue shirt, with a tan undershirt barley showing through it.  He had a badge of some sort on his top layer, pinned on his top shirt.  He wore the same tag that the brown dog wore, last time I came here.  He looked at me in confusion, then spoke up.  "Ella Tatchibani?" he asked, curiosity grew in his voice.  I nodded as I finished catching my breath, seeing how I ran all the way here.  The tiredness grew within me, as I tried not to show it. The boy looked up at me, as he smiled and waved his hand to follow.  "Your wanted" he said as he turned and started walking up to the door.  I followed him as we got to the doors, ahead.  He opened one of the doors slightly, as he waved me in to enter.  

I walked in the room, seeing everyone sitting at the table again. Rem was at his desk, and everyone was stairing at me.  The boy shut the door behind me, but his footsteps didn't leave the room.  "Was he standing guard, just in case I ran?" I thought to myself.  I kept my mind open, and slowley entured the room in silence."Your late today" Rem's voice boomed as he got up and walked away from his desk. I gulped silently to myself as I cleared my voice.  "I'm sorry I arrived so late, I" I started to say, but his voice cut me off.  "I don't need an explanation.  I'm just glad to see you made it here, without harm" his voice boomed, sounding angry to me.  I fell silent, as he walked closer to me.  "You didn't tell anyone, did you?" he asked, his eyes almost crystalizing agian.  I gulped, not knowing what to say, or how to say it.  "No. No one else knows about this" I said in a calm tone.  I felt the fear grow within me, even though I didn't show it.  I knew that Lindo was getting curious about it, but I didn't tell him yet. Rem huffed as he staired at me, but I didn't look at him.  I felt his gase stairing at me, starting to scare me even more.  "Does Ritska know about this?" he asked sternly.  I shook my head, not wanting to talk about it.  Parts of me wanted to make an excuse to leave and make a run for it.  I didn't want to play along anymore.  I was turning into a big part of a huge evil plan, and I was getting tired of it.  Rem huffed in frustraition as he pointed to a cubby in the wall, with a little couch in it.  "Go in there, lay down and relax for now" he demmanded, his voice rized within the room.  I nodded as I did what was told.  I lied down, as I staired out the window, thinking of just trying to run. The sky was a pinkish color, as the sun started to rise up. The clouds were a orange color, adding a pretty effect to the sky.  The cool, fall breeze brushed through the window, chilling against my skin as it passed through.

I heard mumbling from the committe as I lied there.  A minute later it grew quiet, except for foorsteps outside the door.  A knock pounded on the door, as Ritska's voice muffled past it. "Rem, may I come in?" she asked, calmly waiting for the ok. Rem looked at the door, as he looked over at me.  "Roen, shut the curtains" he said, as he pointed at my area.  The boy with blue hair, walked over and did as told.  The curtains were big red curtains, that dragged on the floor.  Gold strings sprawled on the bottom of them. "Don't move or say a word" Rem's voice muffled through the curtains.  The thought of it, scared me even more.  I didn't know what to do.  My heart started racing as I sat up, but didn't leave the couch. A panic was growing within me, as I thought of many reasons why he did this.  "Alright, come in" he said to Ritska as the door opened.  I heard footsteps as the door shut, and the room drew quiet.  "Sorry to be a bother and pulling you away from your work, but I was looking for Ella, and I heard she was here" she said in a somewhat shy tone.  I wanted to open these curtains and tell her I was here, but I was told not to do anything.  I stood, wanting to do it, but I ended up lying down on the couch lisening to the conversation.

"Ella left a hour ago, she said that she would see you at home" Rem said, lying to her.  I jolted my head towards the curtain as I lised to the conversation.  The fear grew within me, as tears were forming in my eye.  Rem was lying to her, he never lied to her before.  I looked down at my hands as I tried to hide the tears.  This is when everything was starting to scare me more.  I took the time to think of what was going on in life.  Rem's threatening me, not letting me tell anyone, now he's lying to Ritska.  Is he trying to ruin my life?  I heard Ritska sigh as she started walking. "Alright, thanks for letting me know.  And if you see her, tell her to come home please" she said in a calm voice.  "Will do" he said, as she opened the door and left the room in silence.  I whipped a tear from my eye, as I thought of what he just did.  "He just lied to Ritska.  What is he doing?  Am I part of a plan that he's trying to put into effect?" I heard tiny voices as footsteps grew closer and the man in white opened the curtains.  "Your aloud to join us again" he said, with a creepy smile on his face, as he turned and walked away from the cubby. I followed as I staired at the floor, in thought. I needed to get out of here, it wasn't safe anymore.  "May I go to the restroom before we continue?" I asked, thinking of a plan to get out of here.  Rem huffed as he nodded.  "Roen, will you escort her please?" he asked the boy that welcomed me in the first place.  He nodded as we walked out of the room, and headded in that direction.

We walked to a door with a bathroom sigh on it. Roen looked at me, as he gestured to the door.  "Take all the time you need" he said, as he stood aside, letting me enter the room.  I shut the door behind me, as I whipped around and walked more towards the stalls.  The whole room was pink tile.  White stalls and sinks sat against the walls, and a fancy hand dryer sat next to the first sink.  The back wall had a small window, that was big enough to go through.  My eyes widdened as I walked quickly towards it.  I silently hopped on the sill as I looked back at the door, seeing that it was still shut.  Quietly, I reached for the nob, unclocked it and slowley opened it.  A pop out screen was placed behind the glass, the opening still big enough to go through.  I looked back again, as I popped the screen out. The door was shut, but the sound of huffing entered the room. "Are you all set in there?" Roen yelled from outside the door.  "Yep, almost done" I yelled back, as I placed my legs on the top of the extended roof.  I shut the window as I continued to climb to the flat ground, then made a run for it.  I knew I had to go somewhere safe, and home was the only way out.  So here I was, running home, hopeing that I wouldn't get caught.

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