Part 8

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I awoke to a weird sniffing sound, and movements on what I was lying on.  I started to open my eyes, hearing the movement coming closer.  Dim lights blinded me, even though the room was darker than I seen. My head pounded a little, as my vision was blurry, but started clearing up within seconds.  Whimpering entered the room, then a little bark.  The tiredness still effected me majorly, so I didn't do too much.  I closed my eyes again, but ended up fully opening, seeing a strange room, with a little Pomeranian lying next to me on the bed.  His head rested on his paws and his tail was curled up against his back.  His black eyes stared at me, while he continued to whimper more.  He looked extremely relaxed, like he just woke up himself."Where am I?" I spoke aloud, but more to myself.  I sat up in the bed, as I fully gained my eye sight.  The dog barked again as it cuddled up next to me on the bed.  I looked down at the dog in confusion, feeling a little headache forming slightly.  The brown dog whimpered, as he stuck his nose underneath my hand, wagging his tail happily.  "Do you want me to pet you?" I asked, rubbing my hand against his ear.  I was starting to catch on to what it wanted. I found out by watching his reaction to what I asked him. The dog rolled on its back, curling up its paws and striating out his tail.  I pulled my hand away from it, as I looked at the tag, trying to read it.  I stopped when the dog whimpered again, and looked at me.  It stared at me with those pure black eyes, that was darker than night.  It looked a little sad, as it continued to whimper.

"Oh, do you want to be petted again?" I asked, not knowing what else it wanted.  "Woof" went the dog, as it stuck his head under my hand.  I gently scratched it's ear, hearing the dog make a happy, whimpering sound, as it wagged it's tail extremely fast.  "Awe, aren't you just a cutie" I said, keeping my voice down, so I could heal some more.  I chuckled as I looked up around the room.  The room was circular, with cream colored walls and a light brown carpet.  I was lying in a small sized bed, with about two pillows, and a brown blanket tucking me into it.  There was no comforter or anything else. Nothing else was in the room, except for a dim light, that sat on top of the ceiling.  I couldn't see any doors at all,  which confused me majorly. "How did I get in here?" I asked the dog, while climbing out of bed.  Strangely, I wasn't chained to the bed at all, letting me walk freely into the room.  "What is this place?" I asked the dog, still looking around.  I walked up to the wall in front of me, while feeling the walls for a handle or something. Nothing.  They was a couple of lights on the wall by the bed, but that was just about my only clue.  "How did I get in here?" I asked myself as I heard the dog stop panting.  "They put you in here" A voice said, making me jolt in shock.  Was there a ghost in here? Or did the dog just talk?

I silently and fearfully turned around to face the bed.  The boy that I saw at the library last time, was sitting on the bed, right where the dog was.  I jolted back, slamming against the wall behind me, scared of this strange boy. He looked the same, same uniform and everything.  I looked at him in shock, as he tilted his head in confusion.  "What's the look for, Ally?" he asked, as his head tilting in confusion.  My eyes bulged out, as I backed up against the wall.  "You..You just changed into a boy" I said in a panic.  The boy looked at me in confusion.  His eyes squinting at me, but turned sad quickly.  "Awe, you poor thing.  They've been stressing you out.  You look tired" he said in a upsetting tone to his voice.  I took a deep breath as I tried calming down.  "I'm not tired, and your not making me sleep" I said angrily, preparing myself for a fight.  "Calm down before you stress yourself out.  I'm not doing anything to harm you. If I wanted to harm you, I wouldn't be in here too" he said getting off the cot, and walking over towards me.

He held out his hand as he cracked a smile.  "Roen" he said, a friendly tone to his voice. I backed up in fear, not knowing what to do.  "Calm down, I'm not wanting to hurt you" he said standing still, but his hand was still out.  I reached for his hand, as he grasped it, and shook.  When he pulled his hand away, he walked past me up to the wall.  "Theirs a door around here, if I remember" he said feeling the wall. I watched him, as he rubbed the wall everywhere, walking back and forth around the room.  "Roen,  who put us in here?"  I asked, hoping he knew. Roen stopped what he was doing, and turned to face me again.  He sighed as his figure tips unleashed long, black claws.  "Rem.  Rem Kaginuki and the rest of the committee" he said, scratching the wall until his hands bump something. I tipped my head down as Rem's voice entered my head.  "I'll make you disappear" it said, as it echoed in my head.  I jolted my head up as I gasped, thinking of the different dreams that's been happening in my sleep.  "He was right" I said as I sat back on the bed.  Roen stopped scratching the wall, as he turned back and looked at me.  He didn't say anything, just stared at me. "What, when he said you'll disappear if you told anyone?" he asked, knowing that it's what I was referring to.  I nodded, still speechless.  Roen sighed as he tried opening the door again.

We stayed silent for a while, I was sitting on the cot and he continued attending to the tightly sealed door.  He stopped as he looked over at it.  He took a step back, looking closely at the door. "Don't worry Ella, as long as your with me, you'll be ok.  I'm getting you home and they can't hurt you when I'm around" he said, as he released his claws and started scratching at the door. Something clicked, as the door cracked open a bit.  Roen looked back at me, cracking a little smile.  'I got it" he said, happily as he looked back at the door.  I got off the bed as I followed him out into the hallway.  Roen looked up the hall, then down towards where he was facing. "Ok, they don't seem to be around anywhere, come on" he said as he started walking down the hallway.  I looked the other way, then back to him.  I stood there as I watched him turn around. "Ally, come on, before they find out" he said in a worried tone.  I stood still, not wanting to move.  "How can I trust you? Your a devil, just like them" I said, as I started to back up.  Roen quickly turned to face me, anger growing on his face.

"Look, I'm not like them.  I'm not a devil, I'm a Cerberus. There's a difference.  And yes, I did come here with them, but seeing how they've treated you, I'm not one of them.  Your brother must be worried. Now let's go before they find out" he said as he turned and walked down the hall.  "You didn't answer my question" I said, making him stop in his tracks.  He didn't turn around, or look at me, just stood there, with his head hung low.  "How can I trust you? You came with them, and been a part of this ever since it started."  Roen turned around and looked me in the eye.  He huffed before he spoke.  "Ehen they made you sit in the library, I was the one that comforted you.  I knew this would get out of hand, and to be honest, you need to listen to your brother more" he said, as the sound of a door opening, came around the corner ahead.  Roen gasped as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me as we ran.  "Come on, I'll explain more later" he said, as he dragged me across with him.

I ran behind him, as he dragged me across the hallways, darting left and right.  I looked back seeing no one following us yet.  I was practically tripping over his legs, but I still kept up with it.  I looked back, seeing the hallway darken as we ran.  I looked back as he quickly pulled me through a double door, then went back for it.  He shut the door and tied a piece of ribbon around the handles, working rather quickly, like he was in a panic himself.  I could hear his deep breathing as he faced me.  "Ok, I think that will hold them for now, but we got to hurry" he said as we turned around and walked more down the hallway.  We walked in silence for a while, Roen stayed in his human form for me.  I kept my head low as we walked.  "You all set?" he asked, breaking the silence.  I didn't reply, just looked back.  "Yeah, I'm fine" I said, finally.  Roen kept silent, this time but he gave a little smile.

"Your brother's probably worried" he said, as he looked forward. I didn't say anything, just kept silent as I thought. What was Rem trying to do exactly?  Roen stopped in front of a doorway, and opened it.  The door led to a hallway, that was lit with torches.  Brick walls grew down it, keeping it dark. "This way" he said as he waved to the hall.  I gave him a look like he was crazy.  "I'm not going to hurt you, trust" he said but he stopped.  Mumbling came from down the hall, grabbing my attention.  Roen gasped as he grabbed my wrist, yanking me into the hallway.  He slammed the door quickly, as he pushed me on the ground. "Roen what" I said, but he crashed next to me, placed a hand around my arms, and the other against my mouth. "Shh" was the only thing he said.

I sat there listening to the footsteps and voices.  "Man, how long are we keeping her locked in there with that traitor?" a rough voice asked, as footsteps stopped in front of the door.  "He told us until he can make her come to her senses on what the world is turning into" another voice replied.  I sat there in confusion, hearing Roen shifting next to me.  He backed away from me, releasing me from his grip. "Shhh, let's hurry" he said, as he morphed into the Pomeranian, and started walking down the hall.  I looked back at the door in confusion, as I followed him, and we continued on finding a way out.

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