Meet Jaycee

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Last night I told my dad about Toby and everything that he told me and he said he wanted to meet Toby before anything gets serious. I told him Toby could come over today and so I told Toby to come over and meet my dad, and so he is on his way over. 

Knocks come from the door and I go over to get it. I know I look bad but if he can't see me in my sweat pants and tank top, then well he isn't for me.

 Knocks come from the door and I go to answer it. 

"Hey!" he said smiling at me 

"Hey." I said smiling back

"Hi." my dad said 

I told Toby that after him and my dad and met and were on good terms I would take him to eat with me and Jaycee. I went into the kitchen to feed Jaycee and listen in onto the conversation. 

"Yes sir and my intentions with Teralyn are only the best." said Toby

"That is good to know, so how about your family what are their names and what do they do for a living?" my dad asked 

" Well my parents names are Sherri and Josh Peterwood and they work for the president by doing some private investigating." he said slowly

"Wow, I was friends with your father, we even played some football together! Tell him JJ said hello." my dad said

This is the best thing I could have asked for, Toby and my dad getting along and laughing!

I cleaned up Jaycee and walked into the living room,

"This is the famous Jaycee." I said

"Wow she looks just like you, beautiful." he said, kind of like he was going to cry

"Thank you." I said 

"Well I don't know about you but I am starving." Toby said

"Yeah me too, dad do you mind watching her?" I asked

"Honey, I have a meeting today, what do you think about letting your Aunt Linda watch her you know how much she loves to?" dad asked 

"Toby do you mind driving us there and letting me drop her off and then we can go eat, she just lives about 5 miles down the road." I asked Toby

"Sure, lets go." said Toby 

I called my aunt and she said she didn't mind at all, so we packed her in the car and drove away.

"You know she could come with us next time." Toby said

"Yeah, but I want to be extremely sure that we are going to work" I said

"Okay, you know I am afraid to kiss you." he said

"Why?" I ask playfully

"Because your so fragile, I don't want to go to fast." he said

I was ready so I leaned over and gave him and kiss and then he kissed me and we just sat there kissing for like 3 minutes. Then I walked Jaycee in and thanked my aunt one more time. 

I walked out to see Toby in the car talking to his dad and telling him he needed the rest of the day off, but his dad needed him to come and get something to drop off.

"Hey, my dad needs me to drop by and pick something up for him, is that okay?" he asked 

"Sure, but I look like a mess." I said

"Nahh, you look perfect." he said

Then he started driving towards his house and now I was getting nervous, what if they don't like me? 

Hey Guys hope you guys are liking the story so far, keep reading voting commenting and subbing!!

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