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My Bio fast forward 4 years. 

Toby and I got married the day my mother passed away. My father and my whole side of the family cried because I decided to wear my mothers dress. Over the years we have had one more child and named her Jenna Olivia Peterswood, she is 2 years younger than Jaycee. They both have names that start with a J, so we thought that when I have my little boy, yes I am pregnant, we will name him James. My dad has started dating, but still keeping mom in his heart and he is due to wed in July or August. 

In the beginning I said there was no such thing as love, but, I guess you will just have to find it. Love isn't something you can buy, beg for, or sell when you get it, you get it by being you and showing someone a side of you that no one knows. 


Let Love Come 

Thanks for reading:) 

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