Chapter 5

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Hermione waited a few minutes, and then followed Harry downstairs, keeping her distance until she saw him meet up with a tall, burly boy with light brown hair and brown eyes waiting with a trunk.

"Ah, there you are, Harry," the boy said.

Hermione saw Harry smile and hold out his hand. "Hello, Wood."

Hermione swallowed as she watched them. So that was Oliver Wood. As she watched, Oliver's smile faded as he let go of Harry's hand and looked around. Hermione quickly ducked out of sight.

"What is it?" she heard Harry ask him.

"Well, you're here, Potter," Oliver replied to Harry's question. "But where's -"

"Here I am!" Hermione called rounding the doorway. "You must be Oliver."

"Ah, hello lass," Oliver greeted her with a smile. "Right you are. I was wondering."

Hermione stepped up and offered her hand to him, and he shook it. She couldn't help but laugh to herself when she saw the strange look Harry gave them out of the corner of her eye.

"It's good to finally meet you," Oliver said, letting go of her hand at last.

"You as well," Hermione answered with a nod of her head.

"Well," Oliver said. "Shall we?"

"Ex-excuse me a moment, Oliver," Harry interrupted and Oliver nodded. Harry turned and grabbed Hermione by the arm, dragging her a little ways away, and she stumbled slightly.

"Harry!" she cried out in protest as she nearly fell but caught her balance and shook his hand off her arm. "What is wrong with you?"

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked with a hiss, keeping his voice low as he glared at her. "I told you that no one was supposed to know about this! Wood wanted to keep it a secret, and how do you know him anyway?"

"I know him because we've been writing since our first night!" Hermione growled back, glaring at him. "Not that you or Ron care, but he's my friend, and I told you that I never said I was coming along for you. He invited me," she finished in a dangerously low voice, making Harry blink in surprise. "You're going to be late," she reminded him, and gestured toward Oliver, who she saw out of her peripheral vision was shuffling his feet, kicking at the grass, his hands in his pockets as he waited for them.

"Fine," Harry spat. "But you could have told me why you insisted on coming."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Like you would have listened."

"Alright," Harry said finally, not admitting that she was right. "Let's just go."

"Are you alright there, lass?" Oliver asked when they headed back toward him.

"Yes, I'm fine, Oliver," she answered with a smile. "Thank you for asking."

Oliver nodded and then looked at Harry. "Ready?" he asked.

"Yeah," Harry answered.

"Alright then," Oliver said. "Grab an end and let's go."

Harry grabbed the other end of the trunk, and they headed down the lawn toward the pitch, Hermione walking on Oliver's other side.

"So, Oliver," Harry said as they walked. "I know Professor McGonagall said that she found you a new Seeker, when we met, but I'm not really sure what that is."

"Have you ever heard of Quidditch, Harry?" Oliver asked.

"Well, no, not really," Harry admitted. "Just what Ron said. He said it was wizards' sport, the best game there was, but he didn't actually say what it was."

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