Chapter 20

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The next day, Hermione woke up late. She silently thanked the powers that be that classes were over, and her dorm mates let her sleep. Slowly, the events of the night before came back to her, and she came to the conclusion that she must have needed it.

She groaned, stretching, and as she sat up and opened her eyes, something on her bedside table caught her attention. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she reached out and picked up the small paper dragon and unfolding it, began to read:

5 June 1992

Oh, thank Merlin you're safe! Dumbledore told us at breakfast what happened, everyone knows everything now, because it's some big secret. I can't believe that it was Professor Quirrell, though, now that I think about it, it does make sense. I remember plenty of times seeing him around Harry, but never wanting to touch him, even when Harry just offered him a friendly handshake.
To think that Harry's mother's magic still protected him! It's unbelievable! And for it to have that kind of reaction? Why, I'm surprised that the Ministry didn't get involved and try to lock him in Azkaban for what happened, even though it clearly wasn't Harry's fault. Knowing what Fudge is like though, it wouldn't surprise me if they tried, but to turn Quirrell into a pile of dust! I mean, it's rather scary the lengths Harry's mum went to in order to protect him from You-Know-Who.
Anyway, I hope that you'll be recovered enough to make it to the game tomorrow — and Harry too, though he's the worst for wear, and we will do our best without him if we need to. We could always call up one of the other students who wanted to try out for Seeker if possible, though from what I heard, you didn't do too bad on a broom, not to mention spotting that key.

Hermione smiled and shook her head.

I also have to tell you that I am so proud, and impressed with what you did as well. That took a lot of bravery. Never doubt that you are a true Gryffindor. I hope to see you at the feast if I don't see you at the game.


Hermione sighed and shook her head again, smiling as she thought about Oliver trying to talk her into being a Seeker. She may have gone through something scary, and to him, that may have been enough to conquer her fear of flight, but in truth, it didn't.

She glanced at her wrist watch, another item she'd picked up in Diagon Alley at the beginning of the year when she couldn't find a style she liked that wasn't electronic in Muggle London. It was nearly lunch. Pushing herself from bed, she gathered her toiletries from her trunk and a change of clothes and made her way to the girl's showers.

Once there, she turned it to as hot as she could stand before getting in and letting the heat ease the tension in her muscles and wake her up for a few minutes before she washed up, lathering her hair and body before she rinsed, dried off and finally dressed in a fresh uniform, feeling refreshed.

Heading down to lunch, she waved at Ron and smiled, noticing he was talking with Neville, Seamus and Dean in Harry's absence, and made her way over to Oliver.

"Well, hello there, lass," Oliver greeted when George and Lee nodded toward her, and he turned around. He stood, and gave her a hug that she gladly returned. "Come on, sit down," he said. "You must be hungry."

"Starving," she agreed, taking her seat between Lee and Oliver and filling her plate.

"So," George said, and she looked up at him curiously as she began to eat.

"Dumbledore told us what happened," Fred said.

"Yes," Hermione said, swallowing her food and wiping at her mouth with her sleeve — something she would deny if ever asked about, and hoped Ron didn't see her. "That's what Oliver said in his letter."

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