Chapter 27

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Wow! Over 1000 views! Thank you all so much for reading my story! I'm honored that it had made it into so many reading lists! Hoping that this act turns out well and you all enjoy it. This chapter gave me a bit of difficulty, but I think I got it squared away with what I wanted to happen. Enjoy!

Oliver began to worry about Hermione when she was distant over the next several days. He realised that she was doing her best to ignore Malfoy, but still he was concerned that she'd not replied to either letter he'd sent her since she'd bid him goodnight. She was so distant in fact that he wondered if, without realising it herself, she had slipped into a deep depression.

Oliver and the twins noticed when she didn't appear for Gryffindor's Quidditch practice the next week like she normally did. When questioned about it, Harry simply shrugged, looking lost. Oliver surmised that Harry had become used to her joining him when he came down for practice. They all had, really. As he looked over the team, even Angelina and Katie looked worried over her absence.

He, the twins and Lee watched her over that time and noticed she did things like eating and sleeping and homework after classes as though she was in a daze, just going through the motions. She had withdrawn into herself, her thoughts were her own, and she barely responded when someone — mostly Harry or Ron since she sat closer to them — talked to her. In fact, it took them several attempts to get her attention.

None of this deterred Malfoy though. The git still glared at her and spouted hateful words whenever he got the chance. The twins had done just as Oliver told her they would, and went out of their way to prank the uppity little prat. Unfortunately, it didn't help matters any, and he was still a jerk to her.

Finally, Oliver knew he had to act. That it was time he wrote to her parents.

10 September 1992
Mr & Mrs Granger,
This is Oliver Wood, we met in Diagon Alley before the start of term. I know that I may be overstepping my bounds, and Hermione might be mad at me for doing this, but I felt that I had to write to you.

On Saturday, 5 September, Hermione and Ron came to the Quidditch practice with Harry. This is something that she has enjoyed doing since I introduced her to the sport last year, and she never missed a practice since.
I'm not sure how much Hermione has told you about life here at Hogwarts. I think it's alright to explain a little about it so that you know what I am talking about. Students at Hogwarts are sorted into one of four dormitories when they arrive. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin. Each house has a team that plays Quidditch. I booked the field for Gryffindor practice that day, but the Slytherin team showed up with a note to train their new player.
Draco Malfoy is the boy's name, and he is very rude, and conceited. He is the reason I am writing to you. He is a spoiled little rich kid, who always gets his way, or tries to. He's been jealous of Harry since they met last year and Harry made the Gryffindor team.

He used his father's influence and money to get on the Slytherin team this year, supplying the whole team with new equipment that gives them an unfair advantage. This is the kind of person Malfoy is. He is also from a family whose lineage is what wizards call 'pure blood' meaning they have always been magical, and never married outside the magical families.
On Saturday, Hermione insulted him, calling him out and aptly so, for buying his way onto the team. He in turn retaliated against her by calling her... well, so that you know, I suppose I should tell you. Calling her a 'Mudblood'. I want you to understand that not all wizarding families — even those who like the Malfoys are pure bloods think the way the Malfoys do. This is an uncommon insult that one does not generally hear in conversation.
It hurt her really bad. I know that she doesn't care about him or what he thinks, but all the same, she was hurt by his words. She's become distant to everyone since. It takes Harry and Ron several times to get her attention, and my friends, Lee and the Weasley twins — Ron's brothers who you also met — have been watching her and it's like she's just going through the motions. I am at a loss on what to do or how to help her, but I thought that you should know.

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