Chapter 9

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22 September 1991


I wanted to let you know that I will be a bit late to sit with you at breakfast — or might not even make it until lunch. I want to at least try and appease Ron. I won't actually sit with them, but will sit close — if that makes sense... at least close enough to hear if he says anything dumb or is still taking my greeting out on Harry. If he is, I plan on setting him straight, even if I have to do it in front of the whole school. I just wanted to let you know so that you weren't worried.


Hermione tapped the parchment with her wand and it folded into a seagull. "Oliver Wood," she said. "Off you go."

Once she sent the letter, she finished getting dressed and went down to breakfast. She had decided to send Oliver the letter this morning after she'd not received a reply from her last one, though she expected that he just needed time to digest what she'd told him about finding the three headed dog on the third floor, and the fact that she, Harry and Ron nearly got themselves killed.

She ignored Harry and Ron this morning, sitting a few feet away and propped a book open before getting a bowl and filling it with oatmeal. She sat behind the book, not really paying attention, but rather listening to their conversation.

"Look at her," Ron scoffed

Harry sighed. "Ron, just leave her alone."

"What?" Ron said.

"Look," Harry said. "You got mad at her — and me — for her being nice and saying hello yesterday. You got mad at her for sitting somewhere else, instead of with us while all you've been doing is glaring at her or making snide comments, like she's just supposed to put up with it. Then, you get mad at her for sitting with your brothers and their friends when they're nicer to her than you are. I'm sick of it, just leave her alone."

"Fine." Ron huffed.

"And don't glare at me, either," Harry said. "I'm Switzerland."

"You're what?" Ron asked, confused.

"I'm Switzerland," Harry repeated. "It's a Muggle saying — it means I'm not taking sides."

"Whatever," Ron said. "Hey! Mail's here!"

Hermione glanced up as indeed the owls flew overhead. She wasn't expecting anything so she went back to listening from behind her book and spooned oatmeal into her mouth as she sat hunched over.

"Can I borrow this?" Harry asked someone. "Hey! Look at this!"

"What?" Ron asked.

"Believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches unknown, Gringotts goblins, while acknowledging the breach, insist nothing was taken. The vault in question, number 713, had in fact, been emptied the very same day." Harry read aloud. "But we're not telling you what was in there, so keep your noses out if you know what's good for you, said a Gringotts spokesgoblin this afternoon."

Harry paused and took a drink from his pumpkin juice before continuing with interest, "Gringotts now need to readdress their security system. Goblin security specialists are combing the land for a better breed of security dragon to replace the now deemed useless existing ones. They are even going as far as examining Muggle security systems. Gringotts will need to get another security system in place before any more breaches occur. Wizards and witches all over the country are scratching their heads wondering how safe their money is in the so-called safest wizard bank. Gringotts Head Goblins are urging the wizarding community for calm," Harry finished.

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