Chapter 19

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Hermione followed Professor Dumbledore up to the seventh floor and to his office, thoroughly confused. She blinked as he stopped by a large phoenix statue in an alcove, and held out his hand to her, signalling that she move into the corner.

"Sherbert Lemon," he said after she did so, and she was slightly startled when the phoenix began to move, or rather the floor beneath it as the statue itself remained stationary. The floor rose, the sound of stone on stone grating on her ears as the floor shifted, and rotated forming a circular stairway. She turned back to see him step into the alcove a bit behind her, but not close enough to crowd her in the small space, and they rode the escalator like stairs up to a large wooden door.

Moving out of the way, Hermione saw him flick his wrist and turned at the sound of the door creaking open.

"After you, Ms Granger," he said, and held the door open for her, then shut it behind him.

"Th-thank you, sir," Hermione stammered slightly, not sure why she was here and if she really was in trouble.

Dumbledore smiled at her and motioned for her to have a seat, she swallowed, perching on the edge. "Lemon drop?" he asked, moving behind his desk and offering her a small bowl from the corner of the desktop after he sat down.

"Um," Hermione smiled slightly. "N-no, thank you, sir."

"Relax, Ms Granger," he said kindly. "I have asked you here to get more details on what happened, that is all."

"Oh," Hermione said, somewhat relieved, though a slight tenseness remained.

He studied her for a moment, and then sighed. "So, Ms Granger," he began. "I believe I heard you say that young Harry believed that it was Professor Snape who was after the Stone?"

"Yes, sir," Hermione said with a nod.

"I see," he replied. "Well, I suppose the first question I should ask is how the three of you found out about it yourselves." He arched a brow as he studied her again, and she shifted under his gaze.

"W-well, sir," she stammered. "I-it wasn't easy."

"No," Professor Dumbledore answered. "Nor was it intended to be, however, please humour me."

"Yes, sir," Hermione said. "W-well, it all started with Draco Malfoy..."

Hermione spent the next half hour explaining to the Headmaster what had happened over the year. He remained quiet most of the time, but would interrupt every so often for clarification. The more she talked, the more Hermione began to relax. It was so good, she realised, to get it off her chest, whether or not she got in trouble for it.

"That is quite the adventure," Professor Dumbledore said when she had finished. "I can assure you that Professor Snape was not the villain in this tale, although you will have to take my word, for I cannot divulge the reason behind my claim."

Hermione swallowed and nodded.

"Now," Professor Dumbledore said. "There was one other matter I wanted to discuss with you."

"Yes, sir?" Hermione asked, a renewed sense of dread filling her.

"I couldn't help noticing while we were on our way to Mr Potter's aid, that you used some spells far beyond that of a first year."

Hermione shifted uncomfortably, feeling small and scolded as the man peered over his half-moon glasses as he studied her. "Yes, sir," she replied quietly.

"I have to wonder," Professor Dumbledore continued, "How a first year student, like yourself, would know such spells?"

"W-well, Professor," she said uneasily. "I - I was so excited to be accepted here, never having heard of it before, being Muggle-born, that I got everything I could get my hands on to learn about the new world I was entering. I love reading, and can make it through books fairly quickly, so when I went to Diagon Alley for my textbooks, I got the rest of the Charms books as well," she finished with a blush.

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